Under the call of Wang Xuecheng, the private security team formed by Huarong group quickly gathered, all got on the company's car and headed for Haotian industry in the suburbs.

"Young and old, are we going to Haotian industry this time?"

After Wang Xuecheng summoned good people, he sat in the car in the middle of the team with Hua Lingtong and asked respectfully.

"You should know why I spent so much money to invite those experimental guys from Korea?"

Hua Lingtong's eyes were cold and faint.

"Er... Because our brand of skin beauty frozen age water has been smelly."

Wang Xuecheng hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth.

Although admitting his failure may annoy Hua Lingtong, Wang Xuecheng knows that Hua Lingtong will be more annoyed if he asks himself and he knows but doesn't answer.

After a pause, looking at Hua Lingtong, who was as heavy as water and didn't speak, Wang Xuecheng breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed his saliva and continued: "If we want to restore the decline of Huarong group in the domestic market of China, we must have a product with an immediate adverse effect, and the condensation Zhenlu of Haotian industry is such a product, so the young master wants to get their formula."


Hua Lingtong nodded and said, "even if there are condensate and condensate produced by Haotian industry in front, it doesn't matter. As long as we get the formula and change our appearance and go on the market, it's a big deal that if we sell it cheaper, someone will buy it."

"But Li Hao is not in the Pearl now. Why do you go to Haotian industry now..."

A trace of doubt appeared on Wang Xuecheng's face.

"He's not here!"

Hua Lingtong sneered and said, "since those guys in Korea can't crack the formula of Ning Zhenlu, we'll go to the headquarters of Haotian industry, go to their production line and grab a formula directly!!"


Wang Xuecheng's face changed slightly, then looked at the almost morbid Madness on Hua Lingtong's face, and immediately closed his mouth.

"Since Li Hao dares to use Jianghu means to deal with me, if I don't return the following words, am I still the flower madman in the mouth of outsiders?"

Hua Lingtong grinds his teeth, like a beast that chooses people to eat.

Huarong group's motorcade swaggered through the city, roared through the streets of the Pearl, and soon left the city and went straight to the place where zhonghaotian industry was located in the suburbs.

"Li Hao, Li Hao, when you come back from sightseeing outside and find that your company's formula has reached my hand, I don't know what a wonderful expression you will be?"

Hua Lingtong closed her eyes and was very proud.

But on second thought, he suddenly remembered why he dared to move such a mind after hearing that Li Haoren was not in the Pearl?

"Is it invisible that I have begun to fear him in the bottom of my heart?"

The idea flashed at the bottom of Hua Lingtong's heart and was soon drowned by boundless anger!

"Li Hao!!"

Clenched his fist, Hua Lingtong shouted at the bottom of his heart, "if I'm really afraid of you, I'll step on you!"

Half an hour later, the car stopped near Haotian industry.

"Take someone. I'll wait for you in the car."

Hua Lingtong sat in his seat and looked at the house belonging to Haotian industry not far from the window. He smiled and said, "if I go in person, if it is reported in the future, it will damage the reputation of our flower family. The flower family now can't have any more stains."

"I see!"

Wang Xuecheng nodded, then bent down and got out of the car. Led by him, he rushed directly towards Haotian industry with the people of their company's security team.

"Sister Feifei! I tell you, when it comes to the impact of packaging and names on consumers' hearts, I have specially studied abroad!"

In the office of a Jian in Haotian industry, a Jian is charming and calls Zuo Feifei with his mobile phone.

"I tell you, most of our customers of condensate and condensate are still women, but in fact, our products are also very useful for men!"

Ah Jian tilted his iconic orchid finger and said, "you don't know. Now there are some straight men with cancer. Their skin is called rough! It's just like sandpaper. There are so many acne marks. Tut tut Tut, disgusting! Use our condensate dew, it's good for everything!"

"I tell you, because women give priority to the purchase of Ning Zhenlu, those masters will think that this product is only for women, so I will design another packaging for men's products. At that time, I will call Ning Zhenlu men's products and condensate men's products to give them a psychological hint!"

Talking about his major, ah Jian is also in high spirits. Li Hao and Zuo Feifei are first-class talents. Ah Jian knows he can't compare with them, but he also wants to help them as much as possible.

Therefore, whenever there are questions about the design, packaging and marketing ideas of Ning Zhenlu, he will spare no effort to contribute his own strength and try his best to do fine and good work.

Of course, Li Hao also showed great trust in him. In the basement of Haotian industry, except Li Hao, only a Jian went in alone.

"All right, all right, I won't tell you. I still have a manuscript to draw."

After chatting with Zuo Feifei for a while, ah Jian hung up the phone with a smile, turned on the computer in front of him, and was ready to continue his unfinished design.


At this time, the door of his office was suddenly kicked open from the outside. Several people in black poured in, all wearing sunglasses and looking murderous.

"Hey! Who are you?! who allows you to break into my mother? No, it's my office?!"

Ah Jian's Willow eyebrows stood up, suddenly closed the apple notebook in his hand, and stood up angrily.

"Listen to someone outside, it seems that in the company, except Li Hao, you know what the formula of Ning Zhenlu is?"

A man in a suit came in from the door. Wang Xuecheng trimmed his hair, smiled at ah Jian and asked.

"Of course, I'm brother Hao's confidant!"

Ah Jian didn't know what they were doing. He looked up triumphantly at the man in black and Wang Xuecheng in front of him and said faintly, "who are you? Are you brother Hao's friend? He has something to do recently. If you want to find him, come back another day."

"Yes, we are Li Hao's friends."

Wang Xuecheng's face showed a sneer, shook his head and said, "but since he is not here now, it's OK to find you, friend. Hand over the formula of Ning Zhenlu."


Ah Jian finally realized that something was wrong. He looked at Wang Xuecheng and said, "go out! If you don't go out again, I'll call the police!"

"None of those people outside can call the police. Do you think you have a chance?"

The sneer on Wang Xuecheng's face was even worse. He twisted his neck and made a crisp noise.

"It seems that you are not ready to cooperate, so... No wonder I am!" ####### second, thank you for your subscription

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