
It was as if someone poured a basin of cold water on his head in an extreme dry heat, and the dry heat feeling of eating snake gall disappeared. The surging energy was hidden somewhere in his body and disappeared, while the cool feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, making him feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

"I won't be burned to death, will I?"

After the pain subsided, Li Hao recovered some spirit, and a very unreasonable idea suddenly popped out of his mind.


The misty golden light flashed, and a strong man's virtual shadow appeared in front of Li Hao.

"Are you?"

Li Hao's eyes suddenly coagulated, and he got up from the ground. I don't know why. Looking at the image of the man in front of him, he would have a very close feeling in his heart.

This feeling is very strange. Li Hao feels that this person is a kind of person with himself, but his steps have already come far ahead of him, which is more like a guide or elder brother.

"I'm Shennong. You can also call me Emperor Yan."

The strong man smiled and nodded to Li Hao.

"Shennong emperor?!"

As soon as Li Hao's face changed, ancient human saints had earth shaking achievements. As a student of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Hao respected nongdi, the medicine saint who discovered the earliest system of herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine!

"Hello, little friend."

Emperor Shennong smiled and said, "I calculated that today, future generations with my high-purity blood will come here to get my legacy, but I didn't expect to meet a natural Saint like Xiaoyou. It's really unexpected joy, unexpected joy!"

"Lord Shennong, you're welcome."

Li Hao bowed respectfully to him and said, "I'm just a junior. Lord Shennong is serious."

"No, no, no, the road of humanity, one life, two luck and three Feng Shui. The so-called life is the qualification. Even in ancient times, there are few natural saints like Xiaoyou."

Shennong waved his hand, interrupted Li Hao's self modesty, and said, "as long as someone with the qualification of Xiaoyou leads him in, he can become a real person all the way, and he is also the person who is most likely to become a saint. It's no longer possible to calculate your fate. No wonder I didn't calculate that I would meet you today through incarnation thousands of years later."

"I think your realm has half stepped into the realm of human beings. I believe you can enter this realm soon."

Shen Nong's incarnation looked at Li Hao several times. He nodded satisfactorily. "Seeing each other is a predestined relationship. All the treasures I left behind can only be used by the descendants who have my blood. Today, I will instil all the cream of my life into you, hoping to help you in the future."

"This gift is too valuable!"

Li Hao was overwhelmed by an unexpected favour. A man, especially Shen Nong, was the priceless treasure of his ancient life, which is more valuable than his most famous Shennong tripod.

A famous philosopher once said that you can take away all my wealth and even my life by means of rape, but you can't take away my most precious thing, that is, the knowledge in my head.

It can be seen that the accumulation of spiritual food is the most important.

It is very important for a person to own the assets, such as Shen Nong's possession of Shennong tripod, and all kinds of medicinal materials he left behind. Of course, they are valuable treasures and wealth, but they can not be compared with those mental essence of Shen Nong's mind.

Because if he had the experience of Shennong emperor, as long as he had the opportunity, Li Hao could rebuild a Shennong tripod and plant those precious medicinal materials.

"Little friend, don't be excited. My memory will also be passed on to my descendants. I'm afraid it's difficult to understand the most essential part with her qualifications."

Emperor Shennong waved his hand and said with emotion: "in fact, in a sense, for saints, only Xiaoyou, who has unlimited hope to become saints in the future, is the real inheritor of our sages."

Li Hao didn't doubt his words, because really, when he first saw the virtual shadow of Shennong, Li Hao had a cordial feeling from the bottom of his heart. Now Shennong emperor said so, he believed that this feeling should not be unilateral, but mutual.


At the next moment, the virtual shadow of Shennong emperor dissipated in an instant and became countless dreamlike light and shadow. Finally, all the milk swallows swarmed into Li Hao's brain!!

In an instant, Li Hao's eyes were like a slide horse lantern, flashing countless fragments and scenes, as well as various feelings and experiences of Shennong emperor.

Scenes in his mind were replayed like watching movies. Li Haofu went to his heart and sat watching the rise and fall of the human race in ancient times. A rare feeling and understanding rose in his heart.

The essence of Shennong's spirit was gradually digested by Li Hao. All kinds of methods to cultivate the spirit and spirit, and some herbal medicines which were used in combination with the lost herbs were all kept firmly in mind by Li Hao. Besides these, most importantly, in the realization of Shennong's emperor, Li Hao suddenly had a rare feeling, that is, the realization of people's feelings.

At the beginning, people are good in nature, similar in nature and far away in practice.

The short 12 words at the beginning of the Three Character Classic suddenly appeared in Li Hao's mind. The words were so beautiful that he suddenly enlightened.

For example, gluttonous snakes are evil and greedy by nature. They regard everything in heaven and earth as their own food as soon as they are born. Killing is originally a matter of course for them.

The nature of gluttonous snakes is evil. It can be said that this is something that has been doomed since they were born, and there is no way to change it.

Another example is the Chongming bird, which symbolizes beauty and peace. Its nature is to help the weak, and its nature is to be willing to help others. This is also something with the blood of all Chongming birds. It is impossible to change.

But people's hearts are very different!

Starting from the hearts of the people, a person can become a good person or a bad person, a savior to save the world, or a great devil to bring disaster to the country and the people.

If bad and good are regarded as Yin and Yang in all things in heaven and earth, then the heart of gluttonous snake is Yin, and Chongming bird belongs to Yang.

But the human heart is different. The human heart can develop into yin or derive Yang.

There is only one thing that can give birth to both yin and Yang, that is the most primitive chaos, that is Tao!!

"No wonder they all say that people's hearts are unpredictable. It turns out that people's hearts are the closest to chaos, which is so similar to Tao..."

Li Hao was silent for a long time, and then finally had a clear understanding.

The light and shadow of Shennong emperor had completely dissipated. Li Hao sighed and bowed piously to the void in front of him.

"Younger generation Li Hao, congratulations to elder Shennong emperor!!"

This time, the essence of Shennong's thought not only gave Li Hao the experience of planting many elixir and ancient prescriptions, but most importantly, the deep feeling of people's heart is the way to sanctify him in the future.

The sacred heart of truth, Li Hao's heart finally has a grasp of the general direction ##### about the human heart and enlightenment. It's really time-consuming and time-consuming to write this chapter. I've been writing it for several times, but I'm not very satisfied. I've deleted it and started again. Finally, I'm satisfied with it. It's very late. I'm sorry

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