Sitting in the elevator, Li Hao adjusted his mobile phone to the stopwatch to count down. He just told Zhuo Yanyu and little Laurie to send someone to patrol in 30 minutes. The time is set. Zuo Feifei has to master how to control it.

If Zuo Feifei's trouble is over too early, then the civil servants have not come yet, and Hua Lingtong can naturally let his people do whatever they want. If the civil servants come, Zuo Feifei has not finished or is in the mood, then she must have to stop halfway, which is tantamount to lifting a stone and hitting her own foot.

Only when they have just made trouble and Hua Lingtong is angry and ready to catch them, let the civil servants "happen" to bump into them, which is the most perfect ending!

Li Hao believed that Zuo Feifei certainly didn't understand this truth, so he didn't say much.

The big curtain of the stage has been opened, so everything else will be left to the actors themselves.

"Look at my eyes later. You will destroy the monitoring and recording equipment in Hua Lingtong's office at the first time."

Zuo Feifei took a deep breath, looked at the elevator door that was about to open and said faintly.


Li Hao nodded slightly and looked at the poisonous bird thousands of nights lying on his shoulder. He was very sure.

Hua Lingtong sat in his office, excitedly lit a cigar, closed his eyes and took a big breath, then filtered through the lungs, let the dreamy and comfortable feeling hover around his body, and then slowly spit out the smoke.

He won!

Li Hao and Zuo Feifei came to the door to make peace!

He has not received the news of when Li Hao came back, but it is obvious that Li Hao must have known about the damage to his company as soon as he came back, so he had today's door-to-door visit.

If he came to declare war, he should have brought a group of heavily armed men, not a beautiful woman like Zuo Feifei.

Since it is not a declaration of war and revenge, what else can it be besides peace?

"Today is really a good day."

Hua Lingtong was in an unprecedented mood. He even thought about how to humiliate and revenge Li Hao later,

For this guy who dares to break his head when he meets for the first time, Hua Lingtong hates his teeth itching in dreams!!

At the same time, I also thought of the jealous but convinced expression of his digital aunts when they knew his impressive achievements.

Hua Jiansheng is now sent to the hospital and has become a vegetable. If he turns the world around and suppresses Li Hao, who else can shake his position as the owner of the flower family?

Hua Lingtong laughed wildly, so that his cigars fell to the ground, and his eyes couldn't help crying!

He was so happy, even so happy... That he forgot that Wang Xuecheng had not reported to him today!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The door of the office was knocked. Hua Lingtong's beautiful secretary reached into his head and said, "President Hua, your guest is coming."

"Let them in."

Hua Lingtong stopped laughing and said faintly, "they are not guests, they are losers."

Now that he has won, Hua Lingtong is not going to leave any face for Li Hao from this moment!

The female secretary nodded, then turned aside and opened the door.

Li Hao and Zuo Feifei entered hand in hand and looked at Hua Lingtong expressionless.

"Hua Lingtong, you are shameless!"

Li Hao didn't give him a good face. Instead, he gnashed his teeth and looked at Hua Lingtong angrily as soon as he entered the door.

If Li Hao doesn't have any anger, it may arouse Hua Lingtong's suspicion.

"Be angry. I like to see you angry but helpless."

Hua Lingtong stared at Li Hao and said with a sneer, "I won, so you came to me today, not me to Haotian industry to beg you."


Li Hao stared and tried to pounce.

At this time, Zuo Feifei put out his hand to stop him and said, "Li Hao! Don't forget what we're doing today!"

With that, she turned around, smiled reluctantly at Hua Lingtong, and said, "spend more or less. We just want to make money in peace. As the saying goes, harmony makes money. Today we have brought enough sincerity to seek peace."

With that, she took out a golden bank card from her pocket, bent over and handed it to Hua Lingtong, and said: "There's a total of 10 million yuan here. Since we operated and produced condensate and condensate, although the sales volume has been good, after all, the time is still short. Most of the money is our profit. We take it out and hope to turn over the previous things. You have a lot of adults. Forget it."

"Ten million?"

Hua Lingtong glanced at the gold card in Zuo Feifei's hand and disdained to say, "what do you think 10 million can compensate?"

"Can 10 million compensate for the loss of products and reputation of Huarong group?"

Hua Lingtong stood up from his chair and said fiercely, "can ten million make my father wake up from the hospital?! can ten million make up for his shame that Li Hao broke my head with a glass for you?!"

The more he said, the more excited he became. At last, he smashed the bank card handed by Zuo Feifei back!

"Take it easy. I know what you want."

Zuo Feifei averted the bank card hit by Hua Lingtong, looked down at Li Hao, took out a stack of thick documents, handed it over and said, "this is the contract that we are going to operate condensate and condensate together with you. I said we just want to make money safely and steadily. This is our greatest sincerity!"

Sure enough, after listening to Zuo Feifei's words, the cold light in Hua Lingtong's eyes converged slightly, stood up and prepared to pick up the contract handed over by Zuo Feifei.

However, the moment his hand touched the contract, Zuo Feifei suddenly screamed!

Then, under the suspicious gaze of Hua Lingtong, the poisonous bird Qianye who had been obediently lying on Li Hao's shoulder suddenly turned into a purple lightning. When Hua Lingtong couldn't respond at all, he pecked one by one in several corners of the ceiling of his room.


The four sounds of broken glass sounded almost at the same time, and then all the recording and monitoring equipment in hualingtong's office were broken in an instant!

It was too late to lament that the unknown bird on Li Hao's shoulder had such a powerful ability. When she saw that the monitoring and recording equipment in the house was destroyed, Zuo Feifei immediately reacted and smashed a stack of contracts in her hand at Hua Lingtong's face!

In Hua Lingtong's panic shelter and flying pieces of paper, Zuo Feifei messed up her clothes and hair in twos and threes. She didn't want her girl's idol burden at all. She shouted in a sharp voice: "Hua Lingtong, you scum wants to insult me. I'll fight with you!"

Seeing her like this, Li Hao was also blessed. He stepped out one step and followed up. He roared in his mouth: "Hua Lingtong, you bully too much, and I'll fight with you!"

At the next moment, Hua Lingtong, who was just happy to sign the contract, was beaten to the ground by Zuo Feifei and Li Hao who were "indecent"#### Second, it's late today. Sorry, please subscribe more and support

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