Amazing secret!!

Rao Shi Li Hao has long guessed that Hua Jiansheng's sudden admission may have something to do with Hua Lingtong, but he still didn't expect that Hua Jiansheng was really beaten into a vegetable by Hua Lingtong, and it was his own hands!!

Li Hao knows that Hua Lingtong is vicious and that he is a guy who does everything to achieve his goal, but the black bird feeds back and the lamb kneels. He really didn't expect to be able to do it in the face of his biological father who raised him!!

"Are you sure? Did he order people to do it, or did he do it himself?"

Li Hao stood up from his chair, grabbed Wang Xuecheng's neck staring at the steak and asked fiercely.

"Yes... Yes, it's himself."

Wang Xuecheng was out of breath again. He reached out and patted Li Hao's big hand like a pair of pliers and reluctantly said, "I saw it with my own eyes. Cough..."

"You saw it with your own eyes?"

Li Hao took back his hand and looked at Wang Xuecheng suspiciously. He seemed to wonder why he could still live until now after seeing this scene.

"You want to ask me why I'm alive?"

Wang Xuecheng, who was free to breathe again, coughed violently. After saying this, he looked at Li Hao with lingering fear and found that the other party was not angry because he guessed his mind. He calmed down and continued: "It's because Hua Lingtong is eccentric and secluded. There are few people around him who can use it. You killed Huarong group. It's just when it's difficult and needs to use people that he's not willing to kill me."

"And he is confident that you dare not betray."

Li Hao nodded slightly and continued: "so when he came to my Haotian industry to make trouble, he would not come forward by himself and push you out to lead the team, so as to eliminate the way back for you to betray him and take refuge in me."

"Yes, I'm just a poor abandoned son."

Wang Xuecheng smiled bitterly, looked up at Li Hao and said, "I'm just a little person you've been fiddling with. Li Hao, President Li, you have a lot of adults, just let me go."

"The poor man must be hateful, and being an outcast must also have the consciousness of being an outcast."

Li Hao looked at him coldly and said, "if you just lead the team, I may not punish you so much, but ah Jian is my brother. You dare to beat him like that!"

With that, he hit Wang Xuecheng's stomach with a heavy punch, which directly made his body bow into a shrimp shape, and his stomach convulsed violently. Because there was no food in his stomach, he only spit out some sour water!

Then, in front of Wang Xuecheng, Li Hao picked up the steak on the table without expression and poured them into the nearby trash can.

"No! No! No!!"

He was beaten by Li Hao and didn't shout much. He just snorted. But when he saw Li Hao pour out the steak, he was excited to cry.

For a person who has diarrhea and dehydration after three days of hunger, watching delicious food wasted in front of him is much more terrible than beating his body!

"I told you everything. I told you everything you want to know!!"

Wang Xuecheng stared at Li Hao, like a beast approaching collapse.


Li Hao's face was expressionless. He raised his hand and slapped Wang Xuecheng in the face, turned him over on the ground and said coldly, "stare at me again, and you will continue to roll back to the cubicle."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Wang Xuecheng curled up on the ground and sobbed. He dared not have any temper any more. He begged in a low voice: "please, give me something to eat, please, please..."

"Go to the kitchen and bring him some leftover bread."

Li Hao walked towards the outside of the box and ordered the service staff at the door.

He didn't worry that Wang Xuecheng would run away. He was so weak that if he could escape from Ruyi building, they could take the blame and resign directly.

"If Hua Fei knew the news yesterday, I don't know what reaction it would be."

Walking on the road, Li Hao thought thoughtfully, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Hua Fei's secret contact with him yesterday.


In Mingzhu, Rende hospital, intensive care unit, Hua Lingtong is lying on the bed, and his secretary with long legs, Anne, is sitting next to him.

"Ling Tong, how is your body now?"

In the intensive care unit, Hua Jianlin, Hua Jiansheng's second brother, held Hua Lingtong's hand with concern and said, "the gas gender is so big. It's not long before your father's front foot was admitted to the hospital. You came in again. Our flower family has been in trouble recently. Don't have another accident."

Hua Lingtong didn't speak, but she sneered in her heart.

His second uncle has been in officialdom for many years. He only talks to people. Looking at the hypocritical smile and hypocritical concern on his face, Hua Lingtong is really not in the mood to be hypocritical with him now.

I'm afraid his second uncle wants him to have an accident now?

Although Huajia's huge commercial aircraft carrier was jointly worked out by several brothers and sisters of Huajia's generation, it has always been controlled by huajiansheng, so he is the owner of the family.

When the younger generation came to the top, Hua Jiansheng gave some shares to Hua Lingtong. The financial power of the flower family has always been in the hands of Hua Jiansheng. Although Hua Jianlin is mixed in officialdom, if he is not interested in the position of the master of the family, no one will believe it.

"Ling Tong, don't worry. Take a good rest recently. Don't care about the rumors in the media. The second uncle will find out the truth. If you don't do it, no one will want to wrong you!"

Hua Jianlin smiled and patted Hua Lingtong's hand, then got up and said, "second uncle, I still have some things to do. I'll see you again in a few days."

When Hua Jianlin left, Annie, the female secretary of Hua Lingtong, took the things brought by Hua Jianlin and put them away. She smiled and said, "the second master really cares about you. Look at your admission, other uncles and aunts didn't show up, so only the second master came."

"Does he care about me?"

Hua Lingtong snorted coldly, biting his teeth and said, "old and immortal, he is falling into a well. Li Hao and Zuo Feifei dug a hole and gave me a hole. Now he wants to come and fill in a handful of soil and bury me completely!!"

What Hua Jiansheng just said, Annie, a woman with big chest and no brain, can't hear anything, but how can Hua Lingtong not hear it?

Hua Jianlin said that he would investigate clearly. If Hua Lingtong didn't do it, he would not wronged him, but he didn't say what would happen if Hua Lingtong did it.

Of course, Hua Lingtong knows that Hua Jianlin has coveted his position as the sole economic power of the flower family for a long time. In fact, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei have finally given him a long-awaited opportunity to overthrow the people of Hua Jiansheng's line and come to the top by themselves!

Just like Hua Lingtong said.

Li Hao and Zuo Feifei dug a pit. Now he Hua Jianlin, but he wants to come and bury Hua Lingtong completely in this pit. He can't turn over forever#### First change

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