"What are you doing now?"

Qianye seemed very satisfied with his current state. After spinning skillfully in the air, he asked with great interest.

"Go and kill the gluttonous snake!"

Li Hao said, "it has always been at odds with you. Now that you have evolved, don't you want to kill it?"

"Not yet."

Qianye shook his head and said, "now I'm just getting the blood of Taichu peacock into my body. If I want to complete the preliminary integration, I have to wait until tonight. Don't say I can't take you there now. Even if I do, it's just sending vegetables to the gluttonous snake."

"Do you have to wait until tonight?"

Li Hao's face sank like water. He could feel that Qianye was not cheating him.

Although Qianye's body appearance has changed dramatically after being integrated into the peacock Emperor Ming's plume, becoming more beautiful and gorgeous, and there is a proud plume on his head, its breath is weaker than before.

Li Hao understands that this is what she said. It is caused by the preliminary integration of peacock blood. Now all the forces in Qianye's body have converged and began to promote the integration between its own poison bird blood and peacock blood. It is also the weakest time, so Qianye rejected Li Hao's proposal.

"It seems that we have to spend the night here tonight."

Li Hao looked around, turned his head and said to linger next to him, "well, I'll give you this tent. I'll make do with it outside for one night."

"How can you do that? In this primitive jungle, it's cold and humid at night, and you don't wear much. If you spend the night outside, you'll be frozen!"

After hearing this, ling'er immediately shook his head, then lowered his head and said shyly, "it doesn't matter. Although this simple tent is small, if you squeeze it, two people can still squeeze it."

"OK, then wronged you, let's squeeze one night!"

Since other girls said so, Li Hao did not mince his affectation and nodded boldly.

Night soon came. With the help of ling'er, an experienced explorer, the simple tent was soon set up. Li Hao also took out the water and compressed food stored in his backpack to satisfy his hunger with ling'er.

As for the millennium, which has just fused the Royal Ling of the peacock king, it stands quietly on the branches of the Wutong tree. Its small eyes are tightly closed, and the light flashes are flashing under the feathers all over.

For the spirit beast, blood is the most precious, which is not only related to the talent and supernatural power, but also represents the potential of cultivation. If the spirit beast with good blood is like a human with excellent talent, it will naturally practice with the wind and water, thousands of miles a day, while if the spirit beast with low blood level is like a relatively stupid human, it is naturally impossible to practice to a higher level.

When night falls, the primitive jungle is the most dangerous at this time, because under the cover of night, countless birds, animals and poisonous insects will come out to haunt, which is also the reason why explorers are generally reluctant to spend the night in the primitive jungle.

But at this time, in the vicinity of Li Hao, there was a thousand nights of pressure, and the surrounding was so quiet that it was terrible. Not to mention the animals without eyes, they didn't even hear the calls of the animals!

"Brother, don't worry!"

Lying in the tent, Li Hao had no sleep in his heart. Even if there was a beautiful woman full of youth and vitality lying next to him, he didn't have any charming thoughts.

Qianye said that the power of the spirit beast at night will be more terrible than that during the day. On the contrary, people will be sleepy at night. With each passing day, Li Hao is very worried that Li Jiaqi will be defeated by the gluttonous snake.

After all, Liu Yuying is also nearby. Li Jiaqi must devote some energy to protect her. Li Hao really wants to go to them right away, even if he can't help now. But people are emotional animals after all. Many times, even if they know there's nothing they can do, they think even if they just watch, but they're just there.

Li Hao couldn't sleep all night, and Ling Er lying next to him didn't sleep.

Although it was forced by the environment to squeeze into this small tent with Li Hao, it was the first time linger lay so close to the opposite sex since she was a child!

If she can sleep soundly and sweetly in this way, how big her heart is

From the first time I saw such amazing acupuncture and moxibustion, to the first time I fell from the air and had close contact with the opposite sex, then I saw the scene that could only be seen in myth for the first time, and now I sleep closely with the opposite sex of the same age for the first time.

Today, in this short day, ling'er has experienced too many first times, and these first times are inseparable from the teenager lying next to her.

The sun rises and the moon sets. Just after dawn, Li Hao can't help but rush out of the tent and look at the poisonous bird thousands of nights with his fingers closed and his eyes fixed.

"I know you're in a hurry. There was a lot of noise there last night, but none of the breath completely disappeared. Don't worry, no one died."

Qianye opened his eyes and looked at Li Hao below. The old God opened his mouth on the ground.

"How are you now? Have you fused the peacock's blood?"

Li Hao looked at the thousand nights that were no different from ordinary flowers, birds and birds. He knew that this was not that it became weaker, but a return to nature.

"Initial integration."

Qianye nodded and said, "do you want to go now?"

"Well, the sooner the better!"

Li Hao nodded impatiently and said.

"What about her?"

Qianye raised his chin towards the small tent behind Li Hao and said, "you humans can't pat your ass and leave after sleeping like the orcs?"

"Fart! When did I sleep people?!"

Li Hao stared and said angrily.

"Didn't you sleep last night?"

Qianye looked at Li Hao seriously and asked.


Li Hao rolled his eyes and didn't know how to explain to the dead bird who knew little about human culture.

Chinese culture is broad and profound. Can this "sleep" and that "sleep" be the same thing?!

"Or take her outside first."

Li Hao pondered for a moment and said.

The place where he and Qianye are about to go is extremely dangerous. It is the battle center of Li Jiaqi and taoshe. It is the so-called city gate fire that affects the fish in the pond. Even the aftermath of their battle is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Are we leaving?"

When Li Hao was ready to let Qianye send ling'er back first, a beautiful voice sounded behind him.

Looking back, in the twilight of the morning, the graceful ling'er smiled, and her long hair like a waterfall fell from her shoulder. It was beautiful.

"Hee hee, you don't want to leave me!" ###### first, it can't be updated today and the day after tomorrow, so it's late. Second, it's late

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