The huge head of the gluttonous snake was fried into blood foam by Li Hao with LV Dongbin's pure Yang Sword Qi. The terrible impact lifted its huge body back heavily and smashed it on a small mountain behind. Suddenly, the earth shook and the rocks broke down one after another.

The huge snake, blackened by the thunder, is still twisting its body crazily after its head is broken, but it is only powerless to vent its last vitality, and has no ability to show off its ferocity.

"You're too careless."

Looking back at Qianye, Li Hao sat down on the ground for just one second, but Li Hao found that his clothes had been wet by sweat!

At that scene just now, if Li Hao was not still in the state of Dongwei, he must have had no time to respond, but fortunately, in the state of Dongwei, he noticed and dissolved the sneak attack of taosnake.

"I owe you a life..."

Qianye was silent for a moment until the cold brought by the shadow of death faded from her body. She blinked and said seriously to Li Hao, "I will recognize you as my master and protect you all my life."

"Not the master, we are partners."

Li Hao grinned.


Looking at his smile, Qianye felt that there was a feeling in his heart that he didn't know how to describe.

This feeling is not the bondage of the master-slave contract, but it seems to be a deeper bondage.

"Also, don't take it out and make a commitment for such an important thing in your life!"

Li Hao got up from the ground and said with a smile.

Qianye shook his head, left behind the strange feeling in his heart, glanced at Li Hao and said faintly, "what I said is to protect your life. My life is much longer than you. Your life is not long for me."


Qianye choked Li Hao so much that he couldn't say a word.

Nima, although it hurts people, what Qianye said is really true. Compared with these ancient spirit beasts with noble blood lineage, the life span of human beings is really not enough.

"It's no use keeping the internal pill of taosnake. I'll take it. Swallow this snake gall."

The gluttonous snake was completely dead. Qianye searched the huge snake body for a moment, took out a fist sized crystal inner pill and swallowed it into his stomach. Then he cut open the gluttonous snake's stomach, took out a bloody snake gall and handed it to Li Hao.

"Well, good."

Li Hao nodded. Everyone knows that snake gall is a great tonic. The snake gall of a fierce snake with the potential to turn into a dragon, such as gluttonous snake, can be said to be the most precious thing besides its internal alchemy. It is definitely a treasure that can be met but not sought.

After closing his eyes, Li Hao tried his best to open his mouth to the maximum and swallowed the huge snake gall in his hand.

The strong fishy smell filled Li Hao's inner organs in an instant. The fishy smell of the blood stuck to the gourmet snake gall almost choked Li Hao out, but he resisted and didn't spit it out.

The snake gall of the gluttonous snake melted at the entrance. Li Hao had never swallowed the snake gall before, but the next moment, a terrible dry heat burst out from Li Hao's abdomen, making his body turn red in an instant!!

"Li Hao, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Li Hao suddenly and painfully fall to the ground, Liu Yuying on one side ran over nervously. As soon as her hand touched Li Hao's body, she was immediately hot and shrunk back!

The gluttonous snake is a fierce beast. Although its snake gall is a great tonic, its tonic nature is also extremely irritable and violent. Qianye himself is also a spirit beast and has a strong body. If it swallows it, it will naturally be able to bear it, but Li Hao is just a mortal. How can he stand this?!

Seeing Li Hao's painful appearance, Qianye was also anxious. He was so anxious that he came and went back in mid air. He didn't know what to do.


Li Hao opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. In an instant, he burned the grass in front of him and withered!!

His body was twitching violently. At the moment, he felt that his body seemed to have become a huge stove, and his blood turned into boiling water, boiling his internal organs!

This is why Li Hao once took so many treasures from the fairy world to hold on for a while. If Liu Yuying took the snake gall directly, I'm afraid he would be burned to fly ash immediately!!


Li Hao roared wildly and rolled on the ground. He was so painful that he wanted to kill himself.

"Get out of the way."

At this time, a crisp voice remembered from behind Liu Yuying. Ling Er, who had been in a daze and silent since he came here, came over, stretched out his hands and pressed them on Li Hao's chest, emitting a strong smell of green grass all over.


A faint golden light emanated from ling'er and spread into an oval cocoon around, wrapping her and Li Hao's body.

This golden light exudes a magnificent and sacred spirit, as well as a great compassion of compassion. When people feel it, they can't help but feel infinite respect and want to worship.

"What is this...?"

Liu Yuying looked at the light cocoon in front of her, resisted the impulse to kneel in her heart, and took many steps back. Only then did she finally stop the instinctive impulse in her heart. There was a trace of horror in her beautiful big eyes.

"It's her, it's her!"

The thousand nights hovering in the air, because she knew more things, she was even more shocked than Liu Yuying!

"Descendants of Shennong, is this little girl a descendant of Shennong with such strong blood?!"

Feeling the mighty sage's breath in the golden cocoon in front of me, Qianye has instantly understood.

The sage's vision can understand the ancient and modern times, and the sage's wisdom can be counted as no policy left. Why was the treasure left by Shennong emperor born during this period of time?

Because linger will appear!

When she appears, the treasure of Shennong emperor appears!!

Emperor Shennong was a sage in ancient times. At that time, he had many descendants and his blood was widely spread. However, with the passage of time, after so many years, the Shennong blood in his descendants had been diluted very thin.

However, there are always exceptions. Just like the atavism phenomenon concerned by scientists, among so many people with thin Shennong's blood, there will always be a atavism descendant thousands of years later. The blood purity is very high, even higher than that of Shennong's parents and children!

And ling'er is obviously such a descendant of Shennong, but she didn't know it before she came here!

"With the hand of the inheritor of Shennong emperor, Li Hao's life should be saved..."

Qianye breathed a sigh of relief. She could not see through the golden cocoon, but she was very confident.

These ancient relics know more about ancient saints than most humans now. Shennong emperor is not only a saint, but also a human medicine saint who tasted hundreds of herbs in ancient times!

If even his inheritors can't save Li Hao, I'm afraid no one can save Li Hao alive in these three realms

#####Updated to, there will be an update in the evening, but it may be late

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