Shen Nong's golden incarnation gradually faded away. Li Hao opened his eyes and merged the essence of Shen Nong's thought. His knowledge and knowledge rose once again to a great height.

In addition to the miraculous five line magic needles, Li Hao's ability to diagnose the cause and prescribe the decoction is only to learn the essence of the essence of traditional Chinese medicine in the fairyland, though it can already surpass many famous TCM practitioners nowadays, but after all, it is only the foundation.

Originally Li Hao wanted to take medicine and take charge as chief of the hidden Chinese medicine family before he went to Medicine Valley and then to earn some more points. Then he would seek medical fairy Bian Que to exchange higher TCM Pathology essence. After all, if he only had the essence of Chinese medicine, he could be alone in society, and he would compete with those who had inherited the Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Certainly not enough.

But now, after gaining the essence of ancient antiquity, the accumulation of Li Hao's thought is enough. He is not a saint now. But this ability to be roughly the same as the Shennong emperor is still the same.

Through the golden light, Li Hao saw the ancient tripod, which was carved with patterns of flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains, plants and trees, as well as the pictures of ancient ancestors' slash and burn cultivation, hunting and sacrifice. At a glance, a strong sense of historical vicissitudes came to his face, which made people awe.


In ancient times, Emperor Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, smelted magic medicine and saved thousands of people!

This thing is definitely the first-class treasure in the world!

Now in the Shennong Ding, a young girl is sitting cross legged, her eyes slightly closed, and seems to be receiving some inheritance.

"Ling'er, it turns out that ling'er is the descendant of emperor Shennong with high blood purity. By chance, this fate is really mysterious."

Li Hao chuckled.

From the beginning, ling'er kindly reminded him that he had not prepared a tent at the gate of the scenic spot. Then after entering the primeval forest, Li Hao found that a Qiang in their team was poisoned by the gluttonous snake and rushed to the hospital for treatment. Then, Qianye tried to get them away because of the attraction of the peacock's imperial plume, and then they would gather here together.

"The sage really has no choice. Although Shennong emperor can't figure out my destiny, he can figure out his blood descendants over thousands of years. It's really powerful!"

Looking at ling'er who was accepting the inheritance of Shennong emperor, Li Hao couldn't help feeling again.

"I don't know how long it will take linger to complete the integration with Shennong Ding and the inheritance of Shennong emperor's memory, but she still has to guard her before she wakes up."

Li Hao pondered in his heart, and then stepped out of the golden cocoon.

"Li Hao!"

Seeing Li Hao's appearance, Liu Yuying, who had been worried outside, was overjoyed and welcomed him in surprise.

Qianye also flew to Li Hao for the first time. After looking at him several times, there was a relieved look in his small eyes.

Li Hao fell into danger after swallowing the snake gall she told him to eat. Li haogang just saved her life. If she was killed in the blink of an eye because of her carelessness, she would definitely blame herself!

"Sister, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Li Hao patted Liu Yuying on the shoulder with relief, and then opened his mouth with some apology: "but now we can't leave immediately, because ling'er is still inside to accept the inheritance of Shennong emperor, and we can't leave her."

"Well, I know. It doesn't matter. As long as you're okay."

Liu Yuying nodded again and again, but no one noticed. When Li Hao mentioned the three words Shennong emperor, a trace of black deeper than ink appeared in the depths of her eyes. Just because the eyes of Chinese people were black, no one was aware of this small anomaly.

"Qianye, please protect us. I want to practice and have a look at the family skill" five Qi heaven heart formula "that my brother just left me."

Li Hao told Qianye, then sat beside him alone and took out from his arms the volume of bamboo ancient book that Li Jiaqi gave him when he left.

In fact, the first step is to require the cultivator to find the sense of Qi in his own body.

Being able to feel Qi is the basis for practicing Qi, otherwise everything is rootless and empty talk.

Li Hao took a deep breath. Now he hasn't retired from the realm of Dongwei. He found that as he is getting closer and closer to the realm of human beings, it is much easier for him to enter the realm of Dongwei, and the time in it is longer and longer.

Looking at the "five Qi Tianxin Jue" skill in his hand, Li Hao can see ten lines at a glance. With the natural sage's qualification, it is much easier to practice all skills than others.

After reading it, Li Hao knows the general outline of the five Qi Tianxin formula. This skill is to treat the internal organs of the human body as a small heaven and earth. The external heaven and earth is a large cycle, while the human body is a small cycle. Since it is heaven and earth, it naturally has the Qi of the five elements that constitute heaven and earth.

These five Qi refer to the five-star breath of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the human body.

This concept of practice is also common with the source of Qi in traditional Chinese medicine, so Li Hao soon mastered it.

In the realm of cave micro, Li Hao entered the inner vision without difficulty and began to mobilize the Qi of the five elements in his body through the skill of the five Qi Tianxin formula.


At the same time, when Li Hao was undergoing a major transformation in Shennongjia, in the distant pearl, after Hua Jiansheng became a vegetable, under the influence of Hua Lingtong, the flower family who did not know the truth had an unforgettable hatred for Li Hao.

"You losers, I spent so much money to invite you back from Korea. You have studied it for so long, but you still can't figure out what drug components are in this condensate and condensate?!"

In the laboratory invested by Huarong group, Hua Lingtong is furious. The biomedical experts who were invited back from Korea at a high price by him are silent and afraid to speak.

"A bunch of waste!!"

He slammed a large book of data in his hand to the ground, and Hua Lingtong turned and left the laboratory.

"Dashao, it seems that Li Hao hasn't returned to the Pearl yet. What shall we do next?"

Wang Xuecheng respectfully follows Hua Lingtong behind him. He knows that he has witnessed the fact that Hua Lingtong beat his father into a vegetable. If he can't show enough loyalty, Hua Lingtong won't mind killing himself, but fortunately, Hua Lingtong doesn't trust him now.

"What should I do?"

Hua Lingtong pulled at the corners of his mouth and said, "since these waste experts can't crack the ingredients of condensed truffle, we'll find someone who knows the formula."

"Know the recipe?"

Wang Xuecheng frowned slightly.

"Call someone! Prepare the car! Take the security team!"

After leaving the laboratory, Hua Lingtong waved his hand, with a cruel look on his face and said, "let's visit Haotian industry!!" ###### first, please subscribe, brothers!!!

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