
The guy who came here with ling'er was pinched by Li Hao and almost fainted, but he could only groan in pain and couldn't even say a cruel word or beg for mercy.

Although I don't know which immortal this guy believes in, it's obvious that his God doesn't mean to protect him at all.

I'm kidding. Li Hao has connections with people in the immortal and the underworld. He knows that the three worlds have been isolated by the powerful seal of Hongjun Taoist ancestor. Even the Immortal Emperor and the Ming Jun can't come to the world through the seal. Can this guy's broken God turn out the sky?

He threw this guy aside as if he were throwing garbage. After making sure he didn't dare to do anything again, Li Hao came to linger them again.

After seeing Li haogang's amazing performance of subduing one person in an instant, the people in the team all had a trace of awe for Li Hao. When they saw him coming again, they all quickly stepped aside to facilitate Li Hao's passing.

"Li Hao, ah Qiang won't let us touch him. It hurts when we touch him. What should we do?"

Ling'er anxiously looked at Li Hao and asked.

"I'd better stun him."

Li Hao looked at ah Qiang's painful appearance and stretched out his hand to press the shenting cave and Shangxing cave on ah Qiang. Ah Qiang's scream suddenly stopped, his neck tilted aside and fell asleep.

Li Hao showed this hand, which convinced the people and improved their trust in him.

"How long has it been since he felt wrong?"

Li Hao put his hand on a Qiang's wrist pulse door and asked ling'er next to him.

"Very short, just a few minutes!"

Hearing Li Hao's question, ling'er thought for a moment and said, "not long after we arrived here, a Qiang said he had some dizziness. We thought he had inhaled some miasma in the jungle by mistake, so we gave him two antidote pills and thought he was all right, but he didn't think he looked right after a few minutes. He soon fell down and couldn't walk!"

"What a powerful poison..."

Li Hao took back his hand. His face was also a little ugly. He pursed his lips and said, "I can treat him. You prepare hemostatic gauze and medicine next to him. I'll treat him now."

"Right here? How to treat it?"

A middle-aged man in the team said in surprise: "although we have brought the medicine box, there are only the most basic gauze and some anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs in it!"

"I am a traditional Chinese medicine."

Li Hao took a silver needle from his waist and smiled at them. Then he twisted the tip of the needle with his two fingers and began to heat the silver needle with a special technique.

The fire acupuncture method just learned by Li haogang is the bane of poison. Basically, it can be said that there is no strange poison in the three realms. The fire acupuncture method in the five element divine needle is helpless. Therefore, Li Hao is very confident that if he makes his own move, the poison on a Qiang should not be a problem.

However, for some cases where the poisoning is too deep and takes a long time, even if the toxin is removed, the body has been greatly damaged. If this is the case, if you want to cure it completely, you need not only fire acupuncture, but also acupuncture with other attributes to achieve the best effect.

A Qiang should have just been poisoned. Although his poison is urgent and fierce, Li Hao is still confident that he can be cured!


Li Hao's silver needle just pierced into a Qiang's body. A sound of water entering the oil pan came. Even in a coma, a Qiang's body shook and twitched instinctively!

"What a terrible poison!"

The silver needle between Li Hao's fingers turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye. It can be seen that the toxicity is more terrible than arsenic, peacock gall and heding red!

"How on earth did he get poisoned?"

Li Hao's expression is dignified. This is the first time he has encountered such a difficult situation. Therefore, even if he has mastered the fire acupuncture method that claims to be able to crack all the poisons in the world, Li Hao still has to be careful.

After a needle went down, Li Hao once again took out a silver needle from his waist, found a acupoint again, and stabbed ah Qiang with the fire acupuncture method.


A Qiang groaned in pain. A light red appeared on his skin, while the purple, which originally symbolized the poison, moved bit by bit and gathered towards his head.

Li Hao's forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat. His face was unprecedentedly solemn. He held the last silver needle stuck in a Qiang's Tanzhong point with his hand.

If you want to treat a Qiang's severe poison, you must first use the powerful fire acupuncture method to force all the toxins that are ready to seep into his bones and blood into the meridians, and then cooperate with the water acupuncture method to drive the toxins out of the body through Qi and blood.

Whether practising martial arts or cultivating Taoism, he pays attention to mobilizing the Qi of Dantian in the human body. Dantian is the source of power in human organs. Li Hao now stabs a Qiang's Tanzhong point, just trying to stimulate a Qiang's Qi of Dantian and help expel poison through his own fire acupuncture method.


Li Hao clenched his teeth and carefully understood the situation in a Qiang's body. This is a contest between him and the highly poisonous. The battlefield of the war is a Qiang's body.

Under this great pressure, Li Hao only felt that his mind was completely quiet again unconsciously, and felt the situation in ah Qiang's body through the silver needle in his hand.

Suddenly, the sound of Qi and blood flowing in a Qiang's body became louder and louder in Li Hao's ears. Finally, he just felt that the world around him suddenly shook, and his eyes appeared again in the microscopic inner world when he took the pulse for president Zhou!!

Cave micro realm!

Li Hao's heart was ecstatic. His long-awaited state of Dongwei finally appeared again!

However, with his first experience, Li Hao did not get complacent after entering the territory of Dongwei this time, but still carefully maintained this hard won feeling.

In Li Hao's "look", there are many dark spots in a Qiang's blood, which looks terrible from a distance. Li Hao tried to lean over with his own ideas and wanted to break through a small black spot in front of him.

Under the attempt, the small black spot emitting destructive breath turned into nothingness under the impact of Li Hao's will, but Li Hao felt his hand tremble slightly, as if he had consumed a lot of strength in his body at once.

"When the five elements divine needle reaches the back, it is to resist the needle with Qi. It seems that the so-called Qi is the strength or internal strength of my own body."

Li Hao took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart: "it seems that after going back, you have to exchange a skill with the great powers in the fairy world or the underworld as soon as possible to cultivate your internal strength, otherwise you can't use this method to drive away the poison by relying on your own physical strength alone."

"Now, we can only gather these highly toxic black spots together, and then force the poison out by bleeding through the incision."

Li Hao soon made clear his ideas and began to drive away these small black spots with his own ideas, driving them together like sheep into the circle.

If he just drove away without breaking, he really consumed a lot less strength. With Li Hao's efforts, he soon gathered all the small black spots in his ah Qiang's body.

"Cut open his right forearm!!"

Li Hao suddenly opened his mouth and ordered linger beside him.


Ling'er has been paying close attention to Li Hao, so as soon as he ordered, ling'er didn't hesitate at all, and cut off ah Qiang's right forearm cleanly!

The black pus and blood shot out of a Qiang's wound like a sharp arrow#### I have something to do temporarily today. Sorry, good night

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