"Li Hao, you can only do these small scenes. You only dare to smash the bar I invested in!!"

In the car, Wang Xuecheng, who was held in the back seat, sneered and shouted at Li Hao, who was sitting in the front co pilot: "your Haotian industry was smashed. You only dare to take it out on me without evidence. What are you, Li Dashao?! you took someone to Huarong group and smashed their Huarong Building!!"

Li Hao turned his head and hit him in the face with a punch, directly "click!" broke Wang Xuecheng's nose bone, splashing his nose blood!!

"You want to annoy me and give you a good time?"

Without expression, Li Hao took out a napkin and wiped the blood on his hands. He said faintly, "it's not that easy."

With that, he turned his head. No matter how Wang Xuecheng roared behind him, Li Hao ignored him.

The car drove directly to Ruyi building. Li Hao said to the blade, "can you put him here and close him for a few days?"

"No problem."

The blade nodded coldly. He didn't talk much, but he was methodical and impeccable in terms of loyalty. No wonder he would be the only confidant of Liu Yuying in the past ten years.

"Don't send him food."

Li Hao looked back coldly at Wang Xuecheng, who was still struggling under the escort of two veterans, and said faintly, "just send him more water and close him in a small room without a toilet."

"Well, good."

Blade pondered for a moment and thought in his mind. After confirming that Ruyi building had such a small room, he simply nodded.

"Li Hao!! you killed me!! you killed me!"

Wang Xuecheng screamed desperately, his eyes red.

He wanted to beg for mercy. He wanted to beg for mercy from the moment Li Hao surrounded Phoebe's bar and caught him.

He is not so loyal to hualingtong. After all, the city routine is deep. Who takes who seriously?

But he was not stupid, because he knew that he took people in and smashed Haotian industry. After beating the security guards and employees like that, Li Hao could not let him go. Even if he begged for mercy, it would not be useful, so he might as well bite his teeth and carry it, hoping that Hua Lingtong would come to save him.

He knew that if he was soft, there would be no way out for both sides. At that time, he was really hopeless.

Hua Lingtong didn't show up and asked Wang Xuecheng to lead a team to do this. In fact, he meant to test Wang Xuecheng's loyalty. He also knew that Li Hao would retaliate when he came back, so he wanted to test whether Wang Xuecheng was a piece of real gold in his hand through the fire of Li Hao's retaliation!

But no one expected that Li Hao would suddenly come back quietly, and they didn't expect that Li Hao's Revenge would come so quickly and violently!

"When are you going to try him?"

Liu Yuying stood behind Li Hao with a glass of red wine in her hand and asked faintly.

"It's not urgent. It's not urgent anyway. It's one or two days."

Li Hao turned around and saw this sister who was even more close than his own sister. The cold color on his face faded a little.

"Well, good."

Liu Yuying nodded slightly and then said, "do you want me to send my men to greet him and order appetizers these two days?"


To Liu Yuying's surprise, Li Hao shook his head and said, "don't do anything. Lock him in a place where it's impossible to escape. Don't even send the caretaker. Just let him be there alone."

Facing Liu Yuying's puzzled eyes, Li Hao said faintly: "Sometimes, waiting is the most painful. If there is no torture, the more he will feel that any torture is possible. If I guess correctly, he must think that we will send someone to beat him. If we do so, let him guess right. Once he knows he guesses right, his hope will not be completely extinguished."

"As long as there is hope in people's hearts, they will be especially strong."

Li Hao clenched his fist and said, "he dares to touch my brother. If I don't let him taste what real despair is, isn't it too cheap for him?"

As a natural saint, Li Hao's grasp of the people's heart was originally very accurate, and this time in Shennongjia, he also obtained the ideological inheritance of Shennong emperor, realized the truth and sacred heart of Shennong emperor, and strengthened the control of the people's heart. When it comes to the ability to interrogate and break through the defense line of the people's mind, I'm afraid no national security bureau or FBI is better than him!

"You have a point."

After thinking for a moment, Liu Yuying agreed and nodded: "OK, I just asked about it. You need to use the power of Ruyi building. Just come and tell me. I'm a little tired recently. I'd better have a rest."

"Well, sister, you've been working too hard lately."

Li Hao looked at Liu Yuying, who rubbed his temples. There was no doubt about him. He said softly, "go and have a rest."

Liu Yuying nodded, turned and went upstairs. After turning around, a deep black appeared in her pupils again, just as when she was in Shennongjia.


After closing Wang Xuecheng, Li Hao found a private room in Ruyi building and slept all night. He left Ruyi building early the next morning.

Out of the Ruyi building, although he caught Wang Xuecheng and began to punish him according to his own plan, a sentence of Wang Xuecheng still echoed in Li Hao's mind.

"Smash Huarong group..."

Li Hao took a deep breath and was about to think of another reason to do so when the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Li Hao took it out and called to remind Zuo Feifei.

"I want to..."

After connecting the phone, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei at the other end of the phone spoke in unison.

"First, what do you want?"

After a moment of tacit silence, Zuo Feifei asked with a smile.

"I want to go to Huarong group."

Li Hao clenched his fist and said.

"What a coincidence!"

Zuo Feifei said, "I have the same intention."

"But to be famous, Huarong group is in the city center. We can't break in with people in broad daylight."

Li Hao frowned.

At that time, in order to keep Ning Zhenlu's secret, Haotian industry was located in a remote suburb, which to some extent added convenience to the actions of Hua Lingtong and Wang Xuecheng at that time. Now Huarong Building is in the center of the city. Li Hao and they certainly can't bring people in to smash it in broad daylight!

"I have a way."

At the other end of the phone, Zuo Feifei confidently said, "at this time, women's gender advantages can be reflected very clearly."

"You don't care about your goddess image?"

Li Hao's heart moved, seemed to understand, and asked.

"It doesn't matter."

At the other end of the phone, Zuo Feifei's voice was also cold.

"In order to revenge, I don't mind being a bitch!" ###### second, cough, my friends might as well use their brains to think about how Zuo Feifei will make a big fuss in Huarong Building, and then leave a message in the book review area. Guess it's a prize!

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