"Let someone bring him out."

Li Hao took back the newspaper with satisfaction, looked at Wang Xuecheng, who was sitting in the toilet and crying like a child, and turned to the blade.


Blade nodded convincingly.

Now he feels more and more that the young master is not simple. He not only has an instinctive sense of danger, but also has such effective means of extorting confessions. I'm afraid that those who specialize in learning extorting confessions in special departments are just like this?

It doesn't take a soldier or time. It only needs a small room and a few glasses of water, which makes people obedient and soft. The clever means is amazing.

A few minutes later, Wang Xuecheng was taken to a very clean private room. His smelly body was simply washed and his clothes were changed. However, even so, he still had no spirit at all. The whole person was haggard as if he had been seriously ill.

Mental breakdown is actually no easier than physical illness.


After a while, the door of the box slowly opened from the outside. Li Hao came in alone, smiled and pointed to the chair in front of him, and said to Wang Xuecheng, "sit down."

Wang Xuecheng sat in the chair, while Li Hao opened the chair opposite him and sat down.

With a guilty mind, Wang Xuecheng quietly glanced at Li Hao. Looking at Li Hao who was expressionless and silent, his heart beat a drum again.

He's just a little smart, not smart enough, not brave enough. He's far from Hua Lingtong. His master has been beaten to pieces by Li Hao. Now that he's in Li Hao's hands, can he have any good fruit to eat?

After Li Hao asked him to sit down, he didn't look at him. Instead, he tied his napkin in front of his chest, and then rang the call bell on the table. Soon, the service staff outside pushed a steaming steak with a small cart.

"T-bone steak, medium rare, half fried eggs and pasta, my favorite in Western food."

Li Hao sniffed the aroma of the steak in front of him, picked up the knife and fork next to him, and began to slowly cut the steak on the plate in front of him.


He swallowed and spit hard. Although Wang Xuecheng tried hard to control himself and didn't want to see the steak on Li Hao's plate, the tempting aroma of the food seemed to grow eyes and kept drilling into his nose!

He hasn't eaten a grain of rice for three days!!

But now Li Hao is still eating this delicious steak in front of him!!

"It's too cheap, it's too cheap!"

Wang Xuecheng felt that he was about to cry again. He lowered his head and swallowed his saliva, but he scolded Li Hao 10000 times in his heart.

"Want to eat?"

Li Hao slowly swallowed the well cooked tender beef in his mouth, put down his knife and fork, looked at Wang Xuecheng in front of him and said faintly, "then tell me what you can tell me. Let me see if you are worth a steak."


Wang Xuecheng raised his head. Before opening his mouth, he swallowed his mouth and said, "I can tell you the layout of Huarong group in the overseas market, which companies in which countries they are mainly cooperating with, and I can also tell you the problems of Huarong group's tax evasion!"

Wang Xuecheng snapped: "If you want to completely trample on the flower family, beating down a flower Lingtong is just to hurt their muscles and bones. There will be new people in the flower family to operate on the stage. Hua Lingtong has his brother, Hua Jiansheng and those brothers and sisters. As long as I tell you the evidence of their tax evasion, with your energy in the judicial organ, you can make the flower family truly doomed!!"


As soon as Li Hao held the cup, all the red wine in the cup splashed on Wang Xuecheng's face, which made him close his mouth in an instant.

"Are you sober?"

Li Hao wiped his hand and said faintly, "don't try to guess what I mean, and don't think you know me very well. I just have a grudge against Hua Lingtong. Why do you spend so much effort to pull the whole Hua family off the horse?"


Wang Xuecheng's pupils shrunk slightly and seemed to think of something, but looking at Li Hao's cold eyes, he stubbornly held back the second half of his words.

Li Hao told him not to try to guess what he meant, so he didn't dare to do so.

"Hua Lingtong is just hiding in the hospital and can't continue to be the chairman. Just this is not enough to dispel my hatred."

Li Hao's smile made Wang Xuecheng's heart and hair cold. What he said made Wang Xuecheng feel like falling into an ice cave.

"It seems that you can't remember. Let me remind you."

Li Hao wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "a few days ago, when Meiji frozen age water had an accident, all the main figures of Huarong group gathered together to hold a shareholders' meeting. After the meeting that day, the owner of Huajia, who had begun to gradually delegate power, Dinghai Shenzhen huajiansheng, suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized and became a vegetable."

Wang Xuecheng's fingers involuntarily clenched slightly. Even if he especially wanted to control his body and pretend to be unaware, how could he control every detail of his body in such a state?

"Afterwards, Hua Lingtong claimed that Hua Jiansheng was hospitalized by me, and the whole flower family believed it, but I didn't want to carry the black pot. If he was hospitalized by me, why didn't he get angry with cerebral hemorrhage when he just got the news, but was angry into a vegetable after hosting the shareholders' meeting and explaining the countermeasures?"

Li Hao's fingers beat rhythmically on the table. Every sound was like a dull thunder, which exploded in Wang Xuecheng's heart.

"This lame reason can convince those second-class goods, but it can't convince me!!"

Li Hao shouted coldly!

At that time, before he left for Shennongjia, Hua Fei called him yesterday to tell him the bad news of Hua Jiansheng's sudden hospitalization. At that time, they all felt that this matter was quite strange. Later, Li Haoyue thought more and more suspicious these days. Just after such a test of Wang Xuecheng, he was more convinced that there was definitely a secret behind this matter, and what else Wang Xuecheng knew!

"If you can tell me about it..."

Li Hao suddenly pushed the steak cut in front of Wang Xuecheng and said faintly, "then this plate of steak belongs to you. If you want to hide it, you can go back to the cubicle and live in it."

"I said!!"

After only hesitating for a moment, Wang Xuecheng suddenly raised his head and hissed: "I tell you all, Hua Jiansheng didn't have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. He was beaten by Hua Lingtong. He was beaten into a vegetable alive!!" ###### second change! The struggle with the flower family will soon come to an end. Li Hao and Hua Lingtong come and go. There is both a contest of stratagem and a battle of force. I will write this plot at the end. Please look forward to it and ask for another wave of subscription and reward!!

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