"Get up."

Li Hao stood still and firmly received Huafei yesterday's worship, because he knew that he deserved it. If he refused, Huafei yesterday would always feel that he had a pimple in his heart.

Holding up Hua Fei yesterday, Li Hao said wisely, "your father and son should have something to talk about, so I won't disturb you."

"Xiaoxue, arrange someone to send brother Hao'er back."

Hua Fei nodded yesterday, and then shouted at Li Haocheng again: "great grace doesn't say thanks. We must come to the door to thank you another day."

"Well, goodbye."

Li Hao nodded and followed Xiaoxue out.

"Dad, are you okay?"

After watching Li Hao leave, Hua Fei hurried into the room yesterday and looked at Hua Jiansheng sitting on the bed. He squatted by the bed and looked at him with concern.

"How many days have I been in a coma?"

Hua Jiansheng stopped his action, licked his cracked lips and said, "pour me a glass of water."

"Hey, good!"

Hua Fei nodded yesterday and quickly turned to pour a glass of water for Hua Jiansheng.

"Dad, you've been in a coma for a week."

Hua Fei said respectfully yesterday.

"Hua Lingtong, the villain, dares to attack me. He dares!!"

His mind slowly recalled the previous events. Rao was angry with Hua Jiansheng's gas and self-restraint. His Qi and blood surged up and he coughed again.

"Dad, don't be angry. Don't be angry. Your body hasn't fully recovered. Being angry is not good for recovery."

Hua Fei hurriedly got up yesterday and patted Hua Jiansheng on the back to help him.

"Evil animal, evil animal!!"

Hua Jiansheng took a deep breath, clenched his fist tightly and loosened it. After repeated this action several times, he finally calmed down his anger a little.

"What happened after I was unconscious?"

Hua Jiansheng took a sip of water, moistened his throat and asked Hua Fei again yesterday.

"After putting you in the hospital, Hua Lingtong used the whole flower family's respect for you to transfer all his hatred to Li Hao, and then took all kinds of indiscriminate means to deal with Haotian industry."

Hua Fei took a deep breath yesterday and told Hua Jiansheng what had happened in the pearl business district this week.

He didn't add fuel or make a big deal small. Everything he said was true, because he knew that it was meaningless to play these small hands in front of his father. Afterwards, he could understand it with a phone call. If he played some small actions, he would only annoy his father.

"Awesome, really awesome..."

After hearing Hua Fei's story yesterday, Li Hao risked to go to the hospital to rescue him, and then healed him from his coma regardless of the knife wound on his back, Hua Jiansheng couldn't help but caress his palm and sigh: "it's not yesterday, this Li Hao is really powerful. It's really your chance to become friends with him."

Looking at the alcohol lamp just used by Li Hao to heat the silver needle next to the table, Hua Jiansheng sighed: "there are few people like him who can distinguish right from wrong, especially such a young man. I can't do without admiration!"

Hua Jiansheng sighed: "he knows very well that Hua Lingtong is the only one he wants to destroy, not the whole flower family, so he didn't make enemies blindly. He even became friends with you. Hua Lingtong formed such a hatred with him. He was able to repay good for bad for treating me. Even I have to admire his mind."

"What you just said is right. From now on, he is not only the great benefactor of your father and son, but also the great benefactor of the whole flower family. He has quietly changed our huge flower family from a mortal enemy to a close comrade in arms. I can't use such a means of turning clouds and rain at his age!"

Hua Jiansheng took another sip of water and said with a bitter smile: "Even if we know that he saved me and helped you in order to make our flower family his help and help his strength rise to a higher level again, can we not help him after we have received his great kindness? This is Yang Mou. Everything is shown to us in the open, but we still have to follow his envisaged path to convince people with virtue and this hand with virtue People, it's really sophisticated! "

"Dad, in fact, I don't think it's a bad thing to cooperate with Haotian industry. You think, because of the struggle between hualingtong and Li Hao, now the Meiji frozen age water under Huarong group has completely stinked its reputation in China. If we can operate condensate and condensate with Haotian industry, we can help us save the domestic market!"

Hua Fei said yesterday: "Zuo's medicine makeup is Li Hao's bole, but Zuo's medicine makeup is much worse than our flower family's strength. In the future, Ning Zhenlu wants to distribute it to overseas markets. It would be very convenient if we could go out from the channels we have opened up!"

"It's such a truth that combining benefits both sides and dividing all losses."

Hua Jiansheng nodded, looked at his second son approvingly and said, "you have to talk to Li Hao about this. After all, you are friends and are easier to accept."

"I know, Dad."

Hua Fei nodded yesterday.

"All these years, you have suffered."

Hua Jiansheng looked at his son with regret. In fact, many years ago, he also had expectations for his second son, but Hua Lingtong's ruthlessness was too eye-catching at that time, and Hua Feifei seemed to know that he lingered in the romantic place all day and was a dandy and rich idle man, so Hua Jiansheng didn't expect much from him over time.

However, from the series of things now and the analysis of the future development of the company just spent yesterday, he can easily see that his second son is not incompetent, but wise as a fool. In the past ten years, he was just forbearing with the illusion of a dandy!

After figuring out this joint, Hua Jiansheng's heart also added a little comfort.

The eldest son did something inferior to animals, but fortunately, he still has a better second son who can inherit his seat and continue to lead the lead flower family in the future.

"Dad, you just woke up. You'd better not overwork. Have a rest."

Hua Fei stood up yesterday and put the pillow for his father. He said respectfully, "I won't disturb your rest."


After lying down, Hua Jiansheng raised his hand and said to Hua Fei who came to the door last night: "call your uncle and aunt here in the evening. I want to announce a few things. The villain Hua Lingtong, you can directly call the police and catch him."


Hua Fei nodded yesterday and turned out of the room.

Out of the room, his steps were much lighter. For more than ten years, the butcher's knife hanging over his head was ready to kill him at any time. Finally, the blade was destroyed!!

In the dimly lit room, Hua Jiansheng lay down, sighed and closed his eyes.

The police arrested his son. Although it was just a simple sentence, it seemed to have exhausted all his strength

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