

In a dark training base, a harsh alarm suddenly sounded, followed by three alarms almost at the same time, one after another, faster than the other!

A few soft sounds came, and the residual shadows passed. After several rises and falls, a dark shadow appeared in the base. One of them looked at the biological alarm and whispered, "the mission failed. All wolf cubs from No. 1 to No. 4 are sacrificed."

"Who did it?"

Hearing this, a tall figure didn't know when he appeared in the base. At the same time, he said, "what's the target that the wolf king wants to kill? Is there any hope to remedy and complete the task now?"

"It's Li Hao from Haotian industry. In terms of time, if we send someone to the place of the incident now, they should have moved away."

The shadow replied in a deep voice.

"Li Hao..."

The tall figure walked to the center of the base step by step, clenched his fist and said, "what about those who kill my people?"




There were suddenly more than a dozen voices that could not see their faces in the originally empty base, but their voices were as neat as a person, full of chilling killing meaning, like wolves roaring the moon, which was creepy!

"Hello? What's the result?"

Hua Lingtong was lying on the hospital bed and received a phone call.

"Well, I see."

After nodding, Hua Lingtong put down his mobile phone, and his face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip water.

"Young master, I've contacted Ah Mei. Tomorrow she'll bring the second young master to see you. When you know you're going to transfer your shares to him, the dandy will be so happy."

Annie, the female secretary, brought another glass of water to Hua Lingtong. At the same time, she sat by Hua Lingtong's bed and looked at him charmingly. She knew that her body was not a big problem, and she didn't mind making trouble with him in the hospital bed.

"Fuck you!"

Hua Lingtong threw the hot water handed over by Annie on her face and roared, "is he a dandy?! he has endured for so many years and played us all around. Do you think he's stupid?! you're so stupid!!"

Annie was so hot that she jumped out of bed, but she didn't dare to complain.

She is also confused now. All her expectations and bets are on Hua Lingtong, but now it seems that the development of things seems to be out of Hua Lingtong's control. What about her future?

"Big and small, what are we going to do now?"

She wiped the water stains on her face flustered, and Anne asked blankly.

"What should I do?"

Hua Lingtong sighed. For a moment, it seemed that she had lost all her strength. She murmured, "since my brother can persuade Li Hao to help him, all my back roads must have been broken. Let it be fate."

Hua Lingtong doesn't even have the desire to go out from here. He knows that since Li Hao went to take Hua Jiansheng away, Wang Xuecheng must have betrayed himself. Moreover, Li Hao should be sure to wake up his father. The four wolf cubs didn't leave Li Hao. Li Hao also knows that he has hidden wolf cards.

Hua Lingtong knows that if he is Li Hao, in order not to give himself a chance to escape, he will immediately arrange a brigade of police to ambush around the hospital. If Hua Lingtong calls the wolves to take him away at this time, it is useless. Instead, he is just burying his own wolves.

All the cards are exhausted and all the moves have been done.

Lying in the hospital bed, Hua Lingtong really felt a bit of desolation that her talents were exhausted and her skills were poor.

He has no way, but he is still unwilling to admit defeat. This is Hua Lingtong. People like him will not admit defeat until the last moment, let alone take the initiative to admit defeat. Even if he is lucky, even if he deceives himself, he will stubbornly stick his neck to death even if he is dead.

In Huafei's private secret villa yesterday, on the way back, Huafei had informed Xiaoxue to vacate an empty bed. As soon as he went back, Li Hao hurriedly carried Hua Jiansheng, who was still unconscious, to the bed.

The reason why Hua Jiansheng became a vegetable was the severe concussion and cerebral hemorrhage caused by repeated heavy blows with a blunt instrument. Because the blood clots in the brain coagulated and caked and oppressed the nerves, he was unconscious.

If Li Hao only relies on water acupuncture to treat this disease before learning fire acupuncture, because it involves surgery. Water acupuncture has little effect only by guiding Qi and blood.

"Go and prepare the alcohol lamp."

Li Hao untied Hua Jiansheng's clothes and ordered Hua Fei next to him yesterday: "after you bring in the alcohol lamp, go out and wait. Don't come in and disturb me."

If you want to cure such a disease, God level acupuncture is not enough. You must enter the cave micro environment to help you.


After finding the alcohol lamp yesterday, Hua Fei nodded to Li Hao in good faith, and then respectfully withdrew.

"Young master, the young master just called and asked us to see him in the hospital tomorrow. I have something very important to discuss with you."

Ah Mui came over, blinked at Hua Fei yesterday and said, "young master, after waiting for so many years, our opportunity seems to be coming at last. You and Da Shao are close brothers. Now he is in trouble, so he wants to help you."

"Ah Mui, your master is in trouble now. How can you stay with me?"

Hua Fei raised his head yesterday. There was a cold light in his pupils and said faintly, "you don't accompany him at this time. I'm afraid it's more difficult to see him again in the future."

"Young master, are you... Are you kidding Ah Mui?"

Ah Mui's face turned a little white. Looking at Hua Fei yesterday, a trace of panic appeared in her pupils.

It was like a child who stole candy behind her parents and was suddenly exposed. Ah Mui's body trembled and her heart was very flustered.

"After so many years of acting, you are also very hard. Now you have a showdown. Why do you do this?"

Hua Fei gave a cold look yesterday and nuzui said to amenu, "now go by yourself. You still have some dignity. Otherwise, you won't look so good when I ask someone to throw you out."

After that, Hua Fei turned her head yesterday and ignored her. She stood quietly outside the door, waiting for the result of Li Hao.

Ah Mui's face changed several times. After that, she bit her teeth, bowed to Hua Fei yesterday, turned and walked towards the door.

Hua Fei, wearing a long shirt yesterday, stood outside the door without saying a word and waited patiently.

As time passed, Li Hao didn't move in the room, and Hua Fei didn't make a sound outside the door yesterday.

There seems to be an invisible tacit understanding between the two people.

Until two hours later, the door of the room suddenly made a soft sound from inside.

Li Hao, whose face was a little haggard, came out of the room. Looking at the calm flower on his face, he raised his mouth and let go of his body.

In bed, a middle-aged man of nearly half a century is raising his hand and gently rubbing his temples. Although his movements are not very smooth because he has been lying for too many days, he can move. He wakes up!!

"Li Hao."

Hua Fei's eyes turned red in a moment. His eyes moved from his father to Li Hao. His straight body suddenly bent and knelt down in front of Li Hao!

"From today on, you are my great benefactor of Huafei yesterday and everyone in our family!!"

#####Today's first watch, brothers, please top up!!!

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