Wolves are very unusual animals in nature. They are fierce, cunning, cautious and patient. They are no less cooperative than those trained humans.

Hua Lingtong likes wolves very much, but it's a pity that he is too cruel. As a result, people around him betray their relatives and become a lone wolf. Therefore, he raised such a group of dead men without parents and clean family background to form a wolf group and become their wolf king.

The dead men raised by Hua Lingtong are also extremely loyal. Most of them have had a criminal record and were rescued by Hua Lingtong through a serious crime, or poor people from poor families were adopted and trained by Hua Lingtong. Everyone's individual combat ability is not weak. If the wolves go out as a whole, the cooperation will be even stronger.

Wolves in nature have a characteristic before hunting, that is, they will fully investigate and be extremely patient. Once they all go out, they will have great confidence that they can be killed in one blow!

The wolf cubs raised by Hua Lingtong also have the same quality. Although Hua Lingtong ordered them to act again at night in order not to make a big noise, even if they acted again at night, they already went out in the afternoon and began to dress up near the fraternity hospital.

As a qualified killer, he will step on it well before action, where the target is, when the medical staff on duty change shifts, and how to evacuate after success. All these need to be observed in advance.

It's too simple to be a vegetable without any resistance or even consciousness, so even if the wolves were more cautious, they didn't go out this time. Only four wolf cubs came, three people cooperated, and one person observed the terrain and sniper cover on the nearby tall building.

At 6:00 p.m., in the evening of midsummer, the hot sun began to slowly sink to the west, and the bright lights began to dress up the Pearl as a colorful world.

"I'll change to the doctor on duty after nine o'clock. I'll have a chance at that time."

The wolf cub in charge of the stampede is tall and thin, dressed in black and wearing a cap. He looks very ordinary. No one will pay special attention to him in the hospitals where patients, doctors and family members come and go.

"Well, try not to be found. I'll help you observe the surrounding environment and situation in the tall building opposite. It's best not to be found. If there is an accident, I'll cover you with snipers."

The wolf cub lurking in the tall building not far away uses the wireless intercom channel on his body.

"There should be no problem."

Wolf cub No. 1 said, "I just went to the ward where the target is located. In addition to the few bodyguards guarding the door, it's a little trouble. Generally speaking, the task is very simple. I'm afraid you don't need to do it this time, fourth."

The fourth is the wolf cub who stayed in the opposite high-rise building to help cover the sniper. After listening, he didn't speak, and he didn't know whether he wanted to do it or not.

Wolf cub 2 is responsible for the shift change time, wolf cub 1 is responsible for the alert of the ward where the target Hua Jiansheng is located, wolf cub 4 is lurking in the dark, while wolf cub 3 has never said a word in the wireless walkie talkie, which is very mysterious.

Wolves are around. They are ready for everything. They can bite the prey's throat and launch a fatal attack when the time is ripe!

The traffic is busy. During the rush hour, the road of Mingzhu is almost blocked like a parking lot. When Li Hao and Hua Fei rushed to the fraternity hospital yesterday, it was almost eight o'clock, and the sky was all dark. Fortunately, the hospital was still full of people and lights at this time.

"It's on the fourth floor. Let's go straight."

Hua Fei walked into the hospital side by side with Li Hao yesterday and rushed directly to the elevator.

"Second young master."

In front of Hua Jiansheng's ward, the bodyguards guarding the door saw Hua Fei yesterday. They all nodded to him and respectfully shouted to the second young master.

"You two come and give me a hand. Now I've found a famous doctor to transfer my father."

Hua Fei pushed the door yesterday and walked into the ward.

"I'm sorry, second young master. Our duty is to protect the master's life here. If you want to pick him up rashly, we have to have the master's order."

One of the tall bodyguards didn't come to help, but said in a deep voice.

"Yes, second young master, I'm sorry. We're sent by second master. I'm afraid we really can't listen to your orders directly."

On the other hand, the bodyguards who were obviously not the same person guarding the door in the ward also smiled.

All the protectors in Hua Jiansheng's ward are sent by Hua Lingtong and Hua Jianlin, so they will give Hua Fei face, but they won't listen to him.

"If you don't help, don't get in the way!"

Hua Fei stared angrily yesterday and said angrily, "if brother and second uncle ask, it's me who took my father away. You don't have to bear any responsibility. I'll carry it alone!!"


The bodyguards were stunned and finally reluctantly moved away.

Although everyone knows that Hua Fei was the least accomplished Playboy of the flower family yesterday, no matter how decadent he is, he is also the legitimate son of the flower family owner, which can not be disobeyed by several bodyguards.

"Although he is in a severe coma, he has not lost his instinct of spontaneous breathing. Taking off his oxygen mask will not cause life-threatening dyspnea."

Li Hao went to the bedside to check Hua Jiansheng, then nodded and said, "you can remove these instruments and take him to me."


Hua Fei trusted Li Hao very much yesterday. He knew that Li Hao was not only an outstanding businessman, but also a very powerful traditional Chinese medicine.

"Let's go."

Although Li Hao is not a western medicine, he has learned some knowledge of Western medicine when he is in class at Huaxia Medical College. He may not be familiar with these instruments, but there is no problem in how to disassemble and assemble them from patients.

"Something has changed. It's not time, but someone seems to take the target away!!"

Wolf cub No. 1, who has been near the ward, saw Li Hao start to dismantle the instruments on Hua Jiansheng. His face suddenly changed and whispered in the wireless walkie talkie.

"At first, I thought Hua Fei just came to visit yesterday. Unexpectedly, he wanted to take the target away!"

Wolf cub No. 2 watched Li Hao and Hua Lingtong go upstairs. After hearing what wolf cub No. 1 said, he also heard a roar.

"What should I do?"

The wolf cub No. 4 lurking in the distance also frowned.

"The wolf king's order is to get rid of the target at all costs."

Just then, wolf cub No. 3, who had never spoken on the walkie talkie, finally spoke.

"Do it, kill!"

A word, kill meaning, such as snow, such as wine!!

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