Finally, Hua Jiansheng was saved and became the lifesaver of the flower family dinghaishen needle. Li Hao was finally relieved.

He has put himself on the top of righteousness. He gives kindness, but he doesn't take the initiative to ask for return. However, if he doesn't ask for the flower family, he will open one eye and close one eye to pretend that there is no such thing, then he won't mind letting the media publicize this matter and be fair and free in the hearts of the people. At that time, the people will naturally have a judgment on who supports and who doesn't support.

So Li Hao left, leaving Hua Fei yesterday and Hua Jiansheng's father and son the space to talk, which is also testing whether Hua Jiansheng or Hua Fei yesterday's character is worth real cooperation.

After all, Hua Fei was with himself yesterday because he wanted to get rid of Hua Lingtong's repression. Now Hua Lingtong has completely collapsed. It is not uncommon for birds to die, good bows to hide, cunning rabbits to die and running dogs to cook.

Early the next morning, all the important figures of the flower family drove to Huafei's private villa yesterday.

Hua Jianlin, Hua Jianyu, Hua Jianqing and others with some of the younger generation of the core layer of the flower family all poured into the villa, which made the originally large villa seem a little crowded.

"Not yesterday, is this true? Brother, is he really well?"

Walking in the corridor, Hua Jianlin's face was still full of unbelievable words and couldn't help but say.

"Well, dad is resting in the room now."

Hua Fei nodded definitely yesterday and let the people of the flower family eat a reassurance again.

Although the flower family has spread its branches and leaves, it is quite United. Especially for Hua Jiansheng, who has been the owner for many years, his brothers, sisters and younger generations love him more. The name of dinghaishen needle is not for nothing. With him, the flower family can't fall down.

Hua Jianlin doesn't have no idea about the position of home owner and the position of the chairman of the whole Huarong group, but that kind of mind is that Hua Jiansheng may never wake up. When Hua Lingtong is in office, now Hua Jiansheng recovers. His careful thoughts are like ice and snow in the sun.


When the door of the room opened, everyone slowed down involuntarily. When they saw Hua Jiansheng sitting on the bed turning a book, they couldn't help but get excited!!

"Big brother!!"

Hua Jianlin, Hua Jianyu and Hua Jianqing were so excited that they rushed into the room and surrounded Hua Jiansheng's bed with surprises on their faces.

Their generation is the generation who fought for the flower family. At that time, they walked through ups and downs hand in hand, performed their respective duties, created a huge business Kingdom and created today's Huarong group. The feelings between their brothers and sisters who shared sadness were incomparably deep.

Now seeing Hua Jiansheng miraculously wake up, each of them was sincerely happy.

"Brother, it's great that you can wake up!"

The youngest sister Hua Jianqing wiped her tears and her voice choked.

A woman in her forties, Hua Jianqing, who is a powerful figure outside, still shows her true feelings in front of her big brother and cries like a child.

"Elder brother, was it the doctor I asked for yesterday?"

Although Hua Jianlin was also very excited, he could still control his emotions and asked, "we must thank the doctor."

"Yesterday's friend cured me and saved me from the killer. I owe him two lives."

Hua Jiansheng nodded and said in a deep voice, "I think everyone will be familiar with this man. His name is Li Hao."


"Li Hao?!"

Hearing the name, all the flower family present were stunned. Some of the younger generation even couldn't believe it and said, "how could it be him? Didn't he take his uncle to the hospital?"

"Not so."

Hua Jiansheng took a deep breath, as if he had made a great determination, and then he told the truth.

After hearing Hua Jiansheng's words, the whole house fell into a dead silence.

"If you should kill him, you should cut him thousands of times!"

Hua Jianlin slapped the table heavily, shaking the tea on the table!

"I've asked Fei to call the police yesterday. Let's go through legal procedures."

Hua Jiansheng waved his hand and didn't seem to want to talk more about this issue.

Hearing Hua Jiansheng's words, the angry Huajia people also closed their mouths and didn't say much.

In fact, the worst thing for his son to do such a common indignation is Hua Jiansheng, who is his father!

"Hua Lingtong's shares will all be transferred to the name of non yesterday. In the future, he will serve as the chairman of Huarong group for a trial term of three months. I still serve as the general consultant. I hope you can help him."

Hua Jiansheng naturally said this to the younger generation of the flower family present. Gradually, the older generation of them will slowly retreat behind the scenes and become a kind of inside information and a kind of shock. But if they want to continue to develop, it depends on what the younger generation of the flower family are like.

"Don't worry, uncle. We will try our best to help cousin Fei yesterday."

Hua Yanqing, Hua Jianlin's son, was the first to stand up. Now he has entered the system under the arrangement of his father, and his development is fairly good, which is much smoother than that of Hua Jianlin. After all, the current flower family and the flower family of that year are much stronger in terms of contacts and financial resources, and his career is naturally easier than that of Hua Jianlin.

Now the state has clearly stipulated that public servants are not allowed to hold other positions outside for profit. Since he has decided to take an official career, Huarong group is doomed to have only shares and can't be in power, so he naturally won't want to fight for anything and immediately expressed his position.

After having a leading sheep, other people also agreed one after another. Whether sincere or false, at least Hua Fei replaced Hua Lingtong yesterday. At present, it has been finalized.

Hua Fei's face hung a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, and nodded to these cousins one by one.

In the past, they always called him by his name. How could they add the word "cousin" respectfully and politely like now?

It can be predicted that Huarong group, which has changed its leadership, is about to enter a new situation. Although no one knows whether it will be better or worse than when Qihua Lingtong was in office, no one wants to be the object that Huafei wanted to burn yesterday.

"Hua Lingtong, right?"

In the ward of the hospital, several policemen in police uniforms pushed the door and came in. After showing their certificates, they said coldly, "you are now accused of a violent injury to others. We want to take you back to investigate. Please come with us!"

Then they reached out and took out a pair of shackles and put them on Hua Lingtong's hand.

"Li Hao, Li Hao!!!"

Hua Lingtong, who was driven away from the hospital by two policemen, roared ferociously.

"You beat me, but you won't always win, absolutely not!!"

#####First change

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