"A human scum …"

After the Lu Siyuan and his son had left, in Old Master Chen Yu's study, Chen Xi curled her lips and spoke with some disdain.

"Xi Er, don't be like this."

Old Man Chen sighed and said.

"Grandfather, why don't you let me speak? You treat him as a disciple, but does he treat you as a teacher? "

Although Chenxi's personality was cold, there was a sense of stubbornness in her determination. She hated people like Lu Siyuan the most.

"This kind of hypocrite is even more shameless than a true villain."

Li Hao lightly said. He was also very disdainful towards Lu Siyuan.

"As a teacher, if a student can take responsibility for me, how can I take responsibility for him?"

Old man Chen Yu sighed deeply again. There was a trace of deep pain in his eyes.

He had poured his heart and soul into every single one of his students. However, in this world, it was not always worth it to give, especially when it came to emotions.

"Actually, we can't blame him entirely. The influence of Chinese medicine has been getting smaller and smaller in recent years. Good birds choose trees to live on, humans are all selfish."

Old man Chen Yu picked up the teacup and took a sip as he spoke in a low voice.

"Little Hao, do you know? When I see you now, it's just like when I saw him back then. "

Old man Chen Yu's eyes were full of nostalgia as he spoke: "You're really very similar to him. You're just as full of talent, just as full of confidence. You're just like a flame that flares up into the sky, burning the world!"

With that, he put down the teacup in his hand and said in a low voice, "But in the end, he retreated. The road of reviving Chinese medicine is really too difficult, he wanted to live a better life and didn't want to waste his time. So he resolutely left China and went to the west to study western medicine."

Old man Chen Yu slowly opened his mouth and said: "Lu Siyuan is indeed a genius at learning medicine. Moreover, he has already combined the knowledge he had learned from me with Western medicine. Very quickly, he has made a name for himself in Western medicine."

"What is he planning to do this time?"

Li Hao's eyes slightly narrowed. His intuition told him that Lu Siyuan definitely wasn't just here to visit her. There must be something else.

"He held an honorary position in the medical academy of Edinburgh University. This time, he brought students from there to exchange study with the Chinese medical academy."

Old Man Chen Yu said, "I'm the newly appointed honorary principal of the Chinese Medical Academy, and Lu Siyuan has come to express his deep ties with me. Thus, after some research, the school decided to let me handle this matter."

"Interactive learning?"

Li Hao rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

He felt that people like Lu Siyuan, who were extremely selfish and realistic, must have their own motives for everything they did. If Lu Siyuan was not a profitable person behind this matter, he would not be willing to travel across the ocean to bring the Edinburgh students to meet up with them!

"Could it be that this guy wants to use his teacher's name to establish his status in the country?"

As this thought flashed through Li Hao's mind, he quickly thought of the crux of the matter.

Although Lu Siyuan had been doing well abroad in recent years, he had not developed much at home.

Compared with the mature and more transparent medical system abroad, the domestic medical field that is in the developing stage is a big cake that makes people drool.

However, if he wanted to establish himself in the country, aside from his own medical skills, many people knew that Lu Siyuan was once the disciple of Old Master Chen Yu. With a master above his head, Lu Siyuan wanting to come back and establish his own sect was simply not enough.

Unless there was one possibility, and that was that he could begin his apprenticeship!

Only when Lu Siyuan proved that all aspects of his ability surpassed Chen Yu's would others recognize him.

With that thought, Li Hao instantly understood.

On the surface, Lu Siyuan had brought students from Edinburgh University's medical college to have a talk with him. In fact, this was a provocation from his own master, Chenchu.

If the students of Edinburgh University's medical school had suffered a stroke while exchanging pointers, what would that mean?

This meant that the student taught by Lu Siyuan was even more outstanding than the student taught by the teacher, Chenchu!

In this way, in addition to the reputation that Lu Siyuan had earned abroad in the past few years, he naturally had the qualifications to become a master. He could separate from Chen Yu and establish his own sect.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to use Elder Chen's name to fulfill his wish!

His master, who had left him without the slightest hesitation, had come back with the intention of using his master to achieve his goals. Lu Siyuan's wolfish ambition was truly sinister and shameless!

On the surface, he was still using the banner of a Chinese and foreign exchange, making it impossible for Chen Yu to refuse him.

"This guy is really shameless."

Li Hao sneered in his heart and had already made up his mind. When the time comes, he would attend the exchange and let Lu Siyuan's shameless plans go to waste.

"Little Hao."

Chen Yu looked at Li Hao, who was deep in thought at the side, and suddenly said something. A hesitant expression appeared on her face.

"Grandfather, Li Hao is not like Lu Siyuan!"

Seemingly knowing what her grandfather was going to say, Chen Xi rushed to say, "He would never do something so shameless!"

"Little Hao, letting you shoulder the burden of reviving Chinese medicine is actually because teacher is selfish. This burden is very heavy, if you regret it in the future, you can give up at any time. Don't feel guilty, master won't blame you."

Chen Yu didn't stop and said, "The task of reviving Chinese medicine is a long and heavy one. This road is too difficult and too arduous. We seniors don't have anything to carry, nor do we have the qualifications to force you juniors to do it."

"Teacher, you don't need to say it. I chose the path myself, maybe I can use western medicine to support a big tree, and choose Chinese medicine to make my way across the land. But I'm Chinese, and deep down, I still have the pride of a Chinese!"

Li Hao straightened his back and said in a clear voice: "Chinese medicine is a treasure of China, I hope that it will be accepted by the world again, and I hope that it can help more people, help the world, and bring back the glory!"

"Those who shouldn't have been left behind by the passage of time need someone to take the lead and pick them up."

Li Hao's eyes shone brightly, his voice sonorous and forceful!

"Good, good, good!"

Old man Chen Yu was so excited that he said three good things in a row. He suddenly stood up from his chair, his old eyes were filled with tears. He laughed loudly: "There's someone like that. There's hope for a revival!"

"Li Hao, as long as you want to learn, I, this old man, will never hide anything from you. I can't teach you, I will pull this old face of mine down and beg others to teach me!"

Old Man Chen Yu solemnly said as he looked at Li Hao.

"Teacher, don't worry."

The corner of Li Hao's mouth curved into a confident smile as he spoke word by word, "The hope of traditional Chinese medicine, I will bear it!" # What comments can be sent under the bookflag client, I will go to see it when I have free time!

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