In front of Huaxia Medical College, because of the summer vacation, the busy gate is now empty and the shadow is depressed.

A young man in black short sleeves and black jeans stood here, looked up expressionless, seemed to be waiting for something, but strangely, there was a bird with purple feathers on his shoulder, which looked strange.


A pleasant roar of advanced engine came, Li Hao's eyes moved, and the familiar red Porsche 911 trot appeared in front of him.

"Get in the car."

Zuo Feifei made a neat drift. When her car stopped next to Li Hao, she had finished turning around.

"Tell me what the specific plan is."

Li Hao got on the bus without saying a word. After sitting down, he quietly waited for Zuo Feifei's following.

Zuo Feifei, with a cold face and a foot on the accelerator, the red Porsche is like a angry little beast, heading for the front.

"You represent Haotian industry and I represent Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup. You and I are the people who can fully decide the copyright of Ning Zhenlu."

Zuo Feifei said faintly while driving: "Huarong group's reputation is smelly among consumers. If they want to turn over, they need a product with miraculous effects. Otherwise, why do they raid your Haotian industry? If we take the initiative to talk about cooperation with hualingtong, do you think he will refuse?"

"This is a good reason for us to enter Huarong group openly."

Li Hao nodded with admiration. Then he questioned, "but if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. We suddenly take the initiative to lower ourselves to seek peace. Won't Hua Lingtong doubt it?"

"He won't."

Zuo Feifei shook her head and said, "first of all, he didn't know you had come back and arrested Wang Xuecheng last night. Second, when we went there now, he would think that you were afraid of this sinister move after seeing the heavy damage to Haotian industry, so he wanted to make money together in peace."

"Although Hua Lingtong is a madman, he is just a madman."

Zuo Feifei sneered and said, "don't worry. With his arrogance, he won't doubt."

Li Hao nodded and had to admit that Zuo Feifei thought very comprehensively. It seems that she has conceived the plan for a long time, otherwise she could not be so careful and take so many situations into account.

"Do you know why I think he is inferior to you?"

Zuo Feifei glanced over at Li Hao, who didn't speak. After a pause, he said, "except that he doesn't look as handsome as you, he is crazy and brave, but he is not cautious enough."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose, and the corners of his mouth made a slight arc. He smiled and said, "it's really refreshing to be praised by beautiful women face to face."

"What about after we entered Huarong group?"

Li Hao continued to ask.

Originally, layout has always been his strength, but this time Zuo Feifei seems to have his own plan in advance, and Li Hao is happy to cooperate with her.

He also knew that seeing ah Jian beaten like that, as his friend, Zuo Feifei's heart was also holding a big breath.

However, this is in Mingzhu. She is more than self-protection, but she can't extend the family's power and contacts in Yanjing. Therefore, when investigating and arresting Wang Xuecheng last night, she can only stare at Zhuo Yanyu and little Laurie to cooperate with Li Hao, but she can't help.

What is her character?

So she racked her brains and went back to think hard and came up with a plan to go to Huarong group to make a big fuss!

"After you successfully go in, watch me perform."

Zuo Feifei stared at the front and looked like an angry lioness.

"It seems that I have to contact little swallow and little Lori and ask them to arrange civil servants to bring people in half an hour later to check Huarong group again."

Smiling, he took out his mobile phone. Li Hao said faintly, "after the trouble, after all, we also need an amulet to ensure that we can retreat all over!"

Zuo Feifei's delicate body shook, turned his head and looked at Li Hao's beautiful eyes full of appreciation.

Because of extreme anger, she has been patronizing the plan of Huarong group, but ignored how to leave calmly after they finished.

After all, it's the nest of Huajia, Huarong Building!!

If there is no one size fits all policy, I'm afraid it's really hard to end after Li Hao's trouble.

But Li Hao calmly helped Zuo Feifei fill the only loophole in her plan. After half an hour, they finished the routine inspection of a group of civil servants. Does Hua Lingtong have the courage to send his own private security guards to them in front of state civil servants?

Of course not!!

In China, you have the power and power to do many indescribable things in private and secretly, but you must not get it in the open. Otherwise, no one can afford the anger of the country!

After Li Hao finished calling, Zuo Feifei also drove the car to the gate of Huarong group.

When they got out of the car, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei looked at each other and smiled. They both made an angry but helpless expression on their faces, just like the bullied little daughter-in-law, and walked into the magnificent Huarong Building together.

"We want to see you, Chairman Hua."

When he went to the front desk of the hall on the first floor, Li Hao didn't talk nonsense and directly opened the door to the mountain.

"Do you have an appointment?"

The receptionist looked at Li Hao with a smile and asked routinely.

"Just tell him that Li Hao and Zuo Feifei came to him to talk about cooperation. I believe he will tell you how to do it."

Li Hao waved his hand impatiently and said angrily.

"Li Hao? Zuo Feifei?"

Hearing these two names, the girl at the front desk was slightly stunned. Obviously, everyone in Huarong group has heard of this newly emerging business competitor.

After listening to Li Hao's words, she dared not neglect. She quickly picked up the internal telephone in front of her and passed Li Hao's words to Hua Lingtong's secretary.

A moment later, the phone rang. After the waitress answered, she nodded to Li Hao and Zuo Feifei and said, "President Li, President Zuo, our chairman agrees with you. Please follow me."

With that, she turned and took Li Hao and Zuo Feifei to the next elevator.

Zuo Feifei and Li Hao looked at each other. Zuo Feifei suddenly took Li Hao's hand and shook it hard. It seems that he is encouraging Li Hao and cheering himself at the same time.

After all, wait a minute, she is the acting person!

A good play, coming soon!!!

#####First change!!

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