"Have you ever caught our race and stripped its soul?"

The poisoned bird, who called himself Qianye, stared at Li Hao, roared loudly in his mouth, and there was a killing intention in his smart little eyes, which began to diffuse and brew!


Under its howling, ling'er directly covered his ears and screamed, squatting down in pain.

"Don't get me wrong!"

Li Hao also felt like a knife scraping his ears. He quickly made a sound and explained in the language of poisonous birds: "I was able to master the language of all races because I had taken the jieyuhua of the fairy world. I didn't harm your peers!"

After listening to Li Hao's explanation, Qianye's look eased slightly and restrained his anger. At the same time, the scream that made people feel torn heart and lungs disappeared.

Li Hao and ling'er loosened their hands covering their ears and looked at the bird in front of them in disbelief. Although Qianye seemed harmless to humans and animals, after the just great power, Li Hao and ling'er would no longer underestimate it.

"I'm the last poisonous bird in the world, so I'm a little excited when I think of my family, which offends me."

Qianye nodded to Li Hao and said apologetically.

"Understand, understand..."

Li Hao also responded.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he couldn't believe that there would be such a high IQ bird in the world.

And poison bird, he had never heard of this kind of bird before.

"Ling'er, have you ever heard of poisonous birds?"

Turning his head, Li Hao asked linger next to him.

"Poison bird?"

Ling'er was slightly stunned. After thinking about it in his mind, he suddenly said: "I know! Poison birds are a kind of spirit birds existing in ancient legends. They have terrible poison. Let alone being bitten and caught, they will be poisoned even if they touch their feathers!"

"Highly poisonous spirit bird..."

After listening to ling'er's explanation, Li Hao's face showed a surprised and alert color, and cautiously looked at Qianye in front of him.

He suddenly remembered a word in his mind called drinking poison to quench thirst. This word means drinking poison as water to quench thirst. It describes solving difficulties in the wrong way, regardless of the subsequent serious consequences.

He always thought poison meant poison, but he didn't think it meant poison bird!

"It seems that the God that the guy worshipped before should refer to it, and the inexplicable poison in ah Qiang's body should also be killed by this poisonous bird!"

Li Hao was awe inspiring. Although he didn't break out immediately, he had tightened up secretly and looked carefully at the poisonous bird in front of him to prevent it from attacking suddenly.

"You're nervous."

The poisonous bird looked at Li Hao thousands of nights and suddenly said.

"I just heard something about you."

Li Hao reluctantly smiled and said, "I want to know what you want to do when you get us here?"

"Have you heard of my poison?"

Qianye's intelligence is no less than that of people, and even smarter than many ordinary people. As soon as Li Hao spoke, he heard the implication and said, "do you think I made your poisoned companion just now?"

"Isn't it?"

Li Hao said, "this is your territory, and what he just got is highly toxic. What do you think I should think?"

"This is not my territory. I came later."

Qianye shook his head and explained, "the original owner here is a gluttonous snake, and that person is also the puppet it controls. But recently, something seems to be happening here, so gluttonous snake went to the depths of the jungle, and there is a terrible person here. I can feel that you have a breath very similar to him."

"A terrible man?"

After listening to the explanation of poison bird Qianye, Li Hao's guard was slightly relieved, nodded and said, "taosnake... Is it also an ancient alien like you?"

"Tao snake is a long worm with the blood of Tao tie, the son of the real dragon. It's very disgusting. He always wants to eat me. It's disgusting!"

Mentioning the gluttonous snake, Qianye's face also showed a trace of disgust and fear. It was obviously that he hated and feared his neighbor who lived together in Shennongjia.

"Then why did it leave?"

Li Hao then asked.

"I don't know. It seems that there will be a fortune left by the medicine Saint Shennong. The long worm of taosnake wants to take a chance to see if it can ascend to the sky step by step, completely stimulate the blood in his body and turn into a dragon."

Qianye sneered and said, "but although this guy is powerful, his brain is not very good. He doesn't think about it. Even if the creation left by the medicine Saint Shennong emperor is born, it must be ready for his descendants or Terrans. Where can we get the coveted of our alien races?"

"It seems that in the depths of the dense forest, it should be the gluttonous snake fighting with my brother."

Li Hao quickly made a decision in his heart and said, "Qianye, what are you trying to do to show that whirlwind to get us here?"

"I don't know."

Li Hao asked this question again, but Qianye shook his purple jade like cerebellar bag and said, "I just feel that you have a breath that particularly attracts me, and you have just entered a terrible state and mingled with the man in the deep forest. I didn't dare to approach you at all. I didn't bring you here until you saved the man."

"I have a breath that attracts you?"

Li Hao was also puzzled and said in his heart: "listening to the voice, this thousand nights should also be a female bird. Has my charm now reached the terrible point of killing people and animals?"

However, after excluding this absurd idea, Li Hao thought for a moment, suddenly remembered something, carefully felt the imperial feather from the peacock Daming king from his arms, and said, "is this what you want?"

At the moment when Li Hao took out the feather of the peacock king Daming, with such a gentle brush, a strong wind suddenly rose out of thin air and bent all the surrounding trees!

After seeing the slender and beautiful imperial plume in Li Hao's hand, the two gem like big eyes of Qianye also became bright in an instant!

"It's this, it's this, it's this!!"

The feeling of longing became stronger. The poison bird's face changed dramatically. He couldn't wait to flutter his wings and fly towards Li Hao. He opened his mouth eagerly and shouted, "I want, I want, give it to me, give it to me!"

As soon as Li Hao received it, he smiled and said, "this kind of good baby, you want it when you open your mouth. Do I know you very well?"


Qianye's body stopped in the air in front of Li Hao. He looked longingly at the imperial feather in Li Hao's hand. His tone suddenly softened. He looked at Li Hao with a pleading face and said, "please, please, please?" ##### third, it was so late that he quickly rolled to sleep

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