"Big little! Big little!!"

As soon as Hua Lingtong fell down, the security guards nearby immediately panicked. They all hurriedly supported him and shouted to call an ambulance.

Hua Lingtong was really dizzy with Qi. She was so angry that she vomited blood!!

How can he not be angry?

How could he not be angry?!

This morning, when he heard the Secretary say that Li Hao and Zuo Feifei came together to see him, he was surprised, but more excited and happy!

He firmly believed that Li Hao must have come to seek peace, because he concluded that Li Hao had no courage and would not be stupid enough to bring people to his company in broad daylight!

Where is this? This is the Pearl City Center!!

If Li Hao is so impulsive, he will be more happy to see it. At that time, as long as he calls the police, even if Li Hao has a strong background in the police system, the iron fact is in front of him. Haotian industry, which was already in turmoil, will only make things worse!

And if you come to declare war, you should also bring some strong men who can fight and smash. How can you bring Zuo Feifei such a pleasing little white rabbit?

But he didn't expect that the harmless little white rabbit in his eyes would be so sharp and suddenly beat himself!!

As the chairman of the company, Hua Lingtong was beaten in his own company, and was beaten by a woman!

If it gets out, does he still have a face?!

If he really takes advantage of Zuo Feifei, he'll be beaten, but he didn't even touch the edge of Zuo Feifei's clothes, okay?!

The black pot hit Hua Lingtong and he wanted to die. If he could, he really wanted to act like that in the play. He knelt on the ground and shouted - I'm wronged!!

And Li Hao. He chased him and finally called someone on his side. When he was preparing to retaliate, NIMA, the civil servants came at this time!!

Is there such a coincidence?

Hua Lingtong now knows that where do Li Hao and Zuo Feifei want to come and bow their heads?

This is a big trap!

They're here for revenge!!

He just gave Li Hao a knife. Li Hao just came back and the backhand is a sword to him!!

And his knife didn't cut Li Hao's key. Although it made Li Hao angry and made Haotian industry seem to collapse and fall apart, it didn't hurt the muscles and bones. With condensate and condensate, Li Hao had money and money. Do you worry about not recruiting employees?

But Li Hao's sword today is tantamount to stabbing into his heart!

The reputation of Huarong group was already very bad because of the Meiji frozen age water incident before. If it is spread today that the boss of his company is trying to molest the female partner in broad daylight, and he is angry and ready to call people to commit violence, then the reputation of Huarong group will really stink!

Even if Li Hao wants to publicize this kind of thing on foreign websites and media, Huarong group will lose face not only in China, but also in overseas markets and businesses!!

Too cruel!

This move is really too cruel!!

Zuo Feifei and Li Hao came to have a fight today. Although it seems that they just beat Hua Lingtong, it's not as cruel as that time that Hua Lingtong sent someone to hurt most employees in Haotian industry.

But this is just a reason. By taking advantage of this event, they can ferment a terrible public opinion offensive, which Huarong group can't bear now!!

Killing with a soft knife is the most desperate and uncomfortable!!

Soon, the police came. Because Hua Lingtong had been unconscious and had no way to tell his evidence, the police had to ask Li Hao and Zuo Feifei, and then investigated the video and audio recording materials of Hua Lingtong's office within Huarong group to obtain evidence.

Li Hao and Zuo Feifei naturally insist that Hua Lingtong wants to insult Zuo Feifei. They don't obey and hurt Hua Lingtong under resistance. Then Hua Lingtong becomes angry and takes the security guard of his company to attack them.

Before the camera was suddenly damaged, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei wanted to make peace, and there was a contract brought by Zuo Feifei at the scene. Everything was logical and reasonable.

There was no problem with the recording data. At the moment when the camera broke, Zuo Feifei screamed. She said that Hua Lingtong suddenly reached out and grabbed it at her chest.

Then the civil servants of the industrial and commercial quality inspection department also realistically proved that Li Hao was surrounded by a group of people in black when they first entered the door.

Hua Lingtong tried to insult Zuo Feifei. She was injured by fierce resistance. Later, she became angry and wanted to instruct her men to hurt others. This matter was soon settled.

Let alone Hua Lingtong is in a coma now. Even if he is awake, he has no possibility to defend in front of so many witnesses and material evidence.

Because in this matter, everyone's subjective impression will involuntarily tend to Zuo Feifei, including the people of Huarong group.

Zuo Feifei looks so good. If you don't want to insult others, isn't it because they tore their clothes and wronged you?

This is what Zuo Feifei told Li Hao about her advantages as a woman on the way here.

Hua Lingtong was suspected of indecent assault and violence. Although Li Hao and Zuo Feifei were in self-defense, they were suspected of being too defensive. Moreover, considering that Hua Lingtong had been sent to the hospital, the police only criticized and fined Hua Lingtong.

I have to say that Hua Lingtong did help himself by vomiting blood and fainting at the last moment. Otherwise, Li Hao would definitely send him in and shut him up for a few days.

However, since the police have given this matter certainty, that's good, so Li Hao's goal has been achieved.

Sometimes it takes only the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

After Li Hao and Zuo Feifei went back, in the next few days, this matter immediately spread on the Internet!

"After the Meiji frozen age water incident, Huarong group, a leading enterprise in the local pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, spread another scandal!"

Cheating consumers and insulting female business partners, are they businessmen or animals in human skin

The big stick of media opinion hit Hua Lingtong hard again, which made him fall into a desperate situation again!!

"Hua Lingtong can't do it. Now go to Ruyi building to see Wang Xuecheng and see if he can surprise me."

Li Hao said to Zuo Feifei.

The Porsche 911 disappeared in the roar of the engine, as if it sounded the horn of the last charge#### Second, if you enjoy it, please give a reward and subscribe to support it!

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