"Well, are you awake?"

Li Hao looked back awkwardly at ling'er behind him and smiled.

He had planned to let Qianye send linger back unconsciously while she was still sleeping, but now it seems that the plan should be in vain.

"I don't care. After so much experience, we are good partners and teammates now?"

Looking at the embarrassed expression on Li Hao's face, Ling Er pouted angrily and said, "you can either take me or leave me alone in the deep mountains and forests. Anyway, I won't go back by myself!"

"Nonsense, how can I leave you here alone?"

Li Hao said.

Although they had a very peaceful night last night, it was because Qianye, the great God, was here to suppress those birds and animals. If Li Hao left with Qianye, he was very sure that linger, a water Lingling girl, would be mercilessly eaten by all kinds of beasts within one night!

"Hee hee, then you agree to take me with you?"

Ling'er smiled and said happily.


Li Hao slightly stagnated and rubbed his temples with a headache.

He can fight with fierce enemies, but he can't get around some small traps laid by women's words. It's really hard to prevent.

No wonder it is said that once a woman goes bad, it is very terrible, because the high IQ of digging a hole for a man is born.

"Have something to eat."

He spat out his sweet tongue playfully. Ling'er took out a bottle of water and a bag of compressed beef from his bag and handed it to Li Hao. He said, "only when you are full can you have the strength to fight small monsters!"

Beat the little monster

After receiving the water and beef in ling'er's hand, Li Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

After accepting the evolution of poisonous birds, ling'er began to be interested in those legendary things.

So when she couldn't sleep last night, she couldn't help pestering Li Hao to ask what he came for.

In order to scare her so that she wouldn't quarrel to go with her tomorrow, Li Hao told ling'er last night that they were going to fight a monster called taosnake tomorrow. He also deliberately described taosnake as particularly disgusting and terrible, hoping to scare ling'er to go back.

After listening to Li Hao's description last night, ling'er really didn't say a word. Li Hao thought his goal had been achieved, but he didn't expect ling'er to say such a sentence.

Hit the little monster?

Why does it sound more like Altman's painting style that is popular all over the world?

If you think like this, no wonder linger doesn't feel afraid

Cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Altman beats little monsters. This is the simplest definition of happiness in the world. It's cute. If linger is afraid, there will be ghosts.

"Well, you can go if you have to, but you have to listen to me, okay?"

However, Li Hao had to tell linger again and again before starting.

"I know, I know!"

Ling'er couldn't wait to place his small head and looked excited.

"Thousand nights, let's go!"

Li Hao nodded to the poisonous bird on the branch and said.


Qianye doesn't talk nonsense. After hearing Li Hao's words, its wings vibrated. Its body was watched by Li Hao and ling'er unbelievably. Qianye suddenly became bigger from its original Petite appearance, and turned into a giant bird in the blink of an eye!

"Go up."

Li Hao returned to his mind first, jumped on Qianye's back and stretched out his hand towards ling'er.

Ling'er also climbed up Qianye's back with the help of Li Hao.


Qianye's wings vibrated and the wind rolled to the ground. In the terrible force of breaking the wind, Li Hao and ling'er were so excited that they opened their mouths and shouted wildly. Under the leadership of Qianye, they flew away quickly!!

When the terrible airflow brought by extreme speed passed through Qianye's body, it was completely shielded by the plume on its head, which could not affect Li Hao and ling'er on its back, and greatly accelerated its flight speed at the same time.



The terrible wave instantly tore the clouds in the sky. Li Jiaqi's figure quickly fell back to the ground from the air. He was dressed in a white robe for hunting. When his feet fell to the ground, he directly stepped deeply into the earth on the ground and stepped out two deep pits!


In the clouds, a long figure swam in mid air, roared, and then showed two scarlet eyes like a small sun, staring directly at Li Jiaqi on the ground, his eyes full of greed.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger. The gluttonous snake can stir the clouds all over the sky. This is already a bit of the characteristic of the dragon family.

Taotie was originally one of the nine sons of the dragon. It is the orthodox dragon blood. Although there is only a trace of Taotie blood in the snake, it can also get involved with the dragon family. It is a terrible beast and has the potential to turn into a dragon!

"Originally, I wanted to see if I could find an opportunity to surpass Jackie Chan in the fortune of nongdi, the God of medicine, but I didn't expect you to have such a big meal!"

The gluttonous snake roared. Although it didn't know the language with Li Jiaqi, it could convey its meaning through strong spiritual ideas.

"Evil beast, you have achieved such accomplishments for only a hundred years. During this period, you don't know how many people's lives have been secretly harmed. You also covet the relics of saints. You should kill them!"

Li Jiaqi took a deep breath. Although he was vigorous, his hair was no longer elegant, and his white robe was a little embarrassed. Although his spine was still straight, his hand holding the sword began to tremble uncontrollably.

He's at the end of his rope.

Originally, he was a real person. Although the gluttonous snake was fierce, he didn't have to deal with it so hard.

However, the difficulty lies in that he has to spare energy to protect Liu Yuying behind him while fighting with the gluttonous snake. He can not show his defeat during the peak war, which is enough to prove Li Jiaqi's arrogance!


The gluttonous snake roared wildly: "the law of the jungle is the law we believe in. I gluttonous snake can eat all things in the world. Why can't I eat you human beings?! since your Taoism has always boasted of justice, today, you will die with your justice!!"


Li Jiaqi looked cold and tightened his long sword. He knew that the beast was going to kill!

At the moment of life and death, Li Jiaqi glanced back at the road behind him. Although he was trembling with fear, he still stubbornly stayed and looked at his beautiful shadow. A trace of tenderness flashed through the bottom of his eyes.

"Try your best. Even if you die today, you can't let her have anything!"

Li Jiaqi's body also exudes a determined breath of burning jade and stone. His long sword is across his chest, and his eyes are more fierce than ever at this moment.

"Fortunately, fortunately, my brother is still alive. With him, there must be hope in the human world..."

Li Jiaqi took a deep breath and a relieved smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

This gluttonous snake is really powerful. It is not only a powerful ancient relic, but also not swaggering. It has been hiding in the deep mountains and forests to accumulate strength. Li Jiaqi led the Taoist family to fight against those supernatural ghosts all his life. The strength of this gluttonous snake in front of him is definitely better than those demon kings and evil demon heads in charge of the demon family!!


The gluttonous snake has a big mouth, and the whole world seems to be stirred up at this moment!!


Suddenly, at this time, a bird's song tearing the sky suddenly came from the horizon. At the same time, a clear and loud cry sounded, which shocked Li Jiaqi and Liu Yuying at the same time!

"How dare you!!!"

#####Today's first watch, there were some things to deal with temporarily last night, so the second watch didn't write it out. I'm really sorry. I'll make up today's third watch. I hope everyone will understand and ask for a subscription. Thank you

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