Li Hao took Hua Jiansheng's body out of bed directly and horizontally. His original physical quality was much better than that of ordinary people. In addition, now that he has practiced the five Qi heaven heart formula and has the blessing of internal breathing Zhenyuan, he is like a fish in water. It is not difficult for him to pick up an adult man who is not fat.

Of course, it's easier to hold an adult woman.

"Let's go."

Li Hao did not show any difficulty on his face. He easily hugged Hua Jiansheng's more than 100 kg body and strode towards the outside.

Hua Fei was going to come and help Li Hao yesterday, but when he saw Li Hao alone, he was easy. He simply followed behind and didn't intervene to make trouble.

Li Hao easily held Hua Jiansheng's body. Hua Fei followed him yesterday. The bodyguards in a room wanted to stop talking. They felt that they let Li Hao go. They seemed to be neglecting their duty, but they didn't dare to really fight with Hua Fei yesterday. They were so deadlocked and walked to the door of the ward.

"Second young master, you..."

The bodyguard sent by Hua Fei yesterday looked at Hua Fei yesterday and Li Hao who had come to the door of the ward and said with a embarrassed smile: "if the young master blames it, you must tell the truth!"

"Can you teach me how to speak?"

Hua Fei glanced at him coldly yesterday. He endured it for so many years. Now the flower family is shaking, and Hua Lingtong, who has been pressing on his head, has fallen. He knows that his best opportunity has come, so he also began to show his edge.

The head of the bodyguard hesitated and hesitated. After all, he didn't dare to talk back and withdrew.

These little people, in the game between men and women, can only be pieces kneaded by everyone, and no one will care about the happiness, anger and life of the pieces.

Li Hao didn't speak. It was an internal matter of the flower family. He intended to support the flower family. That's why he didn't attack the Huarong group with the tax evasion of the flower family provided by Wang Xuecheng. He just had a personal feud with Hua Lingtong. There's no need to drag the whole Huarong group into the water, otherwise everyone in the flower family would retaliate and resist hysterically, That force is also very terrible.

Hua Fei came to take over after Hua Lingtong's vitality was damaged, and then Haotian industry, Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup and Huarong group went hand in hand. This is the best result of mutual benefit.

At more than eight o'clock, most companies and enterprises have already left work, but most doctors in the hospital still insist on their posts. Li Hao is a successful businessman. Yes, even now he doesn't know how much money Ning Zhenlu and Ning Zhenye have made for himself, but he is still proud of his other identity - traditional Chinese medicine.

Saving the dying and healing the wounded is a noble sense of honor, which has nothing to do with financial interests, but a spiritual pursuit that people can't ignore.

Li Hao also understands that old man Chen Yu and old man Ning Yitian also have this glorious sense of responsibility, so they want to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine and prevent the loss of the treasures of their ancestors.

"Go back and report to your masters as soon as possible."

Hua Fei waved to the bodyguards and said.

In fact, he didn't want to show himself so soon. The original plan was that Hua Lingtong had no choice but to transfer his shares to him and continue to run Huarong group by supporting a puppet. Hua Fei came to prominence only after he was in power yesterday.

But now that he knows that his father Hua Jiansheng was beaten into the hospital by Hua Lingtong, Li Hao promises to save Hua Jiansheng, so he doesn't need to bear anything more.

As soon as Hua Jiansheng wakes up, the headless flower family will immediately end the chaotic situation, and the failure of Hua Lingtong is inevitable. Then Hua Feifei will be the unique successor regardless of credit or identity!

That's why he was so brave and powerful.

Li Hao walked towards the elevator entrance. Hua Fei and several bodyguards followed him yesterday.

A young man with a SLR is coming face to face. In the hospital, there are often people like journalists or trainee journalists. There is a person with a SLR. This is not surprising at all.

Seeing Li Haoheng holding Hua Jiansheng and following Hua Fei behind him, the teenager with SLR may feel that they are a little strange. A trace of curiosity appears on his face. Then he raises his SLR, points at Li Hao and prepares to press the shutter key of the camera.

However, at this time, Li Hao suddenly lowered his body and swung his arms. He immediately got Hua Jiansheng behind him as if he were like a stick. At the same time, he quickly dodged aside!


The lens of the SLR camera in the young man's hand suddenly burst open, and a terrible loud noise suddenly exploded. Between the electric light and flint, a naked eye visible fire suddenly shot at the position where Li haogang had just been fighting, directly blew through the hospital floor, the rubble of the floor collapsed and flew, and the field was in a moment of chaos!


After suddenly hearing the loud noise, the surrounding medical staff, patients and their families panicked in an instant, with bursts of harsh screams. Many people hurried and panicked to escape the scene, and the corridor on the fourth floor of the hospital was in a mess for a moment.

"What's going on?!"

Hua Fei and the bodyguards behind him were also stunned. Everything was fine. How did an explosion happen when we got to the elevator entrance?!

"Come on!! protect dad and Li Hao!"

Hua Fei anxiously pulled the clothes of the bodyguards nearby yesterday and asked them to hurry to the rescue.

The power of that bomb was not small. Once it went down, it directly blew through the floor of the corridor, producing smoke and dust that obscured the line of sight, so that people could not see what was going on there.

Li Hao hid under a shelter that could cover his body at the first time. He was not afraid, but now there was a unconscious Hua Jiansheng in his hand. He had to ensure his safety.

Although Hua Fei was worried that Hua Lingtong would jump over the wall after being forced, he didn't expect that he would really send someone to kill his father!

Of course, the identity of the attacker has not been determined yet, but Hua Lingtong is the key suspect, because Li Hao quickly checked the people who can think of in his mind about this matter. They have no such motivation.




The sound of several continuous knives cutting the body sounded. Although it was so subtle in the noise, Li Hao still caught it clearly.

"There is more than one killer..."

Li Hao's heart soon had a judgment.

However, after a look at the thousands of nights when the old God was still lying on the ground and pretending to sleep on him in the chaos, the only worry in Li Hao's heart dissipated.

This is the existence that can compete with the ancient fierce like the gluttonous snake!

What are you afraid of with it##### First, I suddenly found that the upload order of yesterday's two shifts was reversed. Now it has been modified. Sorry, everyone. Second, I'll send it late

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