The business war with Huajia has completely ended. Of course, the end is the great victory of Haotian industry on Li Hao's side.

Hua Lingtong was imprisoned and Wang Xuecheng had nothing, which once again confirmed that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life.

Li Hao leaned against the company's chair. Now Haotian industry has completed a new round of recruitment and completed all the posts that left because of fear. As for the old employees who never leave, their wages and benefits have been greatly improved.

Li Hao has never been stingy with his subordinates, with clear rewards and punishments. The reward is absolutely not harsh, and the punishment is absolutely not soft.

As Hua Fei said yesterday, the highest state of the way to resist people is to convince people with virtue and return to their hearts.

People like Hua Lingtong who are suspicious and suppress their subordinates only by means of an iron fist may be afraid of you, but they won't really convince you in their heart, while Li Hao's subordinates are completely sincere to him.

"How can I continue to earn incense willing points?"

After practicing the five Qi Tianxin formula for a while, Li Hao woke up from his meditation. If he wants to succeed in practicing the five Qi Tianxin formula, he must nourish the Qi of all attributes in his body. If he has enough Qi, his skill can be further improved.

Li Hao used the Jieyu flower with wood attribute and the snake gall with fire attribute of gluttonous snake before, so he can successfully cultivate the wood Qi attribute and fire Qi attribute in the five Qi Tianxin formula in a very short time, but now it takes a long time to make further progress, whether it is water attribute, earth attribute or metal attribute, It's basically impossible to think that the previous two Qi will come naturally.

"If you want to continue to cultivate Zhenyuan internal breathing quickly, you need the help of treasures. If you want to improve your moves and skills, you also need to find the great God to exchange. If you want to continue to learn the acupuncture method behind the five element divine needle, you also need to find the medical immortal Bian que to exchange it."

Li Hao took out his mobile phone and opened Sanjie wechat.

Li Hao feels that he has now entered a bottleneck period, and if he wants to break this bottleneck, everything will return to the original point - exchanging incense wish points with immortals in the fairy world or gods in the underworld.

"The business in the mortal world has a certain scale, but it will be the grand ambition of purchasing the great cause all over the three circles, but it still has a heavy task and a long way to go..."

Li Hao sighed and opened the wechat group in the fairyland. He hadn't come in to have a look for a long time. All the immortals in the group were still chatting with each other. We talked about the strange news and strange things in the fairyland together and talked and asked questions together. Of course, we still sent red envelopes occasionally to liven up the atmosphere.

Li Hao turned over the chat records and looked at what these immortal families had talked about in recent days. Soon, a message attracted his attention.

The barefoot immortal accidentally became possessed when practicing the earth immortal method. Now he is in the immortal mansion of the Supreme Lord Lao Jun and relies on the elixir to maintain his injury. If he can't refine a kind of elixir called Wansen elixir in time for treatment, he is likely to fall!!

Basically all the chats in the fairy world chat group these two days are related to this matter, because now the three worlds are isolated by the seal of Hongjun Daozu. Unlike the underworld, the fairy world will fight every day even if it doesn't fight outside, so for so many years, the fairy world can be said to be prosperous, Basically, there has been no phenomenon of fairy falling.

Even low-level fairies will not fall, let alone barefoot fairies, who have a high status!

The barefoot immortal may fall. This news can be said to be the most concerned thing of the immortal people these days!

"Are you there?"

Li Hao opened the dialog box of Baihua fairy.

"Grandpa, I haven't heard from you for a long time. How are you recently?"

The hundred flower fairy replied quickly. She has always been very grateful to Li Hao for taking her from the infernal black prison.

Li Hao's Jieyu flower, sea gourd and a whole gourd have been presented successively. It can be said that a large part of Li Hao's success in the world is related to the help of the hundred flower fairy.

"I'm fine recently. I just saw that something happened to the barefoot immortal recently. How's it going now?"

Li Hao didn't beat around the bush with the hundred flower fairy, so he went straight to the mountain.

"The situation is still not optimistic."

After hearing Li Hao's mention of this matter, the hundred flower fairy also had some more sadness in her voice. She sighed low: "if you want to resolve the injury caused by the devil of barefoot immortal's cultivation of earth fairies, you must refine the Wansen pill with extreme wood attribute, but now there is no way to refine Wansen pill in the fairy world."

The flower fairy's tone was low and sighed: "the barefoot immortal has high magic power and is excellent, because she is good at Earth fairies and has strong defense skills. She sheltered many immortals in the fairy demon war thousands of years ago. This time, when he had an accident, everyone was very sad, and even the Immortal Emperor was shocked."

"The supreme old gentleman of the fairy world is the first in the three worlds of alchemy, and the fairy pill he can't refine?"

Li Hao was a little confused. The supreme old gentleman was the supreme moral God of the three Ching dynasties, that is, Lao Tzu, who chose to fly to the fairy world because Confucius could not become a saint at the same time after becoming a saint first in ancient times. His alchemy was widely spread in the three kingdoms.

It can be said impolitely that in alchemy, if the supreme old gentleman is the second, no one in the three worlds dares to be the first!!

"Of course, you can refine Wansen pill, but it's hard for a skillful woman to cook without rice. If you want to refine Wansen pill, one of the most important medicinal materials is called TIANYAO tree seed. This kind of thing only exists in the underworld. In the fairy world, because the habit of TIANYAO tree is too overbearing, it has long been eradicated."

The hundred flower fairy lamented, "I still have some TIANYAO tree seeds here, but over the years, they have been used up because of various needs. Now the three realms have been sealed and isolated. Where can we get TIANYAO tree seeds!"

"Maybe I can help with this."

Hearing the news, Li Hao felt he could start again.

He thought about how to make the business of purchasing on behalf of the three circles open again. At present, the barefoot immortal is in danger. It's good news to the door!

The seal of Hongjun Daozu isolated the three realms. From then on, Xianming disappeared. However, the magical wechat of the three realms in Li Hao's mobile phone can connect the fairyland and the underworld!

In this way, can't he try to get the tree seeds from the underworld, and then take them to the Supreme Lord of the fairy world to treat the barefoot immortal?


After hearing the speech, the fairy was overjoyed and excitedly sent a voice: "eunuch, if you can help us save the barefoot fairy, the whole fairy world will remember your kindness!!"

"I try my best."

Li Hao didn't know whether the demon tree seed was precious or not, so he didn't dare to say death directly. He just said he had a try first.

"Then you should hurry up, barefoot immortal... I'm afraid he won't last long."

The hundred flower fairy sent a voice again.


Li Hao replied in a hurry, then closed the dialog box with the hundred flower fairy, and once again clicked on the white head of the murderous God among the contacts... ####### second, many book friends said they wanted to see the plot of continuing purchasing interaction with the fairyland and the underworld. Well, meet you

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