"Ah Jian, you see, after putting on Ning Zhenlu, the scars and edema on your face and body are all better."

Li Hao clapped his hands with satisfaction. After more than a week of treatment, a Jian's body has improved greatly, and the gauze wrapped on his face and body has been removed. However, the broken ribs still need to be well cultivated. After all, it takes a hundred days to break muscles and bones. Bone fracture is no more than skin injury. It must take a lot of time to recover.

"Fortunately, I haven't ruined my face. Alas, I was really scared to death before removing the gauze."

A Jian touched his face in front of the mirror, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He patted his small chest with fear and said, "fortunately, brother Hao'er is a big rich man for free, otherwise I can't afford so many condensing truths to wipe."

"You just want to make a promise!"

Zuo Feifei took back her mirror, smiled and joked, "it's a pity that Li Hao didn't have a friend. You can't bend it!"

"Hate, hate!"

A Jian glanced at Li Hao coyly and angrily waved his small powder fist with Zuo Feifei. It was so charming that it exploded.

Seeing ah Jian's full of Niang Qi, Li Hao standing next to him smiled knowingly.

It seems that this painful experience has not caused any psychological shadow to a Jian. He is confident that he can cure the physical pain, but what he is most worried about is the bad impact on a Jian's psychology after being beaten this time. That's really difficult.

However, fortunately, although the dead mother gun looks soft and weak, its nerves seem unexpectedly tough. This time, Wang Xuecheng beat it into a pig's head, but seven days later, he became a hero again. Er, well, maybe it's a good woman. It doesn't seem right. That's a good neither man nor woman.

"Ah Jian, let me take you to a place."

Li Hao looked at ah Jian, who had no serious physical problems and recovered quite well. He smiled and said, "don't you always regret that you didn't have a chance to see it with your own eyes when I avenged you? Go, I'll help you realize this wish now."


After listening to Li Hao's words, ah Jian showed a surprised look on his face, angrily glanced and said, "I really want to beat that guy, hum! But now..."

Ah Jian waved his fist angrily as he spoke, but this action involved the unhealed injury in his ribs. The pain changed his face and covered his chest.

"You'd better stay honest and don't think about beating others for revenge."

Zuo Feifei glanced at ah Jian and said angrily.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay, just don't fight."

Ah Jian covered the pain of the wound and reluctantly opened his mouth and smiled.

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to do it. You just have to watch."

Li Hao smiled and stretched out his hand to press several acupoints on a Jian. The pain on him was relieved immediately.

"Well, take him to a good play. I'll go back and do business as a cow and horse for you."

Zuo Feifei helped ah Jian out of bed, then stretched his waist and said, "today, a businessman from Yangcheng wants to talk about agency cooperation. Yangcheng is a very important city in the south. I have to talk about it myself."

"Well, it's hard for you."

Li Hao looked at Zuo Feifei with some guilt.

Ning Zhenlu is booming now. In fact, he only provides products. The rest, from packaging to operation, to publicity and product expansion to cities outside the Pearl, are all operated by Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup. He just became a shopkeeper.

"Well, well, my boss Li, you don't have to feel guilty here. The superior labors, the middle labors and the lower labors. Although you don't do everything personally, you have to deal with it in the general direction. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would have been defeated by Hua Lingtong's initial smear rumor and price war."

Zuo Feifei patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said, "although you are a hands off shopkeeper, you are a priceless hands off shopkeeper."

"I'm moved that you are so honest."

After listening to Zuo Feifei's words, Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and said something not very interesting.


Seeing his cheap appearance, Zuo Feifei couldn't help laughing and scolding: "do you want a face?"


Who knows, as soon as her voice fell, Li Hao stretched out a finger to seal her lips and said seriously: "this is a hospital. How can you sell human organs openly?"

"Selling human organs?"

A Jian in a wheelchair looked at Li Hao with a puzzled face and asked, "when did sister Feifei sell human organs?"

"Did she ask me for face?"

Li Hao solemnly explained, "isn't the face a human organ? Don't say I have a face, even if I really want to buy it, I can't buy it in the hospital, otherwise the probability of being caught is too high."


After listening to his words, the little nurse who was changing the dressing for the yellow dog in the hospital bed next to him directly laughed and secretly looked at Li Hao's eyes.

In 1998, the most famous bar street of the Pearl.

It's very lively at night, but it's cold during the day, because most bars don't open during the day. Only a few Qingba also receive guests who like petty bourgeoisie.

The car stopped at the door of Phoebe's bar. Li Hao opened the door and got out of the car. Then blade and several of them helped to lift ah Jian out of the car.

"Brother Hao'er, you're here!"

Forenoon as like as two peas bow and scrape, he knew Li Hao's news. He must have been sleeping at home this morning, but now he ran to the floor and nodded and said, "Hao Er brother, as you ordered, I decorated the shop again, and you could smell it again if you want to get rid of it."

After that night, fat pig went to have a good look at Li Hao's identity. Although he didn't check it all, he was scared to death at the tip of the iceberg. He didn't dare to go against Li Hao's mind at all.

"I didn't smash it today."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head, then clapped his hands. From the car behind their car, a haggard man was pushed down.

"It's you!!"

Seeing him, ah Jian was suddenly excited.

Yes, it's Wang Xuecheng!

"Wang Xuecheng, smash this store, and we'll settle our accounts."

Li Hao nuzui toward the Phoebe bar in front and said faintly.

Let him smash his own industry. This punishment is much more serious than simply beating him.

When Hua Lingtong fell down, he must not be able to return to Huarong group and let him smash Phoebe bar himself. Afterwards, it must be difficult for fat pig to cooperate with him. Li Hao is destroying what Wang Xuecheng worked hard for decades in disguise.

And let him destroy it himself!


Standing in front of Phoebe bar, Wang Xuecheng hesitated for a long time. Looking at his last effort, how can he do it?

But when he thought of going back to the cubicle in Ruyi building where he could only curl up all day and didn't even have a toilet, he felt that nothing was more important than freedom.

With a roar, he rushed into Phoebe's bar with red eyes like crazy and began to mess up.


Fat pig thought it was Li Hao who did it. Naturally, he didn't dare to complain, but now he saw Wang Xuecheng who was like a drowning dog. There was anger in his eyes.

"I just let him smash it. I didn't say you can't stop it."

Li Hao looked at the fat pig who wanted to move and didn't dare, and said faintly.

"Grass Mud Horse, stop it!"

After hearing this, the fat pig immediately roared and rushed towards Wang Xuecheng. The two people instantly rolled to the ground in a messy Phoebe bar and wrestled with two meat worms.

"Let him personally destroy his last estate and turn his best brother against him."

Li Hao stood next to ah Jian, looked coldly at the farce in front of him, and said, "ah Jian, don't do it yourself. This good play is enough for you to relieve your anger?"

Ah Jian was silent. He just nodded heavily ##### second, everyone has been waiting for a long time. It is said that tonight will be the largest and roundest moon for many years. I don't know whether you have trees or enjoy the moon~

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