
Painful groans came and went in Haotian industry. All the security personnel of Haotian industry led by the yellow dog were electrocuted to the ground, and all the workers on the production line were forced to the corner. The leaders of the production line were also beaten and knocked to the ground.

The rest of the front desk and secretarial staff were so frightened that they squatted under the table with their heads in their arms, trembling and afraid to speak.

The most miserable thing is ah Jian. He was very concerned about his appearance. At the moment, he was completely beyond recognition. He was beaten into a pig's head by the irritable Wang Xuecheng and lay motionless on the ground. All the shoe marks on his white clothes were kicked. I don't know whether he fainted or was interrupted.


After searching for a circle, Wang Xuecheng angrily smashed a computer and roared, "I still haven't got the formula of Ning Zhenlu!"

"General manager, the time is almost up. If you don't go, if a customer comes to visit Haotian industry, it will inevitably call the police when seen."

The captain of the security team of Huarong group came to Wang Xuecheng, who was still furious, and began to remind him.

Indeed, the scale of Haotian industry is getting larger and larger, and its influence on the pearl is getting higher and higher. In particular, after Li Hao hit Huarong group this time, many second - and third rate small enterprises are like a grass on the wall, blowing on both sides, and begin to compete to cooperate with Haotian industry and take a share in the big cake of condensed Zhenlu and condensed Zhenye.

At any time, the boss or representative of that company may come to Haotian industry to negotiate business. Like Wang Xuecheng, they may not be found in a short time. Once they stay too long, they are likely to be exposed.

Wang Xuecheng knows very well that with Li Hao's contacts in the police system, even if he is not in the Pearl now, once this matter is stabbed to the police and arrested, Hua Lingtong has no chance to protect them. They will definitely be arrested and none of them can escape!

And if they can leave in time, even if someone accuses them afterwards, they will have all kinds of ways to avoid this responsibility. As long as they are not caught and raped in bed, there is room for debate.

Most of them use electric batons after beating people. Even Wang Xuecheng wears gloves after beating a Jian. He won't leave fingerprints at all.

"Let's go. Even if we can't dig out the formula of Ning Zhenlu, it's a bad breath to smash the nest of Haotian industry this time!"

Wang Xuecheng also knew that staying more was useless. When he left, he kicked ah Jian, who fell unconscious on the ground, and then waved his hand and took the lead to walk out.

When he came to the gate, he seemed to think of something. He turned back and said to the captain of the security team of Huarong group: "energetically, go and pull out the USB flash disk envisaged by the company's monitoring. Don't be taken by them as evidence at that time."


The captain of the security team of Huarong group nodded and turned to the monitoring room to get the U disk of the camera video.

Wang Xuecheng stood at the gate of Haotian industry and looked at the wailing and crying employees in the house. He squeezed his fist and showed a bloodthirsty smile at the corners of his mouth.

He finally understood why Hua Lingtong, a madman, became more and more crazy. He was so crazy that he couldn't control it.

It turned out that it would be so cool to vent your inner violence without reservation. This feeling is just as cool as playing with those coquettish Bunnies in a nightclub!

Wang Xuecheng thought to himself, no wonder pornographic and violent films will be collectively referred to as grade III films. I think the two activities still have something in common at a certain cool point.

After the security team cleaned up the scene, Wang Xuecheng left Haotian industry and returned to the car not far away.

Before getting on the bus, Wang Xuecheng straightened his clothes and put on a respectful and humble appearance. Then he opened the door and got into the car.

"How's it going?"

Hua Lingtong was playing a bloody and violent murder fighting game with an apple tablet in his car. When he saw Wang Xuecheng coming back, he raised his head from the screen in his hand and asked.

"We are incompetent. We searched the whole Haotian industry and didn't find any clues about the formula of condensate Zhenlu. Moreover, their company's plant only has the final processing production line of finished products. As for how condensate Zhenlu is produced, the production of this process is not here."

Wang Xuecheng lowered his head, and his voice was full of self reproach.

"I didn't expect it."

Hua Lingtong was not angry and said, "if the formula is so easy to get, I dare not use it. If Li Hao makes such a big mistake so easily, he doesn't deserve to let me suffer such a big loss."

"Did you know from the beginning that our trip would be fruitless?"

Wang Xuecheng's face showed a flattering smile, flattered and said, "you are really clever, and your subordinates admire you."

"How can we say it's a futile return?"

Hua Lingtong sneered at the operation on the tablet in his hand, manipulated his character to directly Ko his opponent, then looked at the blood red screen and said faintly: "Did you have a hard time fighting this meal? And we gave Haotian industry such a sudden. I believe that apart from a few diehards, most of the employees under Li Hao's hands will be lost? I really expect him to come back. After knowing all this, he looks like he wants revenge and can't find an excuse."

"What you said is, what you said is."

Wang Xuecheng's face showed a look of sudden enlightenment. With a nod, he gave a thumbs up to Hua Lingtong and said, "now let the boy surnamed Li know that we are not easy to mess with!"

The car started slowly, and Hua Lingtong left here with satisfaction.


In Shennongjia, when practicing the five Qi Tianxin formula in the cave micro realm, Li Hao found that he soon had a sense of Qi, and in his body, the breath of fire and wood were the most vigorous.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that among the spiritual objects Li Hao took before, Jieyu flower belongs to wood and the snake gall of taosnake belongs to fire. It happens that the two attributes of fire and wood Qi are invisible and can correspond to the complementary attributes of wood fire.


In Li Hao's body, all kinds of energy hidden in the depths of blood and flesh that he could not absorb were finally fully mobilized. He condensed it into Zhenyuan internal breathing according to the method of five Qi Tianxin formula, and surged in his limbs and bones.


After completing the foundation construction, Li Hao opened his eyes with satisfaction, felt his body energetic, and became more and more comfortable with the mastery of dark strength and internal strength.

"Brother Hao!"

As he listened, a clear call came from the side. Ling'er, who did not know when he had awakened, stood by and looked at him, his eyes full of smart light.

"Shennong... What about the treasure?"

Li Hao looked at ling'er in surprise and found that the Shennong Ding behind her was missing. He was suddenly curious.

Ling'er didn't explain, but lifted the flowing sea in front of her forehead. Li Hao clearly saw that there was a vivid small Ding mark in the place where her eyebrows were sealed.

"We can get out of here."

Li Hao smiled, then looked at ling'er and said, "we want to return to the Pearl. What about you?"


Ling'er smiled and said, "I'll go wherever you go!" ####### second, continue to ask for subscription!!

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