Li Hao stood at the door of Tongji Hospital. Just two minutes after hanging up, Zuo Feifei in a black professional suit appeared in front of him.

The upper body is a small black suit with shiny silver edges at the neckline, outlining her proud chest shape, and the lower body is a short skirt with narrow hips, which depicts the beautiful curve on Zuo Feifei's body.

However, Li Hao didn't have the slightest amazing feeling at the moment. Instead, he felt a bit of cold and fierce from the black.

"Who's in trouble?"

Li Hao asked in a deep voice.

"The whole Haotian industry has had an accident."

Zuo Feifei surprisingly didn't tease Li Hao as before, but directly said, "if you go back later, I'm afraid the resignation reports handed over to your desk can be piled into a hill."

"Something happened to the whole Haotian industry?!"

With Li Hao's wisdom, Rao never expected that this time things would be so big when he was on the plane!

"It won't be a security risk within our company, will it?"

Li Hao took a deep breath and asked again.

In fact, he didn't ask himself this question, but he also had an answer in his heart. When Haotian industry was in the decoration construction, he sent the God of Liuding and Liujia to personally supervise and inspect it. There would definitely be no terrible potential safety hazards. If it broke out, someone must have deliberately done it in the dark!


Zuo Feifei shook her head and said coldly: "although the monitoring records of your company have been destroyed, through the public camera outside, Wang Xuecheng, the general manager of hualingtong of Huarong group, once appeared near Haotian industry."

"Hua Lingtong..."

Li Hao's fist was suddenly clenched, and there was a murderous spirit in his eyes.

During the conversation, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei got out of the elevator and came to the intensive care unit on the fifth floor of the hospital.

"Ah Jian was hurt the most this time and is still in a coma."

Before entering the ward, there was a cry of sobbing. Zuo Feifei also had a trace of heartache in the corner of her eyes and said in a deep voice.

Hearing that he was still in a coma, Li Hao suddenly trembled in his heart, quickened his pace, pushed open the door of the ward and went in.

There are two beds in the clean and bright ward. The daylighting is excellent, and instead of the smell of disinfectant, there is a faint aroma of fruit in the air. However, Li Hao has no time to lament the cleanliness of the advanced intensive care ward, because his eyes are attracted by the two people on the hospital bed in an instant.

On the hospital bed near the door lay a yellow dog with a bandage on his arm and a bandage on his head. His lips were pale. It seemed that he had lost too much blood.

Around the hospital bed on the other side, there were many people. Zhuo Yanyu and Pearl mayor's daughter Laurie also came. The cry Li Hao heard at the door came from their mouths.

"Brother Hao, brother Hao!"

Seeing Li Hao appear, the yellow dog's eyes and canthus were about to crack. He struggled to get up from the hospital bed and cried, "brother Hao, I'm sorry for you. I, the security captain, failed to protect the company. I......"

With that, he wanted to kneel down for Li Hao.

He was just a little gangster with today and no tomorrow. He was taken in by Li Hao after he didn't know Li Hao, so he lived a stable life with his brothers.

In Haotian industry, in addition to patrolling all day, their work is still very easy. They can get a stable 4000 Chinese coins every month, and his captain has 5000.

Li Hao can be said to have made a new start for them!

However, as the security guards of the company, although they all fought hard and were hospitalized with injuries, they still can not ignore the fact that they failed to protect Haotian industry.

In particular, he still lives in the same ward with the most seriously injured a Jian. At the thought of a Jian's tragedy, the yellow dog's heart is full of self blame.

"Get up and go to bed!"

Li Hao held the yellow dog. Seeing that his brother was hurt like this, Li Hao felt that his anger was about to explode.

"Brother Hao'er, you're back. Look at ah Jian. He's so poor..."

Zhuo Yanyu threw himself into Li Hao's arms and burst into tears.

After Zhuo Yanyu and little Laurie let go, Li Hao saw Ah Jian lying in the hospital bed.

If Zuo Feifei hadn't told them it was a Jian, he wouldn't recognize it.

A Jian's whole head on the hospital bed was wrapped with white gauze. At first glance, it looked like a mummy. Even after bandaging, there was still a wound under the gauze and blood was still seeping out.

"When he was sent, even the bandaging doctor couldn't bear to see it. His whole face was swollen beyond recognition. He had a severe concussion, and his body was full of shoe marks kicked by people. He broke four ribs. Fortunately, he didn't pierce the internal organs, but some internal organs were bleeding."

Zhuo Yanyu wiped the tears on his face and sobbed.

After listening to her narration, little Lori's stopped crying suddenly rang again, crying with pear blossom and rain.

They have a good relationship with ah Jian on weekdays. Although they have been calling him a dead demon with a smile, they all sincerely regard ah Jian as a friend. Now seeing that ah Jian is hard to talk about life and death, Zuo Feifei naturally feels very uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Who is it?! who beat him like this?!"

Li Hao's fist rattled. Looking at ah Jian's appearance, his eyes turned red and a blast of evil Qi soared away. Due to the cultivation of the five Qi Tianxin formula, his evil Qi was like essence. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yanyu, who was leaning against him, couldn't help retreating aside!

"It's Wang Xuecheng, the general manager of Hua Lingtong. It's this scum who beat ah Jian like this!"

At that time, the yellow dog hissed, "beast, he is an animal!!"

"Hua Lingtong... Wang Xuecheng!!"

Li Hao silently read the two names, and his anger all converged and turned into a one-sided expressionless cold.

However, people familiar with Li Hao will know that when he looks like this, it proves that he is completely moved. He is really angry!

"Get out of the way. I can save him."

After taking a deep breath, Li Hao lined up the people around ah Jian and took out a silver needle from his waist. His fingers twisted and rubbed it quickly. The fire needle technique has been used!

Now he has practiced the five Qi Tianxin formula, developed the wood Qi and fire Qi real yuan internal breathing in his body, and is more and more handy to use the fire firing acupuncture method.

Among the five elements of divine acupuncture, each line has its unique miraculous effect from the fire acupuncture, and the power of fire acupuncture lies in expelling poison and waking up the mind.

"Phoenix Nirvana!!"

The silver needle in Li Hao's hand was like lightning. He quickly stabbed ah Jian in several big holes. Soon, ah Jian's body turned red and hot at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Phoenix Nirvana is the final form of fire acupuncture. Even vegetative people can wake up, let alone a Jian's concussion.


With the urging of Li haozhen yuan's breath, a Jian in the coma suddenly opened his eyes, and subconsciously shouted, "I don't know anything, I won't say anything!!"

"Ah Jian, don't be afraid. It's all right. I'm back. You're safe now."

Seeing that ajian woke up, Li Hao quickly comforted him. Now he realized that although he was rescued by Li Hao, he was hurt all over. If he was too excited, he would still be in trouble.

"Hao, brother Hao..."

Because of the swelling on his face, ah Jian's eyes can only open a crack. Looking at Li Hao, he opened his mouth and said in a voice like a mosquito singing: "I didn't say anything. I didn't say a word about your secret..."

"I know, I know."

Seeing that ah Jian is still keeping a secret for himself, Li Hao also felt his nose sour and said in a voice, "don't think about anything now. Just recover from the injury."

With that, Li Hao helped ah Jianzha sleep in several places and let him sleep deeply.


After appeasing ah Jian, Li Hao turned and walked out of the ward. The murderous Qi on his body was as real as the essence!!

"What are you going to do?"

Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu came out and asked with one voice.

"Revenge, crazy revenge!"

Li Hao turned around, looked at them and said word by word: "if I don't revenge this revenge, I swear not to be a man!!"

#####Today's first watch, a big chapter of three thousand words! I went with my friends yesterday. Today I resume two shifts. Please subscribe more and support

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