
Li Hao's long cry still echoed in the sky. At the same time, the killing move brewing by the gluttonous snake had been issued. In the cloudy sky, all the clouds stirred up with a sparkling vortex.

The magic light vomited by the gluttonous snake from its mouth is like a black hole, full of terrible attraction. The clouds in the sky revolve around the magic light, like a vortex in the sea.

And this terrible aura is heading for Li Jiaqi below!!


Looking at the aura, Li Jiaqi looked cold and couldn't help shouting.

Others can't see what this aura is, but as a human being, he has insight into all the essence. Naturally, he can see that there is a fist sized bead spinning in the vortex!

This is the internal elixir of the snake, and the essence of it. If the snake can succeed in the future, then the inner Dan will evolve into a legendary dragon ball!

But now, it has become a must kill skill for taosnake to kill Li Jiaqi!!

Li Jiaqi's face is ugly. He knows very well that if he is hit by this move, his blood essence, soul, cultivation and even natural intelligence will be sucked away by the gluttonous snake and become the nutrient for the evolution of the gluttonous snake!

Originally, he tried his best and had the opportunity to burn jade and stone with the gluttonous snake, but he was just affected by Li Hao's drink and didn't prepare at the first time.

Between the top powers, one second is enough to decide life and death. This little hesitation has made Li Jiaqi passive everywhere and locked by death!

He glanced back at Liu Yuying, who was protected by his own energy, and Li Jiaqi bit his teeth.

In fact, if he instantly takes back the part of energy used to protect Liu Yuying, it will be enough to break away from the lock of the gourmet snake and have a great chance to avoid this attack. Just in this way, Liu Yuying who has lost her protection may die even if she is not hit directly by the gourmet snake's attack!

So Li Jiaqi didn't do that. Instead, he was ready to burn his life and fight with taosnake!

But at the next moment, a terrible strong wind suddenly blew away the clouds gathered by those gluttonous snakes!!


The gluttonous snake exposed to the air roared wildly in the air. His scarlet eyes turned and stared at the giant bird that suddenly appeared here. He screamed in surprise: "little sparrow?! how dare you come to harm my good deeds?!"


Hearing the roar of the gluttonous snake, the poisoned bird stared at him for thousands of nights, and roared wildly at his neck. He opened his beak and spit out a dark purple streamer, hitting the inner pill of the gluttonous snake!!

Sitting on its back, Li Hao clearly understood the meaning of Qianye.

"Little sparrow? Little sister, brain crippled earthworm!!"

"I didn't expect that Qianye's rude words were so fierce."

Li Hao and ling'er were slightly shaken by Qianye and flew out of its back, but there was a clear wind holding them under them, so as not to let them fall directly and die.

Li Hao and them landed slowly, but Qianye had already taken Li Jiaqi's position in the air and fought with taosnake in the air.

"How exciting!"

Linger now seems to have completely adapted to all kinds of unscientific supernatural phenomena. When she landed in the air, she told Li Hao that she didn't have much time difference from her previous skydiving, shouting excitement and fun.

However, when her feet stepped on the ground, there was a faint color in linger's lively big eyes, and she calmed down, lost her mind and stopped talking.

But Li Hao didn't notice her at all now. Looking at the white robed man in front of him, Li Hao stood stunned and rolled his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

Brother, this familiar and unfamiliar name, which he simulated countless shouts last night, now when facing Li Jiaqi, he seems to be locked in his throat by something, and he can't say it anyway.

Hunting in white robes, with a long sword.

Li Jiaqi is as like as two peas in Liu Yuying's bedroom. In the past decade, years have not left any traces on him.

Li Hao knows that this is also normal. Li Jiaqi is a real person. Although people in this realm cannot live forever, there are even those who return to youth. For them, more than ten years are not a heavy thing.


Finally, Li Jiaqi spoke first. His voice was very gentle and gentle, just like a weak scholar.


Li Hao was slightly stunned and immediately understood that this should be his original name.

When he looked back on the past through understanding Tianxin, he knew that the Taoist Li family, in their generation, has a Kirin Twin Star. Li Jiaqi is called Jiaqi. Naturally, he should be called Jialin, jiaqilin, and there is a Kirin at home.

But when President Zhou found him, he had forgotten his name and only remembered his surname Li, so President Zhou named him Li Hao.

"My name is Li Hao now."

Sipping his mouth, Li Hao responded.

"Li Hao..."

Li Jiaqi seemed stunned for a moment, and then murmured, "Li Hao, Hao... OK, I keep Haoran righteousness and live forever in heaven and earth! Good name, good name!"

"How are you?"

Li Jiaqi seemed to hesitate for a moment, but finally he couldn't help asking.


Li Hao pulled the corners of his mouth and seemed to want to laugh, but he felt his nose sour.

Before he was adopted by President Zhou, he found food from the trash can and robbed meat free bones from wild dogs. Every winter, he would curl up under the corridor or overpass and might freeze to death at any time.

Even after being taken in by the old Dean, he was often bullied by naughty older children such as Zhou Zhigang.

How are you?

"Can't die, very good!"

After taking a deep breath, Li Hao stubbornly raised his head and grinned.


Li Jiaqi nodded slightly. He didn't know whether he believed Li Hao or not.

Looking up at the endless battle of birds and snakes over there, Li Jiaqi said, "right now, let's get rid of this long worm first. I need you to help me."


Nodded, Li Hao glanced at the ling'er on Qianye and taosnake, thinking that she was paying attention to the battle there and didn't think much.

"We are Kirin Gemini. Your cave and micro realm can integrate with me. In this way, it can increase my strength."

Li Jiaqi shook his long sword and said that when he killed the enemy, his elegant breath suddenly changed and suddenly became fierce!

"But I'm not a real person yet. I can't freely enter the cave."

Li Hao said.

"Well, next to me, I can help you."

Li Jiaqi stretched out a hand.

Li Hao hesitated and stretched out his hand and stuck it on Li Jiaqi's palm.


In an instant, there was no obstacle this time. He entered the cave again almost instantaneously!!

#####Second watch, there will be a third watch late

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