"Brother Baiqi, are you there?"

Li Hao sent a voice message to kill God Bai Qi again.

Since the last time he traded the PS game console with the murderous God Baiqi, he contacted the murderous God Baiqi several times, and the other party didn't reply, including the last time when he used the divine seal to call Baiqi in the face of the fierce black bear. The other party didn't respond. Li Hao once suspected that Baiqi might have fallen and died in the dark world of endless wars and murders?

However, this idea was soon denied by Li Hao himself, not to mention that Bai Qi was a strong God in the underworld. If he had really fallen, the God seal in his body should also disappear.

But now, although this divine seal can not summon Bai Qi, it actually exists in Li Hao's body. It is the existence of this divine seal that Li Hao's physical quality will be so good before practicing the five Qi Tianxin formula.

So Li Hao guessed that the murderer Baiqi might be fighting with a powerful opponent or closing the door. Otherwise, it is impossible to receive his own message.

Li Hao, a group of immortals in the fairyland, also learned that for these immortals and gods with infinite life, the time of battle is very difficult to predict. It is very normal that they can't win or lose for several years if they are matched. If the strength gap is too large, they can win or lose in an instant.

"I hope brother Baiqi can see my news this time..."

Li Hao prayed silently in his heart.

But this time, good luck didn't seem to care for him. After waiting for more than half an hour, there was still no reply from Bai Qi. It seems that I can't contact him in a short time.

"I can only think of another way."

Sitting in the office, Li Hao sighed helplessly, then clicked on the shake function of wechat in the three worlds to see if he could shake a God in the underworld again.


"Princess yaochi."

"This is the fairy world, No."

Li Hao denies the first person to shake, and then continues to shake.

Because the wechat of the three realms can connect the three realms of Xianming people, it is also random to shake the users. Li Hao shook several times in a row, and the results were all the people in the fairy world.

"Lucky star."

No, change!

"Lu Xing."

Or the immortal in the fairy world, change!


Shit! Is Fluxus Samsung so free every day? And bring a group to shake?!

"Dragon subduing arhat."

This is from the spirit Mountain Buddhism in the fairy world, neither can it.

"Dare you shake me to a God in the underworld!!!!!"

Li Hao looked up to the sky and sighed. It can be seen from this that the life gap between the fairyland and the underworld is comfortable and prosperous. All immortals perform their duties and live a leisurely life. Naturally, there are more people to play.

The underworld is full of war all day. The weak underworld God must become stronger through continuous fighting in order to live better, and the powerful underworld God must constantly improve himself in order to ensure that he will not be picked down by others. There are too few underworld gods who have time to play and shake.

"I don't believe it!"

Li Hao's stubbornness was also stimulated and continued to shake it unremittingly.


"Dark god Tu Feng!"

Finally, after Li Hao didn't remember how many immortals he shook, a user finally made him feel bright!

"Dark god Tu Feng!"

Li Hao immediately clicked add without hesitation. Although he hasn't heard much about Tu Feng, this guy is a god! With him, you have a great chance to find out the whereabouts of TIANYAO tree seeds.

After Li Hao's application request was sent, the other party soon prompted to pass Li Hao's addition request.

"Li Hao? Are you... A mortal?"

Tu Feng soon sent an extremely surprised message after adding Li Hao.

"Hello, Tu Feng God. Yes, I am indeed a mortal."

Although he doesn't know who Tu Feng is, Li Hao still calls him a God. As long as this guy's brain is normal, he shouldn't dislike this title.

Well, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief. His status as a mortal once again aroused the curiosity of the dark god. This is an excellent start. He will talk to himself only if he is curious about himself.

"How could you contact me?"

Tu Feng opened his mouth in disbelief: "the ancestor of Hongjun Taoism sealed off the three realms by pointing out the new queen, and created the idea wechat in the fairy world and the underworld, but it is still immortal and the underworld. You are just a mortal. You should not even have the idea wechat. How can you still contact me

"The mountain people have their own tricks. It's inconvenient to tell Tu Feng."

Li Hao made a ha ha. In fact, he doesn't know why his mobile phone has such a three world wechat that can connect the three worlds. Why is it him, and he happens to be a natural sage qualification that has rarely appeared in the human world for thousands of years. Is all this a good bet?

But now he obviously didn't have time to entangle too much on this issue, but continued to ask: "Tu Feng God, I want to exchange a tree seed of TIANYAO tree with you. I don't know if you can get it?"

"The seeds of the heavenly demon tree?"

Tu Feng quickly replied, "this thing can be obtained in the TIANYAO forest of the TIANYAO family in the underworld. What do you want this thing for? Do you want to plant it on earth?"

"Can you do it? That's great. Please do me a favor!"

Hearing Tu Feng's indifference in his tone, Li Hao was overjoyed. It seems that the demon tree seed is not precious in Tu Feng's eyes, so it's easy to do!

"You are quite mysterious, but you can't get anything valuable from your mouth. I want to get TIANYAO tree seeds, but why should I help you?"

Tu Feng sneered and didn't seem to plan to give Li Hao face.

"I can exchange the treasure with you."

It was not easy to shake a ghost God in the underworld, but also get the tree seeds of the TIANYAO tree. Of course, Li Hao was unwilling to give up this great opportunity. He quickly took the tablet computer on the table, clicked on a large-scale 3D game, shot a small video and sent it.

At the beginning, Bai Qi was attracted by the PS game console which is lower than this. Now Li Hao is in a hurry and even takes out the tablet. He doesn't believe Tu Feng will be indifferent.

"There are some war spirits sealed inside?"

Sure enough, after watching the small video, Tu Feng's statement was similar to that of Bai Qi.

Li Hao didn't explain anything. It was all computer programs. He just followed his words: "yes, you can choose to control one of the warspirits to fight with other warspirits, rush through the customs, how exciting?"

"It's an interesting thing, but I've just come out of the abyss of hell. I've been fighting for more than a thousand years and I'm tired of it."

Tu Feng still doesn't let go.

"Are you bragging? Killing God Bai Qi values this magic weapon very much. You're not interested?"

After listening to Tu Feng's forced words, Li Hao thought that this guy must be very cunning and wanted to knock more things out of himself.

"Kill God in vain?"

Hearing Li Hao mention him, Tu Feng chuckled and said: "didn't you expect to know him? He is a very ambitious boy with good potential. I was very optimistic about him in those years. I haven't seen him for thousands of years. I don't know whether he has fallen or how far he has grown..."

Hearing his extreme words, Li Hao looking at his mobile phone has been completely dull

What exactly is Tu Feng from?!

There are few enemies in the underworld. The murderous God Baiqi is just a little guy in his mouth?!

#####Tu Feng appeared. The book friend who came to this book from fanwai should be familiar with this person. This is a big man. I wrote about him in Wang fanwai, the third world purchasing agent of this book. If you haven't seen fanwai, you might as well pull it to the bottom of the book details page. There is an original. There is an article from fanwai below. Have a look, cough, The content is very passionate and exciting!!

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