"Chenxi and Little Hao are here?"

In the evening, Li Hao and Chenxi went back to Chenyu's house for dinner. Chenyu also mentioned that he would like to discuss with Li Hao his plan of nurturing him. After all, Chinese medicine was vast and profound, and it was only by specializing in certain aspects that he could achieve the highest achievement.

"Hi grandma."

Li Hao greeted Chenxi's grandmother politely.

He had a master-disciple relationship with old man Chen Yu, so he should have called her grandma and grandma. However, Chen Xi's grandma didn't want to do that. She insisted on having Li Hao call her grandma, just like Chenxi did.

"Where's grandpa?"

Chen Xi and Li Hao asked casually after changing their shoes. They didn't see Old Master Chun Yu anymore.

Li Hao's gaze swept across the two pairs of shoes that had appeared at the entrance, puzzled and asked: "There are other customers?"

"Yes, Siyuan suddenly came back and brought his son to visit."

Chen Xi's grandmother nodded and said, "It's been so many years. I didn't expect his son to be around the same age as you. When you're together, young people should be able to chat."

"Siyuan? "Could it be Lu Siyuan?"

Li Hao slightly raised his brows. Before, he had only seen this name in medical journals and news reports. Recently, this was the second time he had heard someone mention him.

It seemed that this world-famous doctor had a deep connection with old man Chenyu, and had also learned Chinese medicine from her before. It was just that she didn't know why he had become so active in western medicine.

"En, that's him. He's playing chess with the old man in the study right now!"

Grandma Chen Xi nodded and said, "You guys wait here for a while. I'll go to the kitchen and prepare some more dishes. We'll have dinner soon."

"Lu Siyuan? Why is he here today? "

Chen Xi frowned and whispered.

"I heard that he was Master's former student. How come he didn't promote Chinese medicine and went to the western medicine field?"

Li Hao was also curious about his famous senior brother. He couldn't help but ask Chen Xi.

"I don't know the specifics either."

Chenxi shook her head, "He didn't see me when he was learning medicine behind Grandfather. He hasn't been here since I can remember, and Grandfather doesn't seem to be too willing to bring up his most famous disciple. Lu Siyuan has always seemed to be Grandpa's sore spot, but I didn't expect him to come today."

"Oh? Teacher's problem? "

Li Hao touched his chin, the expression on his face somewhat playful.

It seemed that this senior brother who was a lot older than him hadn't betrayed his master as much as he had done now, but he still made old man Chen Yu very unhappy.

Li Hao followed Chen Xi to the study on the second floor.

The door to the study was ajar. Li Hao and Chen Xi walked in and found that old man Chen Yu was playing a game of chess with a burly middle-aged man. The chessboard in front of them was crisscrossed with black and white.

Next to Lu Siyuan stood a young man in a suit. He seemed to be a half-breed, with fair skin and a mixture of the West and China. He was as handsome as a celebrity on TV.

In the past, when he was young, he didn't have the qualifications to buy toys and could only watch the dean, who loved to play Go, play Go with his chess friends. Later, when he had grown up, he would often accompany the dean in killing a few games of Go.

In terms of the current situation, Old Man Chen had a slight advantage over Lu Siyuan. However, Lu Siyuan was also very tenacious. Old Man Chen could only suppress him. It would be difficult for him to achieve victory in a short period of time.

Time passed second by second, and Old Man Chen's chess skills were clearly better than Lu Siyuan's. No matter how stubbornly Lu Siyuan resisted, he was still being consumed by Old Man Chen's black balls.

"Old man, hurry up and come down to eat with the children!"

After a while, just when Lu Siyuan's game was about to end, Granny Chenxi's shout came from downstairs, breaking the silence in the study room.

"Teacher, this game is tight. I'm afraid that the outcome won't be decided in a short period of time. I think we should call it a day. Don't let Madam wait downstairs for too long."

Lu Siyuan raised his head and smiled at Chen Yu. He impatiently threw the white stone back into the chess box.

The old man's snow-white eyebrows slightly creased. When he raised his head and saw Chen Xi and Li Hao standing at the door, his brows relaxed. He put down the chess piece in his hand and said: "Okay, that's it for today."

To the side, Li Hao looked at the infamous Lu Siyuan and sneered in his heart.

Old Man Chen clearly had the upper hand. As long as he continued to kill, Lu Siyuan's defeat would be a certainty. Yet this guy used the excuse of eating to ask for some game of chess. This was too shameless.

If he really didn't want to keep his wife waiting, then even if he was on the same level as them, he should still admit defeat in order to honor his master.

However, in the face of such a sure loser situation, he actually asked for a game of chess!

He had saved his face, but in front of Li Haoxi and his son, how could he let old man Chen Yu show his face?

"No wonder this kind of person can become the knot in teacher's heart. As expected, they are not good people …"

Li Hao's gaze turned cold. Just from this small matter alone, his first impression of Lu Siyuan was extremely poor.

"Xi Er, Little Hao, you're here?"

Old Man Chen stood up from his chair and smiled at Chen Xi and Li Hao, "I was too focused on playing chess that I didn't notice you guys coming over."

"Come, let me introduce you. This is Lu Siyuan, and beside him is his son, Marquis Lu."

Old man Chen Yu pointed at Lu Siyuan and his son as he introduced them.

"Hur hur, is this Chenxi? "What a great change for a woman. I've long heard that there is a girl from a noble family in her teacher's house. It is truly breathtaking."

Lu Siyuan enthusiastically walked in front of Chenxi and offered his hand, "I'm also a student of teacher. I should be your eldest senior brother. Hello, junior martial sister!"


Chen Xi nodded slightly at him, but did not extend her hand to shake his.

Her natural disposition was cold, and other than someone as close as Li Hao, she would have a natural apathy to others.

"This is Li Hao, my newest disciple."

Chen Yu stood beside Li Hao and solemnly introduced him.

Only then did Lu Siyuan's gaze shift to Li Hao. However, a trace of disdain and jealousy flashed through his eyes.

But who was Li Hao?

He was a natural born saint who could instantly master the Immortal Doctor's Flowing Magpie and Bai Qi's martial arts!

Even the weird, thorny rose, Zuo Feifei, was unable to gain an advantage from his hands!

Although the slight change in Lu Siyuan's expression was subtle, it was all keenly noticed by Li Hao.

"Hehe, Li Hao, right?"

Lu Siyuan quickly smiled, but did not shake hands with Li Hao. Instead, he said, "Looking at his age, he should be around the same age as my family's Lu Xiaohou. Just call me Uncle Lu."

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on this brat, Li Hao, and was even more jealous of this new disciple that Chen Yu had accepted, so he directly put on the airs of an elder and famous doctor, not to mention not acknowledging Li Hao as his junior brother, he even directly made him call him uncle!

"How can that be?"

Li Hao sneered in his heart, but his face revealed a fervent smile. He took the initiative to shake Lu Siyuan's hand and said, "You already said you're Chen Xi's senior brother, then you must be my senior brother. If I call out to someone else, that person would seem strange and unreasonable!"

Li Hao's words caused Lu Siyuan to freeze on the spot.

He wanted Li Hao to call him uncle to suppress Li Hao, but with Li Hao's words, it confirmed that they were of the same generation!

The fact that Li Hao was Chen Yu's disciple was a fact, and the fact that he, Lu Siyuan, had taken the initiative to say that he was Chen Yu's disciple was also a fact!

If he disagreed with Li Hao's words, wouldn't he be giving him a slap in the face?

"Haha, junior brother, you are very good, very good …"

Li Hao held Lu Siyuan's hand with a fake smile, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

He wanted to put Li Hao in his place, but he didn't expect that he would be easily countered by Li Hao with a few words. Instead, he had no choice but to accept this loss. How could he not be angry?

"Senior apprentice-brother, you're not bad either."

Li Hao nodded calmly with a bright smile on his face, as if he was saying to Lu Siyuan, "Are you angry? "What can you do if you're angry at me?"

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