"Come on, Little Hao, eat more. You're too skinny, you have to make up for it."

At the dinner table, Chen Xi's grandma was holding the dishes in Li Hao's bowl with the same enthusiasm as usual. She was smiling at Li Hao with the same expression as if she was looking at her own grandson-in-law.

Lu Siyuan, who was sitting across from him, looked at him coldly. In comparison, he and Lu Xiahou, who had both been ignored, were burning with jealousy. The more they looked at Li Hao, the more they disliked him.

"Hehe, Little Hao should eat more. Boys are too thin and weak, so they don't look very reliable."

Lu Siyuan smiled as he took over Chen Xi's words. Then, he turned to Li Hao and spoke with an elder's tone.

"Senior brother, you probably don't understand. Right now, in China, you are already so thin that you look beautiful."

Li Hao's face was filled with a harmless smile, and he said: "Maybe it's because Senior Brother and Junior Nephew have been living abroad all these years, but right now, in China, my body is just perfect, and people like you …"

After pausing for a moment, Li Hao seemed somewhat embarrassed as he lowered his voice and said, "He can be considered a fatty."


Lu Siyuan clenched his chopsticks tightly and glared at Li Hao. However, he couldn't do anything about it since he was at Old Master Chenchu's house. He didn't want to act out now.

He wanted to ridicule Li Hao for being too thin and weak, but was instead ridiculed by Li Hao for being fat. He wanted to ridicule Li Hao for being too thin and weak, but he was ridiculed by Li Hao for being too fat.

Lu Xiahou's face was extremely ugly!

Being called a junior by a stranger who was around his own age, was there anything more unbearable than this?

Furthermore, Li Hao actually took advantage of him in front of his father.

"You're going too far!"

Lu Xiahou put down the chopsticks in anger and glared at Li Hao. Finally, he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

"Martial Nephew, what happened to you?"

Li Hao's face was filled with shock as he continued to address Lu Xia Hou as Junior Disciple, then smacked his head and pretended to have understood: "Sorry, it's Junior Master that is rude, your father is my Senior Brother, he said I'm thin, how can I say he's fat in front of everyone? "He really doesn't know how to respect the young."


Lu Siyuan and Lu Xiahou, father and son, were so angry that their bodies were trembling. They were unable to say a single word.

What did Lu Xiahou get angry about? Was it about Li Hao saying that Lu Siyuan was fat? It was obviously because he was angry at Li Hao for calling him martial nephew!

However, Li Hao acted as if he didn't know anything, showing that he was being judged. In reality, he was even calling him "martial nephew". This kind of feeling of not being able to use his full strength when punching cotton made Lu Xiahou feel so upset that he was about to go crazy!

At the side, Lu Siyuan's expression was also incomparably ugly. Li Hao said on the surface that he didn't understand the inferiority of children, but in reality, who was he referring to?

Others might not be able to tell, but Lu Siyuan's words were exceptionally ear-piercing to the ears.

Li Hao and Lu Siyuan were of the same generation, so after junior brother said that senior brother was fat, he didn't understand the rules. That Lu Siyuan even had a master and disciple relationship with Chen Yu, then wouldn't that mean that the method he used to force his teacher and chess on the second floor was too rude?

Li Hao was not just self-reflecting. He was clearly continuing to take advantage of Lu Xiahou and was also secretly ridiculing Lu Siyuan's shameless behavior!

The corners of Lu Siyuan's mouth twitched. He no longer dared to underestimate this excessively young disciple of his.

Li Hao didn't say much, but his words hit the nail on the head. Both the Lu Siyuan and his son felt uncomfortable, and they couldn't find a chance to retaliate.

"Alright, Little Hao is straightforward. Siyuan wouldn't be so stingy as to bother about anything with you."

Old man Chenyu smiled at Li Hao, and the look in his eyes became gentler.

He had lived for so many years, how could he not see that Li Hao was speaking up for Lu Siyuan's disrespect for him?

This caused him to feel happy, and he became more satisfied with Li Hao, the new disciple.

Chen Xi, who was sitting next to Li Hao, didn't say anything. However, her beautiful eyes would glance at him from time to time. When she saw that he had choked up the Lu Siyuan and his son to the point of speechlessness for the sake of her grandfather, she couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile on her face.

"Alright, it's getting late. My son and I will be leaving first. Teacher, sorry for disturbing you today."

After dinner, Lu Siyuan immediately took Lu Xiahou to bid farewell. He didn't want to stay with Li Hao any longer, otherwise, who knew how much damage this venomous brat would do to him!

"Daddy, this Li Hao is too arrogant!"

After leaving Chenyu's villa, Lu Xiahou could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and complained to his father: "He dares to treat us like this! Which overseas doctor studies medicine to see father you do not give three points of courtesy? "Why should he?!

"Son, although I've been famous all these years, I've only just returned home after all. Many things aren't as simple as you think."

Lu Siyuan got into the driver's seat of his Mercedes-Benz with a gloomy face, and said in a low voice, "You grew up abroad and don't understand that in China, your sect is a very important thing. Back then, I left Chenchu for my own future.

"Daddy, you said before that China's medical market is a big cake. If you want to earn big money, you have to go back to your home country to develop it."

Lu Xiahou sat in the front passenger seat and looked at his father, and asked hesitantly, "Will this Li Hao become an obstacle for us to return to our country?"

"It's hard to say if it will stop you."

Lu Siyuan sneered, shook his head and said, "He's just a sharp-tongued kid. He won't be able to get on the stage without real ability."

Lu Zhiyuan grasped the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and the car slowly drove out of the villa. He recalled the look in the old man's eyes when he looked at Li Hao at Chenyu's house, and his eyes became colder and colder.

He had seen this kind of hopeful gaze when he was young, when he was studying Chinese medicine by Chen Yu's side.

"It looks like the old gramps placed his hopes of reviving Chinese medicine on this kid …"

Lu Siyuan sneered in his heart and muttered, "Li Hao, Li Hao, my youngest junior brother, I wonder if you can really complete the matter that I chose to give up on?"

However, even though he said that, from the bottom of his heart, Lu Siyuan did not believe that Li Hao would be able to shine again.

Revive Chinese Medicine?

From Lu Siyuan's point of view, the weak point of Chinese medicine was already a inevitable trend. How could he rely on himself to turn the situation around?

"Son, how is Li Hao going to humiliate us today? When the Exchange next week comes around, you know what to do, right?"

Lu Siyuan turned his head to look at his son who had lowered his head in silence, and asked in a deep voice.

"Dad, don't worry."

Lu Xiahou raised his head, gritting his teeth, his voice cold and sinister.

"At that time, I will use my true academic strength to humiliate Li Hao in front of everyone!"

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