The smoke gradually dispersed, and Li Hao saw three people appear slowly.

At their feet, several bodyguards who had just come out with them and innocent people in the hospital all fell to the ground. Blood gurgled out of their necks and could not live.

Li Hao hid himself in the counter where the nurses were on duty. He looked around quickly and found that Huafei had no accident yesterday. He was a little relieved.

"Number one, you shot at the floor at such a close distance. If the wolf king knew, you would have a long face."

The young wolf cub No. 2 in a duck tongue hat smiled with a playful color on his face.

"Come out!"

Holding the SLR camera in his hand, oh, no, it should be said that the teenager who looks like the weapon of the SLR camera has a gloomy face and yells loudly.

"Fool just went out..."

Li Hao glanced outside and muttered in his heart. Instead, he hid his body lower.

If he had only one person, he wouldn't be afraid of more of these guys, but now there are many people in the hospital, and there is such a vegetable Hua Jiansheng around him. What he thinks now is how to take Hua Jiansheng and Hua Fei out of the safety belt yesterday, rather than being strong.

Although there are three people on the surface, Li Hao doesn't know whether they are all members of this group of killers. Anything can happen without knowing the real number of the other party.

"Don't be careless."

A strong man urn voice urn airway.

He is No. 3 and the strongest fighting among the four wolf cubs who came today!

"Don't hide, come out!"

No. 1, who had missed once before, once again filled his SLR camera weapon with bullets and aimed it at the service desk of the nurse on duty. He said in a cold voice: "believe me, as long as this shot goes on, even if you can't kill you, you will definitely be seriously injured, and more innocent people will be buried with you!!"

Looking at him, the little nurses in the counter cried even worse, shaking their heads desperately one by one.

Li Hao looked at these young girls in their twenties and sighed in his heart.

I have to admit that this guy's threat is very effective. Li Hao really can't watch these young girls die because of himself.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot."

Li Hao made a sound, then before he stood up, he winked at Qianye on his shoulder, motioned it to stay and help him watch Hua Jiansheng in the counter, then raised his hands over his head and slowly stood up.

"How did you avoid the shot I just shot?!"

Seeing Li Hao's outcrop, No. 1 immediately pointed his SLR at Li Hao's head and asked in a harsh voice, "where did you see my flaw?"

No. 1 disguised himself as a reporter. He wanted to make a surprise attack without effort. He asked himself that his disguise was absolutely first-class, but he didn't expect that Li Hao suddenly made an emergency action when he was about to succeed!

As a killer, every failure should learn as much as possible, so he was not in a hurry to shoot Li Hao, but asked.

"Because of the eyes."

Li Hao walked step by step outside the counter, raised his hands and said with a smile: "you disguised as a reporter. When you saw us, you felt very strange and wanted to take a picture. It's completely logical."


Li Hao continued: "your eyes betrayed you. From your eyes, I didn't see curiosity. Instead, it was cold and prepared for a long time. This calmness is like you knew we would appear. You have been waiting for us, so I feel something wrong."

What Li Hao said is the truth. His eyes are the window of his heart. Especially after he was inherited by Shennong emperor, Li Hao's grasp of the people's heart is perfect. Just from the eyes of No. 1, he saw the flaw.


After listening to Li Hao's serious explanation, the three wolf cubs were speechless.

A flaw in your eyes?

That's ridiculous?!

No matter how much a person trains, there are some subtle things on his body that he can't control. The eyes are one of them, especially when he wants to kill.

So Li Hao's explanation made No. 1 speechless.

Blame me for this mistake?

Who made the goods stare into my eyes? Who made it?!

"In fact, we have something to discuss. Why should we fight and kill?"

Li Hao continued: "I know you want to spend Jiansheng's life. Well, no matter who sent you and how much money I give you, I'll pay three times the price to let you give up this business, and then let's sit down and have a cup of tea and have a chat. How good?"

"We don't want money."

At this time, the strongest wolf cub No. 3 said, "just die!"

With that, he rushed towards the counter like a bull.

He knew that Hua Jiansheng was inside. As long as he broke his neck in the past, even if the trial task of their four wolf cubs was completed, they would gradually change from wolf cubs to other people in the group and become frightening old wolves!

"Why don't you listen to my advice?"

Looking at No. 3, Li Hao seemed helpless, shook his head and said, "it's really the first time I've seen someone like you who doesn't want to send money to the door."

With that, his body shook and turned into a residual shadow, intercepting towards No. 3!

"Why don't you shoot him?!"

No. 2 looked at No. 1 who didn't press the shutter and said angrily.

"Shoot your sister! He's so fast that I can't keep up!"

No. 1 put down his SLR in some frustration and opened his mouth unhappily.

This is not that No. 1 wants to let Li Hao go, but really, in a very short distance, if a person's moving speed is fast to a certain point, it can completely exceed the shooter's shooting response.

"Forget it, the boy's speed and reaction are really good, but he wants to fight the bull No. 3. He really doesn't know how to live or die..."

No. 2 shrugged his shoulders and didn't tangle more on this issue.

No. 1 didn't speak any more. Looking at Li Hao who welcomed No. 3, they all had a feeling of winning.

This guy No. 3 is born with divine power. In terms of power, he is a guy who even the old wolves in the group admire!


In mid air, Li Hao came first, waved his fist and collided heavily with the big fist of No. 3 casserole!!


The muffled sound came, and then there was a clear sound in everyone's ears, the light sound of broken bones ##### second, thank you and continue to ask for subscription support!!!

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