At Pearl Hongqiao Airport, the plane landed slowly. Sitting in first class, Li Hao gently took off his eye mask and stretched his waist contentedly.

Next to him, Liu Yuying is still sleeping. This time, in order to see Li Jiaqi, she lingered on the edge of life and death several times. Rao is very tired no matter how smart and capable she is.

Ling'er sat next to Liu Yuying and closed her eyes, but the small tripod mark in the center of her eyebrows was quietly flashing light. Li Hao knew that she was not sleeping, but continued to digest the inheritance left by her ancestor Shennong emperor.

Although linger is the reversion of Shen Nong's blood and blood, she is not Li Hao's natural sage after all. She can't digest such huge memory and ideological essence into her own in a very short time.

Qianye is quietly lying on Li Hao's shoulder and sleeping with his eyes closed.

what? You said you couldn't bring animals on the plane?

Is Qianye an animal?

That's a spirit beast, okay?!

After meeting Li Hao this time, as the last poisonous bird in the world, it won no less benefits than Li Hao and ling'er.

First of all, he obtained the imperial plume of the first generation peacock Daming king, and had the purest blood of the first generation peacock. Then he swallowed the internal alchemy left by the gluttonous snake after its death, which can absorb most of the strength cultivated by the gluttonous snake and the gluttonous blood from the ancient dragon in his body!

The talent and magic power of the early generation peacock is phagocytosis. Taotie is also the best at phagocytosis among the nine sons born by the dragon. The combination of the two blood vessels is perfect and complementary. The dragon and finch are divine!

However, their blood is much stronger than Qianye's original poison bird blood, so Qianye needs a long period of evolution to fully refine and integrate the blood of the first generation peacock and Taotie.

Unplug the mobile phone charger, Li Hao stood up from his seat and pressed the power on button of the mobile phone.

When he was in Shennongjia before, he couldn't receive any telephone signal when he entered the depths of the primeval forest. After finally sending out the pure Yang Sword gas that saved thousands of nights, Li Hao's mobile phone was completely dead and turned off automatically.

It was not until he got on the plane that he found the opportunity to charge. He finally charged his mobile phone, but he couldn't turn it on on on the plane, so he didn't turn on his mobile phone again until the plane landed.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

As soon as Li Hao's mobile phone was turned on, a lot of SMS messages popped up, all of which were SMS notifications of missed calls, including President Zhou and Chen Xi, but the most was Zuo Feifei. Yesterday, she called Li Hao more than 20 times in a row!

"Is something wrong..."

Li Hao had no reason to carry it in his heart.

Although he has a good relationship with Zuo Feifei, he won't be bored to think that the little girl will miss him.

If she misses herself, she may hit one or two, but she will never hit more than 20 in a row. If so, it proves that she really has something very urgent to contact herself immediately.


Without thinking about it, Li Hao immediately dialed Zuo Feifei back.

The phone was connected after a few rings.

"Hello? What's the matter?"

Li Hao didn't greet Zuo Feifei either. After the phone was connected, he asked directly.

"Where are you? Come back to Mingzhu right away. Something happened to Haotian industry!"

Zuo Feifei's voice was very flat, but with Li Hao's understanding of her, she still heard the deep fury from her seemingly calm tone.

This anger is certainly not aimed at his loss, it must be because something happened to Haotian industry.

"Our plane just landed and will be back soon. What's the big deal?"

Li Hao's face became completely serious and asked in a deep voice on the phone.

"Meet and say, come to Tongji Hospital when you come back, and call me when you arrive."

With that, Zuo Feifei hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the handset, Li Hao was confused.


Haotian industry had an accident and went to the hospital. Someone must have been injured.

Is it the accident caused by the company's own potential safety hazard?

Or did someone with ulterior motives attack Haotian industry while he was away?

Then who was hurt?

Zhou Zhigang? Yellow dog? Or ah Jian?

Where did you hurt?

Is it serious?

For a moment, Li Hao was so upset that he couldn't sit still and got up quickly.

"What's the matter?"

His action awakened Liu Yuying.

"Something happened to Haotian industry. It seems that someone was injured. I'm going to Tongji Hospital right away."

Li Hao's face sank like water and his tone was also very urgent.

"I asked blade to send someone to pick it up."

Liu Yuying looked at Li Hao and knew that the matter was probably serious. At present, she also took out her mobile phone.

Li Hao and Liu Yuying took ling'er and Qianye out of Hongqiao Airport. Blade was waiting there in a Mercedes Benz.


Although I had just received a call from Liu Yuying, when I really saw Liu Yuying returning safely again after losing contact for a long time, a trace of excitement still appeared on the blade's cold face.

"I'm fine."

Liu Yuying nodded. The blade has always been her confidant and the most loyal person to her.

"Master Li Hao, blade owes you a life!!"

Looking at Li Hao, the blade stood upright and opened his mouth seriously.

"Take us to Tongji Hospital, come on!"

But Li Hao was not in the mood to say this at the moment. He calmly got into the car and hurriedly ordered.

The blade really gave Li Hao face. In the past, he ignored anyone except Liu Yuying's words, but this time he didn't ask Liu Yuying whether he agreed. After everyone sat down, he directly started the car and went to Tongji Hospital!

Blade's driving skills are a little superb. Even in the congested Pearl City, he can take every opportunity to drive the car and fly all the way to Tongji Hospital!


Half an hour later, at the gate of Tongji Hospital, blade accurately parked the car at the gate.

"Elder sister, I'll go and see what's going on first. You can go back to Ruyi building and have a rest first. I'll give you linger to help me settle down, okay?"

Li Hao opened the door, got off and faced Liu Yuying, the co pilot.

"Don't worry."

Liu Yuying nodded, and then some worried told him, "don't be impulsive. I'll use the relationship network of Ruyi building to help you find out what happened."


Li Hao nodded, then turned around, took out his mobile phone again and dialed Zuo Feifei.

"Hello? Here I am!"

#####Today, a good friend came to me from other places and asked for a leave. It's just a chapter. I hope you'll forgive me, mmda ~!

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