Looking at the pathetic appearance of Qianye in front of him, Li Hao couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Wutong: who can think of the last bird in the world that has just stood on the tree of the phoenix tree, full of mysterious and cold breath, and now it will become a child who wants candy, and sells adorable to oneself.

"Eh? What's wrong with it? It's so cute!"

Looking at Qianye's blinking eyes, ling'er on one side seemed to forget the little guy's highly toxic thing, and exclaimed with little stars in his eyes.

Sure enough, women naturally have no resistance to cute things.

"Li Hao, it seems that he really wants your injured long hair, or you can give it. Look how cute it is! Anyway, it's no use asking for a bird hair."

Ling'er looked at Qianye and unexpectedly opened his mouth to help the little guy plead.

"Bird hair..."

Li Hao was bewildered by linger's words. Yes, the peacock Emperor Ming's feather is indeed a bird feather, but what's special about this bird feather is that there are few great gods in the three realms!

Can this kind of treasure be given as soon as you grasp a large handful of bird feathers on a chicken feather duster?

"I know this baby is very precious. No, it's not even precious enough to describe its value."

After all, Qianye is an archaic legacy that exists in ancient legends. He still has a lot of knowledge than linger. He said, "but if you can't refine it into a magic weapon, it can't play all its role in your hands. It's better to complete me."

Seeing that Li Hao didn't speak, Qianye continued: "I think, since you know the value of the peacock Daming King's imperial plume, if you can refine it into a magic weapon, you won't wait until now. Since you can't, why do you want to kill the natural thing?"

Li Hao looked at the poisoned bird thousands of nights that told him reason and moved his feelings with great interest, and couldn't help feeling it in his heart.

The wisdom of this spirit bird can't be underestimated. Its lobbying ability is almost reaching the level of lotus with bright tongue!

"Even if I don't refine it into a magic weapon, it's good for me to protect myself!"

However, with Li Hao's mind, if he is fooled into it by Qianye so easily, he doesn't deserve to be a natural saint. With a smile, Li Hao said, "and I can't refine it now, doesn't it mean I can't do it in the future? I'm completely patient to wait for the opportunity in the future. Why do I have to complete you? What's the good for me to complete you?"


Qianye was speechless by Li Hao's several rhetorical questions. He stared at Li Hao with wide eyes, and looked at the peacock Daming King's plume in his hand with great desire. He was so anxious to turn around in the air.

"You human, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you and rob the baby?"

Thousand nights roared and roared.

"There is no murderous spirit in you, which proves that you have no intention of killing me."

Li Hao said with a faint smile: "besides, since I can take out this baby, I'm not afraid of your evil thoughts. As long as you have a change, do you believe that I can make your poisonous birds completely extinct in this world?"

After Li Hao's words, the poisoned bird was silent again.

Although Qianye doesn't have much contact with human beings, he always feels that human beings are quite stupid. Many people have been confused by the guy of gluttonous snake all the time. They also worship it as a God and deceive others to come over for it as nourishing food.

But the guy in front of him doesn't know how long his brain is. Why is he so smart?

Li Hao's feeling to Qianye now is that he can advance and retreat without leakage. He can't see through his depth, let alone where his flaws are.

This impeccable feeling really makes Qianye too uncomfortable!

"Then you say, how can you give me this baby?!"

After a long time of impatience, Qianye still couldn't help it. He finally admitted defeat in a hurry and shouted at Li Hao: "put forward your conditions! If you don't want to talk, you must have left long ago and won't talk nonsense with me for so long!"

"What are you going to do after you get this feather? Evolve? Become stronger? Then? Continue to nest in the deep mountains and forests?"

Li Hao did not answer Qianye's words, but asked, "I don't know how long you have lived, but I want you to ask yourself, do you want to go outside and see what the wonderful world outside is like?"

"The outside world?"

A thousand nights stay again.

It doesn't know why its IQ seems so special today that it's not enough. It's only a long time to negotiate with Li Hao. It has been speechless by Li Hao several times.

"I'm just with you. What about the imperial feather? What about you when you become stronger? Your life is still trapped here. It's pale, unchanged and has no color!"

Li Hao continued: "you want to pursue a higher and stronger realm, but you still can only admire yourself, but your life is still just a caterpillar trapped in a cocoon and never becomes a beautiful butterfly. Is it meaningful to become stronger?"

Qianye was completely stunned. He lived for hundreds of years, but he had never heard such words.

Is the meaning of life wonderful and colorful, or empty and monotonous?

These are issues that it has never thought about before.

"My previous life was also very boring because I didn't have the ability and qualification to see the scenery at the top."

Li Hao's voice had a trace of nostalgia. He thought of himself again.

Confused and humble, after class, receive orders and deliver goods day after day. Like insects and ants, they have no extravagant expectations and are cautious. They will worry about the gains and losses of one or two pieces for a long time.

Without the subsequent series of events, he might continue like this. After graduation, he would find an ordinary job, marry an ordinary woman, form an ordinary family, sigh for the red tape and details of daily necessities, and quarrel with his wife over trivial things.

But on that day, there was such a three world wechat in his mobile phone, and everything of Li Hao changed dramatically.

"What do you want to choose? A boring life or a colorful life?"

Li Hao murmured, as if he were asking Qianye, but it was like asking himself.

At this moment, Li Hao seemed to suddenly cut open all the complexity of his heart, even to his original heart.

Deep in his heart, he saw that he was unwilling to be ordinary and buried by the heavy pressure of reality. The emergence of wechat in the three circles was like a spring and a ray of sunshine. It was just an opportunity. As soon as it appeared, the seeds in Li Hao's heart took root and thrived.

"Originally, I have already made a choice. It's all my own choice..."

Li Hao smiled knowingly. His heart was clear and transparent at this moment, just like a crystal.

Many times, we think that reality forces us to make a choice and embark on a certain road, but it is not the case. In fact, it is because we are also eager in the deepest part of our heart.

Just like the appearance of Sanjie wechat in Li Hao's mobile phone, if he doesn't click on it, doesn't trade with Chang'e fairy, doesn't continue to trade with medical fairy Bian que, and doesn't trade with Ming God for nothing, he won't have his current achievements.

After getting Ning Zhenlu, if he didn't talk business with Zuo Feifei, he wouldn't have Haotian industry now.

After worshiping Chen Yu, if he doesn't take the initiative to take the responsibility of rejuvenating traditional Chinese medicine, Chen Yu may not force him.

These, in fact, are Li Hao's own choices and the way in his heart.

"I chose to be extraordinary. I have already made my own choice."

Li Hao clenched his fist, loosened it slowly, smiled and said in his heart: "although this road is rugged and covered with thorns, as early as that moment, I have resolutely entered this bumpy and dangerous but wonderful life road!"

Closed his eyes, an inexplicable force flowed in Li Hao's heart.

Look at the air, give up persistence and face the truth.

He never felt that he was so close to the realm of human beings as he is now

#####First, there should be only two shifts today. This chapter is really difficult to write. It takes a lot of time and effort to think about words and sentences to write what I want to express, but it is very important for the improvement of the protagonist's realm. If you understand it, you will understand it naturally. I hope you can understand it. Thank you

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