"Bitch, are you crazy?!"

Hua Lingtong roared angrily.

Qianye destroyed the monitoring and recording system in his office, and Zuo Feifei smashed the documents in his hand on Hua Lingtong's face almost synchronously. Even if Hua Lingtong felt something wrong, he didn't have time to respond. At present, he was smashed by the stack of thick contract documents in Zuo Feifei's hand.

And Zuo Feifei's mouth is still shouting rude.

Hua Lingtong was so angry


When did I insult you?

Yes, I want to strip off your clothes in my heart, and then practice and study many details of creating human affairs with you like my secretary, but I just think about it and haven't started yet!!

When was it considered indecent?!

Caught in a trap

This is Hua Lingtong's first reaction after being beaten.

The situation changed so suddenly that he didn't expect Zuo Feifei to be the explosive point!

As soon as Li Hao and Zuo Feifei entered the door, their roles were very clear. Li Hao was very angry, as if he could not help fighting at any time, while Zuo Feifei kept stopping him and said that they only wanted to make money safely and did not want the company to be troubled.

First impressions are strongest and the reason is as like as two peas thought. Zuo Feifei's words were easily believed.

Moreover, because Zuo Feifei is playing the peacemaker, Hua Lingtong is not on guard against him at all. All his vigilance is on Li Hao who seems to break out at any time.

This also created the best conditions for Zuo Feifei's sudden change!

Hua Lingtong has always been on guard against Li Hao. He doesn't want him to rush to open a ladle for himself like he met for the first time, but he didn't expect that Zuo Feifei is the main attacker of today's big play!

Hua Lingtong's stature is short, but Zuo Feifei is a beautiful woman with proud long legs. Although Hua Lingtong is a man, Zuo Feifei doesn't suffer at all in terms of height.

In addition, Zuo Feifei University majored in health preserving Sanshou in Huaxia Medical College. She studied the same moves as the five birds opera invented by Hua Tuo in ancient times to achieve the purpose of fitness and longevity. In addition, Zuo Feifei himself usually loves to learn some boxing and foot skills such as Sanshou, so her skills are far more sensitive than Hua Lingtong!

There was a gap in strength. In addition, there was no intention to calculate. It was almost a face-to-face. Hua Lingtong was directly overturned by Zuo Feifei!

"Beast, pervert!"

Zuo Feifei, dishevelled and scolding, raised her beautiful legs in high heels and kicked Hua Lingtong!

While kicking, he tore the small business suit on his upper body, and even removed half of the shoulder straps of his underwear, creating the appearance that he was really impolite.

Li Hao was afraid that Zuo Feifei would suffer. Just now he shouted to help.

But after seeing Zuo Feifei's general reaction and action, Li Hao stood behind her completely stunned. Everyone was stupid

He had known Zuo Feifei for so long that he had never seen her like this.

Disheveled, he also took the initiative to tear his clothes, and then did not want to throw his beautiful long legs and kick them!

Is this still the charming and charming Miss Zuo?

This is a female hooligan! It's a social person!!

His throat rolled and looked at Zuo Feifei, who beat Hua Lingtong violently. Li Hao swallowed his spit and warned himself in his heart again.

Don't mess with anyone, don't mess with women, don't!

God knows what terrible things a woman can do after she is forced to hurry?

Hua Lingtong's head was broken and bleeding again. He could only raise his arm to protect his body, and roared angrily in his mouth.

"Do you want to kill him?"

Lying on Li Hao's shoulder, Qianye suddenly said, "if you want to, you don't need to work so hard. I can poison him by spitting."

Qianye has just come into contact with human society with Li Hao, and he doesn't quite understand many of them.

It can feel Li Hao's anger at the ugly man, but it doesn't understand why Li Hao doesn't just kill him, but wants the weak woman to beat him with so much effort.

"No, I want to kill him, but it's not today."

Li Hao shook his head and joked. Today, so many eyes saw him join Huarong group with Zuo Feifei. If Hua Lingtong died today, the idiot would know that they can't get rid of this matter, right?

"It's inefficient for her to hit people like this."

Qianye looked at Zuo Feifei and commented again after a while.

"She doesn't want to play like anything, just to get angry."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and patiently explained with Qianye.

"Angry? Isn't it the most angry to eat him?"

Qianye looked at Li Hao suspiciously, looked at the embarrassed and speechless expression on his face, shook his small head, closed his eyes and said, "you humans are so complicated."


Holding her head, Hua Lingtong suddenly explored her hand. After being kicked for more than ten minutes, she finally accurately grabbed Zuo Feifei's ankle, pulled her body out of balance and found a chance to break free.

Hua Lingtong was just about to fight back. At the thought that there was another covetous Li Hao nearby, she was shocked. She didn't want to fight back, so she ran towards the door.

what? Why are crazy people afraid?

crap! Of course, a madman will be afraid. He doesn't even know his fear. That's a fool!

"Come on!! give me someone quickly!!"

Hua Lingtong stumbled out of the office, covering his bleeding head and roaring.


Seeing Hua Lingtong's embarrassed appearance, the woman who was Hua Lingtong's secretary and lover in the office outside the door screamed out, hurriedly greeted him and asked, "what's the matter with you, young man?"

"Shit, I told you to call people!!"

Hua Lingtong raised his hand, slapped her and roared.

"Hua Lingtong, you pervert, stop!"

Li Hao also chased him out of the office, pointed to Hua Lingtong with an angry expression and shouted, "beast!! we came to talk to you about business. You were rude to Zuo Feifei. I fought with you today!!"

"Security! Security!!"

Hua Lingtong's female secretary took out the walkie talkie from the drawer and called the security guard in Huarong Building while protecting Hua Lingtong to escape.

Hua Lingtong fled into the elevator in panic. The security team was on the first floor. He was safe when he went down.

Li Hao also left his female secretary behind and took another elevator to catch up.


Dozens of seconds later, the elevator door in front of Li Hao opened. He just got out of the elevator door. In the lobby on the first floor, dozens of security guards dressed in black surrounded him with electric sticks!

"Li Hao, you and that bitch don't want to leave today!!"

Surrounded by security guards, Hua Lingtong roared with blood red eyes, waved his hand and said, "give him up!"

"What are you doing?! what are you doing?!"

However, at this time, a team of people in suits and shoes suddenly came in at the gate of Huarong group. The first people, Hua Lingtong and Li Hao, are very familiar with them. They are section chief Liu of Mingzhu industrial and commercial quality inspection department.

The time card is just right. When it is most needed, great and just public servants appear!!

"Chief Liu, do you want to be fair for me!!"

Li Hao, surrounded by a group of people in black, knew that it was time for his performance again. He put on a look of humiliation and opened his mouth pitifully.

"In broad daylight, I ordered my men to commit murder. Hua Lingtong, do you still have a king's law in your eyes?!"

Section chief Liu glared at Hua Lingtong, turned his head to his next men and said, "call the police. The nature of this matter is too bad!!"


Hua Lingtong stared at Li Hao. He really wanted to let his people chop the boy into meat and mud, but how could he do that in front of the state civil servants?!

This kind of strong feeling of suffocation when hitting cotton, coupled with full of anger, Hua Lingtong only felt that he was black in front of him. He was so angry that he vomited a big mouthful of blood and fainted!

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