
As soon as Li Hao's voice fell, the blade got up from his seat and ordered his men behind him.

In the past, if Li Hao had something to do with him, Liu Yuying had to give orders in person, but now after this thing, blade has really recognized Li Hao from the bottom of his heart and began to follow his lead.


All the armed personnel of Ruyi building under the blade are veterans of various military regions. After he retired from the army, he was recruited into the private armed forces of Ruyi building. Each of them has been trained in the melting pot of the army, born with a fierce spirit of bravery and good fighting, and has a high degree of obedience to orders.

So as soon as the blade's voice fell, they all got up from their seats and smashed the wine glasses in their hands. At the same time, they directly overturned the table in front of them and kicked down the sofa next to them.

"I'll smash the floor. Please leave first. I'll take care of your consumption today."

Li Hao looked at the stunned men and women in the bar next to him and ordered them to leave in a cold voice.

Those who come to this kind of small bar are usually lonely urban white-collar and gold-collar workers, or some rich children who have a relationship with the boss. When they see Li Hao's menacing appearance, they dare not complain. Without Li Hao's saying, they immediately pack up their things and go out.

"You dare!"

Seeing that the people brought by Li Hao really began to smash the shop and even drove away his guests, fat pig was completely angry. He turned and roared, "where are the people?! are you dead?! someone came to smash the shop and didn't come out to work for me?!"

After the roar of the fat pig, a dozen people with bare arms and tattoos on their upper bodies rushed out from behind, holding solid steel pipes or sharp machetes in their hands.

If you are in the business of bar, you have to have a good relationship with the third class, the white gang and the underworld. Otherwise, it is impossible to be bigger and better.

Apart from other things, most bar owners in the bar street in 1998 were more or less covered by some people behind them.

Fat pig himself was born as a gangster, but later he didn't want to risk doing those desperate jobs, so he partnered with Wang Xuecheng to open this bar.

He and Wang Xuecheng account for 50% of the shares, and Wang Xuecheng helps with the relationship above the white road. He himself keeps a group of young brothers in the past and uses his previous contacts in the underworld to help him do business.

Li Hao now brings people to make trouble. Fat pig thinks it must be a group of young head youths who don't know their name. Without thinking about it, he calls out his little brother and wants to teach Li Hao a lesson.

But Li Hao, are they young?

Of course not!

His appearance tonight is naturally prepared.

After watching ah Jian at noon, Li Hao has decided to start crazy revenge on Hua Lingtong, and this first step is to start from Wang Xuecheng who beat ah Jian like that!!

Employees resign because they are afraid. Li Hao is not afraid because he knows that the core layer of Haotian industry will not leave him. As for those clerks and receptionists, as long as they recruit themselves, there will always be new people after the old people leave. It doesn't matter much.

After leaving the hospital, Li Hao immediately went to Ruyi building and wanted to use the powerful information network of Ruyi building to find Wang Xuecheng.

At the same time, Zhuo Yanyu and little Lori also went back to launch their own network. As for Zuo Feifei, because she is only doing business with her aunt in Mingzhu, the foundation of the Zuo family is actually in Yanjing, so she can't do anything in intelligence.

During this afternoon, all the forces that should know knew a message at the same time.

Li Hao and Li Dashao of Haotian industry want to find someone to dig out Wang Xuecheng, general manager of Huarong group!

Of course, among the forces that should know about it, the people of Huarong group are naturally excluded.

The intelligence network of Ruyi building, the public security system mobilized by Zhuo Yanyu and the contacts of the mayor's daughter Laurie, how powerful are these three forces combined?

In just a few hours in one afternoon, all the information about Wang Xuecheng had been put in front of Li Hao.

Including his assets, whereabouts, family situation, relatives and friends, and even his package of several lovers, where lovers live and so on!

When he knew that Wang Xuecheng was going to the Phoebe bar he secretly invested in tonight, Li Hao decided to seize this opportunity!

Previously, what broke a wine glass was just a play arranged by them, just to find a reason for doing it.

Unexpectedly, the fat pig really bored his head and drilled into the set set set by Li Hao. He even called someone to do it!!

Li Hao's sneer was even worse.

If they just let the blade smash the shop, how monotonous it is? There are a few small gangsters to practice their hands. Isn't it more beautiful?

"Give it to me!!"

Seeing his own people coming, the fat pig was brave and waved his hand and said, "give me all of them, don't let any of them go!"

Blade, there are only eight of them, but there are more than a dozen little gangsters on fat pig's side, and they still have guys. Fat pig doesn't believe he will suffer in any case.

In fact, the blade brought far more than these people, but most of the remaining people were arranged by Li Hao to surround the Phoebe bar outside. They were afraid that Wang Xuecheng would wait for an opportunity to escape after he felt something wrong.

"Get rid of them all and don't let any of them go!"

Li Hao was not in the slightest panic. Facing the blade, they repeated it with the same words as the fat pig!




These little ruffians who usually know how to bully honest people will be the opponents of these veterans. Just one face-to-face, they all tasted the pain.

In the hands of the blade, these little gangsters have become human flesh sandbags. Smashing stores with them as things is much more powerful than smashing empty handed!


A guy with a green dragon tattooed on his whole body chopped at Li Hao with a machete!

He also seemed to see that Li Hao was the boss of the blade. He wanted to catch the thief and the king first, but when his body was three inches away from Li Hao, Li Hao snorted coldly and slapped his right hand in the air!


The invisible Qi burst out, instantly patted the guy out, knocked over two tables and fell to the ground like a dead dog!

Just a few minutes later, the gang called by the fat pig had all fallen to the ground, wailing and losing their combat effectiveness, and the outfield of the bar had been smashed into a mess.

"Friend, stop!"

The fat pig's face was full of cold sweat. Looking at Li Hao, his face was no longer angry at the moment. Instead, he put on a humble look and said with a smile: "I don't know what the fat pig offended. Today I accepted the planting, you also hit, and the store smashed. It's time to calm down?"

After mixing with the underworld for so many years, the fat pig has long summarized that to be a man, you have to be as hard as your little brother. When you should be hard, you have to be soft, otherwise you will be cut off!

The situation is stronger than people. Li Hao brought all the experts with one enemy against ten. He knew that he was useless to call people again, so he was soft.

"You didn't offend me. Your people offended me."

Li Hao didn't move his intention. He has a head for injustice and a owner for debt. He came to find Wang Xuecheng today. He smashed the bar because Wang Xuecheng accounted for half of the shares.

While Li Hao was talking, blade's men took a embarrassed man out of the box inside and said, "boss, brother Hao, I caught this guy in the toilet. He's going to jump out of the window."

"Hello, general manager Wang."

Li Hao looked at Wang Xuecheng, who was escorted to him, smiled and waved to him, "let's go. I'll invite you to tea."

With that, leaving the mess all over the ground and the fat pig with an ignorant face, Li Hao turned cleanly and walked towards the door.


Seeing that Li Hao was ready to go, the fat pig wiped the sweat on his forehead, he was finally relieved.

But he didn't expect that Li Hao, who came to the door, suddenly stopped again.

"By the way, fat pig, isn't it?"

Li Hao looked back at the fat pig and said with a smile, "I'll give you three days to install the store as before. I'll take someone to smash it again in three days."

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