Swear not to be a man!!

Li Hao said this very seriously, thinking word by word. When the last word "man" came, it was like a yellow LV bell and a nine day thunder. Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu couldn't help taking a step back!

After looking at each other, Zuo Feifei and Zhuo Yanyu had a feeling at the same time - Li Hao changed a lot when he came back from going out this time. Although he used to be a loving and righteous man, his momentum is not as strong as it is now!

Momentum is invisible and untouchable, but it really exists and has a great impact on people.

Why do some people stand there and don't say a word, they won't be angry and make people look up to three points?

Why do some people try their best to dress up and decorate themselves, but they still can't hide their inferiority?

This is temperament and momentum!

As the saying goes, wearing a Dragon Robe is not like the crown prince. That's the truth.

In the past, although Li Hao had a brilliant plan and met the needs of both sides, even if he was angry, he didn't have that soul stirring momentum.

Although he is a natural saint, in order to sharpen his tenacity and taboo free heart, Li Jiaqi abandoned Li Hao into the world of mortals at the command of his father when he was a child, allowing him to taste all the hardships of the world.

However, although suffering can make Li Hao exercise his indomitable will and mature worldly mentality, it is also a double-edged sword. The inferiority from small to large makes Li Hao have no upper class demeanor.

Although this has been improved since he rose and established Haotian industry, it has always been an insignificant weakness of Li Hao.

Before, Li Hao didn't even have enough momentum, let alone thunder on the ground when he was angry, and his momentum was startling!

But now, unknowingly, he has cultivated the five Qi heaven heart formula, but he has developed a natural momentum!

This is the unique family mental skill of the Taoist Li family. It can nourish the noble spirit and live forever in the body!

"Hey! This is a hospital. What are you yelling about? If you want to make a noise, go out and make a noise!"

A little nurse passing by angrily walked towards Li Hao and pointed to Li Hao and said, "I don't know if this will affect the rest of other patients!"

Li Hao turned around and took a deep breath. He was just about to say sorry, but the next moment, after seeing Li Hao's face, the expression on his face changed from anger to ecstasy and... Flower Mania!

"Li Hao! You are Li Hao!"

The little nurse was so excited that she ran over and screamed in a louder voice than Li haogang: "ah! I'm your fan!! I've read your report in medical magazines!! that's great. You're more handsome than magazines and online photos!!"


Li Hao and Zuo Feifei were slightly stunned. They didn't expect to meet their own fans in the hospital, and they didn't expect that Li Hao had his own fans after intentionally or unintentionally building momentum for traditional Chinese medicine and Ning Zhenlu.

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

This time it was Li Hao's turn to make a silent gesture towards her.

"Uh huh."

The little nurse holding Li Hao's arm nodded desperately and said, "can you sign for me?"


Phoebe bar is located in the middle of the bar street in 1998, and its business is also very hot. There is only one reason, because the behind the scenes owner of this bar has a great background. He is the general manager of Huarong group and the popular man in front of Hua Lingtong, chairman of Huarong group - Wang Xuecheng!

Deep in the bar box, Wang Xuecheng is puffing with several of his partners.

"Brother Cheng, you seem to be in a good mood today!"

A fat guy poured Wang Xuecheng a glass of wine and said with a smile, "I heard that something has happened to Huarong group recently. Brother Cheng has not been affected?"

"Big events are also the affairs of those top big people. I'm just a chess piece. When the sky falls, I'm tall. What can I do?"

Wang Xuecheng took another sip of the cigarette in his hand and said faintly, "on the contrary, it may be my chance this time."

"Yes, can you speak? What is brother Cheng? He must be judging the situation and getting higher and higher! How can something happen?"

Another man stood up next to him, raised his glass to Wang Xuecheng and said, "brother Cheng, I respect you!"

"Hehe, don't worry, brothers. I've mixed well, and you must all follow!"

Wang Xuecheng snuffed out the cigarette end in his hand and also took up the cup.

The class status of people is relative. When Wang Xuecheng was in front of Hua Lingtong, he was a dog. He could beat or scold without fighting back, but in front of these little brothers who followed him, he was the boss, the backbone, and a person who could sit calmly and let other guests get up and toast!


Just when they were in high spirits, there was a sudden crisp sound in the bar, and then the exciting dynamic music suddenly stopped!

"What's going on?!"

Wang Xuecheng frowned. Recently, he has been under too much pressure. Today, he wants to come here to relax and drink some wine. Later, he will find some nice looking bastards to go back and turn over the clouds and rain and vent his anger. But now the music stopped, which immediately made him feel a little unhappy.

"Brother Cheng, do it for a while. I'll go out and have a look."

The fat man who poured wine for Wang Xuecheng stood up and walked outside the box with a smile.

Fat pig was Wang Xuecheng's friend when he was a child. He always had a good relationship with him. His original name was Zhu Fei, but because he was fat, his friends on the scene later called him fat pig.

The fat pig came to the outfield because the music stopped. The men and women of the bar, who were crazy twisting their bodies on the dance floor, had stopped their actions and quietly looked at the young man who suddenly rushed over and kicked the stereo.

Looking at the young and strange face, the fat pig walked over with a bad face and said, "where are your friends? You dare to make trouble here. Did you eat bear heart and leopard courage?!"

"Why not Wang Xuecheng?"

Li Hao raised his head and saw that it was a fat pig. His expression seemed a little disappointed. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "a friend of mine drank too much and accidentally broke one of your wine glasses. I took out a hundred to compensate. As a result, your waiter said it was not enough. Let me inquire and say that an ordinary glass wine glass here costs 500 yuan!"

With that, Li Hao paused and said, "I thought the music was too noisy. I heard it wrong, so I smashed your dj keyboard and blew up the sound on the outfield dance floor. I want to listen carefully. How much does a cup cost?"

"You want to die!"

After listening to Li Hao's words, the fat pig was so angry that the fat meat on his face shook three times and roared: "paralyzed, I won't be called a fat pig if I don't waste your leg today!"

"You scold me?"

Li Hao seemed very happy to hear fat pig say so. He turned back and said to the blade in civilian clothes and the members of the private armed group in Ruyi building: "should you record? I reasoned with him, but he scolded me, so I can't blame me."

With that, the smile on Li Hao's face was also cold in an instant!

With a wave of his hand, he pointed to the blade and said in a cold voice, "smash this bar for me!!"

#####Second, revenge has just begun!!

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