A Qiang screamed. Under the stimulation of severe pain, he woke up from his coma, stared wide, and fainted again a few seconds later.

But this time, he fainted in pain

Looking at linger's clean knife, Li Hao was also slightly surprised.

If you are not a person who often plays with knives or is proficient in surgery, I'm afraid few people can achieve such accuracy and neatness.

The black poisonous blood gurgled out from the incision of a Qiang's arm. It took about half a minute for the blood from his wound to become normal Yan red.

"Come on!"

Ling'er said hello. The middle-aged uncle who had already prepared gauze and hemostatic agent behind him hurriedly ran over, sprinkled hemostatic agent on his wound, and then wrapped ah Qiang's arm with gauze.

Li Hao still stood beside him. Although his eyes were open, his eyes were a little blurred, as if he were distracted.

Yes, he is really distracted now, but it is not the kind of wandering in class, but the wandering things, the eyes of the sky hanging in the air!!

It was not easy to enter the realm of Dongwei again. Li Hao didn't know how long he could stay in such a state. Therefore, after treating ah Qiang, he immediately changed from the perspective of micro perspective to the macro perspective of hanging eyes in the sky.

Every time he enters the cave micro realm, Li Hao's familiarity and control over this realm will become more and more skilled. For the first time, he will only hang his eyes in the sky, and for the second time, he will only enter the perspective micro. Now, the third time, he can switch back and forth in two completely opposite extreme situations.

"Sister, where are you? Where are you?"

Li Hao was extremely anxious. In the realm of sky eyes hanging in the sky, his whole spiritual will seemed to fly into the sky. Every breeze in the primitive jungle became his ears. He could hear where the wind blew.

And every inch of sunshine seems to have become Li Hao's eyes. Where the sun shines, Li Hao can see completely!

"Not enough, I can't see far enough!!"

Li Hao bit his teeth, and the sweat on his forehead became more and more dense.

After taking Ziyun Taixu pill, his spiritual power has been baptized and refined by the imperial Qi of the East pole. Logically, it should be incomparably powerful, but the problem is that Li Hao is not a real person after all. He just entered the realm of Dongwei in advance, so he uses the ability of Dongwei. The consumption of his spirit, will and physical strength is also extremely huge.

Just like a child who gets a huge machete, he can use it to cut the enemy, but after cutting others, his own strength will be exhausted, because the child's strength can't control the weight of the knife at all.

This is why Li Hao's ability to use the cave micro realm will be so difficult.

Because he is not a real person, the cave micro realm for him is a knife that he is not comfortable enough to use.

If Li Hao really becomes a real person in the future, Dong Weichang will really read thousands of miles. He will never work as hard as he does now.

But now, although the sky eye is hanging in the air and has an insight into all things, there is still no clue about Liu Yuying within the reach of Li Haoli.


A feeling of weakness came. Li Hao bit his teeth and was still trying to stick to it.

In less than a second, Liu Yuying will encounter more possibilities of accidents. He doesn't want to take risks and can't take risks!


When Li Hao tried his best to expand his spiritual perception to the surrounding, suddenly he felt that his will was suddenly affected by an extremely strong feeling!!

An invisible force larger than he didn't know suddenly appeared. What surprised Li Hao most was that this spiritual force felt very familiar and warm to him. It was like a drop of water falling into the sea and integrating into it instantly, regardless of each other.

This feeling made Li Hao's blood boil, and even his soul seemed to tremble!!

His spiritual perception suddenly expanded several times, suddenly opened up, and his eyes suddenly opened up!

Li Hao saw Liu Yuying in rags. She was far away from them, and there seemed to be an amazing war going on.

Li Haogen couldn't see who the two sides were, but he clearly felt the feeling of blood connection from one of them.

"Brother! It's brother!"

Li Hao's tears burst out of his eyes involuntarily. Although he was far away and didn't even see the other party's face, Li Hao was still very sure that one of them in the battle must be his brother!!

No wonder his mental power suddenly soared because he touched the scope extended by his brother's spiritual will.

"Has my brother stepped into the realm of real people?"

Feeling the spiritual power that is more vast and profound than himself, Li Hao knows very well that his brother Li Jiaqi's spiritual power can't be so much stronger than himself, and there is only one explanation for his powerful effect - that is, he has really stepped into the realm of real people and become the top existence below saints!

Seeing that Liu Yuying is fine, but Li Hao can't wait to go there right away and go to her and her brother!

Liu Yuying has been waiting for Li Jiaqi for 16 years, but he has been looking for them for 20 years!!


The war over there continued, but Li Hao fell out of the realm of Dongwei because of the agitation of his mind.

Before the sky eye disappeared, Li Hao seemed to vaguely see the man in the fierce battle turn around and look at him.

Obviously, Li Jiaqi also sensed the connection between blood brothers. He also knew that Li Hao was coming!

"Ah Qiang, ah Qiang, are you okay?"

He retreated from the sky, but Li Hao firmly remembered the location of Liu Yuying and his brother Li Jiaqi. Looking at the anxious expedition nearby, Li Hao wiped his tears from the corners of his eyes, walked over, poured a little condensation dew from the sea cucumbers on his neck, and said: "He's just losing too much blood and very weak. Sprinkle this on his wound and the wound will heal soon."

"Thank you. Thank you very much, doctor."

Ling'er looked at Li haodao gratefully.

"Call me Li Hao."

Li Hao shook his head slightly, and then said, "go out with your companions. I have my own things to do, so I'll leave first."

With that, he turned around. However, just when he was ready to leave, a terrible whirlwind rose from the ground and wrapped his body in an instant!!

"Li Hao!!"

Everyone didn't react. Only ling'er, who was closest to Li Hao, exclaimed and grabbed Li Hao's arm.

But how could her weak power pull Li Hao out of the whirlwind?

In an instant, both she and Li Hao were pulled off the ground by terrible forces and quickly disappeared into the dense forest

#####First watch, absolutely third watch today!!!

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