"What do you want?"

A Jian stood up from his seat, pointed to the man in black and Wang Xuecheng who were pressing against him step by step, and asked angrily, "are there any laws for you to break into other people's companies like this?!"

His voice sounded a little more shrill than usual because of anger, tension and fear.

"You have the chance to hand over the recipe at any time."

Wang Xuecheng's face was still covered with a cold smile. He walked step by step in front of ah Jian, raised his hand and said, "or do you have to wait for me to talk to you in some uncivilized and friendly ways?"

"I really don't know what formula."

As Wang Xuecheng moved forward, ah Jian retreated. Soon his body had retreated to the wall and there was no way to retreat.

"I'm a designer. How can I know the product formula? Even if you show me those things, I can't remember them!"

A Jian was sad and tried to make his words sound more convincing.

After listening to his words, Wang Xuecheng stopped his actions. He seemed to think what he said was reasonable. He turned his head and snapped his fingers and said, "go and bring the boy in and confront him."

The two men hurried out of the door. Soon, a guy who was beaten into a panda's eye was dragged in by them from the outside.

"Didn't you say he knew the recipe? What's going on?"

Wang Xuecheng walked up to the boy, grabbed his hair, pulled his head back, lowered his head and asked, "tell me quickly!"

"I, I don't know if he knows the formula."

Because he was held by his hair, the little security guard was forced to tilt his head back, which made it very difficult for him to speak. He stammered: "but he often boasted to us that he knew where the production site of Ning Zhenlu was. There was a place that no one knew except president Li."

"I'm sorry. I just asked the wrong question."

Wang Xuecheng loosened the little security guard's hair, straightened up, smiled at ah Jian and said, "Sir, please cooperate and take us to the production site of Ning Zhenlu."

"I, I don't know."

Ah Jian's face changed, but he still stuck his neck and said, "I just talked nonsense when I was bragging."

"Don't you admit it?"

The smile on Wang Xuecheng's face converged. He rushed to ah Jian with an arrow, raised his thigh, hit a heavy knee against ah Jian's soft stomach, and immediately hit his body into a shrimp shape!

"Cough, cough..."

A Jian's face turned white. The huge pain instantly wrinkled his facial features into a ball, opened his mouth and coughed violently.

"Sissy, I'd like to see if you're tougher than these people outside!!"

Wang Xuecheng grabbed a Jian's hair and instantly destroyed his most concerned hairstyle. Then he pulled his arm hard and directly took a Jian's body and threw it aside.


A Jian's head banged heavily at the corner of the desk. He screamed, and a large piece of skin broke on his forehead. The bright red blood gurgled out and dyed a Jian's forehead red.

"Give you another chance, say!!"

Wang Xuecheng came over again, stepped heavily on ah Jian's face, looked at his deformed and distorted face at his feet, and hissed, "where is the production site of Ning Zhenlu?"


Ah Jian was speechless and could only hum a few syllables from his nose.

"Fuck you! I see how hard your mouth can be!!"

Wang Xuecheng roared and kicked ah Jian in the stomach, kicking his thin body directly out of the ground for several meters!!

This sadistic pleasure makes Wang Xuecheng some crazy.

For a long time, he endured humiliation under Hua Lingtong's men and was angry every day. Especially recently, after seeing Hua Lingtong personally beat his father into the hospital, the string in Wang Xuecheng's heart was tight every day.

He knew that if he had not been useful to hualingtong, or his few confidants, if Huarong group was not in urgent need of people who could work, he would have been eliminated long ago!

But he didn't know when Hua Lingtong would do it to himself.

This feeling is like a butcher's knife hanging high above his head, which may fall down at any time and take his life away.

This feeling of walking on thin ice made him almost crazy. Today, all the pent up emotions in his heart were vented on the violent beating to a Jian!

"I make your mouth hard, grass!!"

Looking at the ah Jian who had been unconscious and couldn't move, Wang Xuecheng scolded angrily. It was like crazy. After chasing him, he kicked ah Jian out of the office and rolled down the stairs!!

"Pa! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA!"

Wang Xuecheng also chased out of the office, rushed to a Jian in front of him, picked up his hair, bowed left and right on a Jian's face full of shoe prints before him, and smoked five big mouths angrily!!

"Say! Where is it?!"

"I don't... I don't know..."

Ah Jian's face was swollen like a pig's head. Even because of the swelling of his face, he couldn't even open his eyes, but his answer was still just those three words.

I do not know!

Since Li Hao took him to the underground secret room in order to find design inspiration, ajian really felt Li Hao's unreserved trust in him, so he did not hesitate to change jobs from Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup and stayed in Haotian industry to do design and marketing for ningzhenlu and ningzhenye.

So many people, including Zuo Feifei and Liu Yuying. One of them is Li Hao's confidant partner and the other is Li Hao's sister. They have never been to the underground secret room, but he a Jian has gone in!

This trust makes ah Jian feel extremely precious, so even if he feels that he is about to be killed, he still bites his teeth and doesn't say it anyway!

"You're a dead woman. What are you pretending to be a pure man?!"

Wang Xuecheng was completely angry. He grabbed ah Jian's hair and knocked his head heavily against the floor!!

"Grass!! I fought with you!!"

Seeing that the most Niang a Jiandu among them was so backbone, the Yellow skinned dog whose eyes and canthus were controlled by the security team brought by Wang Xuecheng suddenly stood up and rushed towards the man in black beside him!


"Do it!"

The little tigers under the yellow dog roared with red eyes and fought back regardless.

"It doesn't matter as long as it doesn't kill anyone!"

Wang Xuecheng roared, and the people in black of the security team of Huarong group also pulled out their electric sticks and stabbed them at the yellow dogs!!


The scream of pain instantly rang through the whole Haotian industry

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