Li Hao looked at his mobile phone and was surprised for a long time.

If the ghost god named Tu Feng is not pretending to be forced, he should call the God of murder Bai Qi as a little guy and have a tone of senior experts. How awesome he must be!

You know, when Li Hao shook him at that time, he claimed that he had few enemies in the underworld except the people of the Pluto generation, so he thought of looking for Li Hao to exchange and buy the PS game console to release his fighting desire.

Now Tu Feng even calls the God of killing Bai Qi a little guy, and he doesn't see a tablet computer. Can we say that the God of the underworld who said he just killed from the abyss hell is a generation of the king of the underworld?!

Thinking of this, Li Hao was also excited. Unexpectedly, such characters were met by him. This is really a coincidence!

But at the same time, he had a headache. Although such characters are powerful, their needs are also difficult to meet, because they basically don't lack anything, so it won't be easy to exchange terms with them.

This ghost Tu Feng may be a generation of top experts. It's really a piece of cake for him to get TIANYAO tree seeds, but what is the way to impress him and let him get a TIANYAO tree seed for himself?

Li Hao thought hard and Tu Feng didn't speak.

After a while, Li Hao suddenly had a flash in his mind. When he first dealt with the queen mother of the fairy world, how difficult was the queen mother at that time? But after he took out Polaroid, as long as he liked it, he immediately let the Queen Mother Fengyan Dayue, and a decree released the flower fairy from the infernal black prison.

After thinking of this successful precedent, Li Hao suddenly realized that no matter how powerful the other party is, as long as he can do what he likes, there is nothing he can't do.

With this in mind, after sorting out his thoughts, he decided to start by figuring out the needs of Tu Feng.

"Tu Feng, since you despise my magic weapon, what do you need? Maybe I can help you out?"

Li Hao tried to send a voice and said, "you can get what I want, and I may also be able to solve some of your problems. Isn't it beautiful that everyone takes what they need?"

"You? Just a mortal, help me solve my problems?"

Tu Feng, the dark god, laughed at the speech, as if he had heard a big joke.

This makes Li Hao feel a little hurt.

Nima... What happened to the great God? Can the great God despise people?

Don't you just fight better than me and live longer than me? What's the usage?

With these two points, can you look down on people?

OK, but these two points seem to be very useful

Tu Feng's reaction was like a dragon hearing a mole ant cross his waist and say to him, come on, what can I do for you?

you 're right!

Tu Feng is a dragon and Li Hao is an ant.

"Tu Feng, don't laugh first. I think a wise man will lose if he worries a lot, and a fool will gain if he worries a lot. You are a powerful God. I am just a mortal, but it is because of the great differences between us that many things often turn around on me."

Li Hao began to talk about Tu Feng, the God of the underworld.

"You mortal do have some meaning, and what you say is not unreasonable."

After listening to Li Hao's words, Tu Feng, the dark god, became more interested in Li Hao and said, "it seems that you can have the idea of communicating with us in the underworld. Wechat is not a simple role."

"Hehe, the great God praised me."

Li Hao smiled and said, "I can not only communicate the thoughts of the gods in the underworld, but also the thoughts of the immortals in the fairyland."

Li Hao showed a little of his ability, which will also make the other party pay more attention to himself and add more chips to his negotiations.

To put it bluntly, let the other party know that you are awesome, aren't you? Then I'm not a soft footed shrimp!

"What?! do you mean you can still contact the immortals in the fairyland?!"

Who knows that after Li Hao sent this voice, Tu Feng, who had been calm before, suddenly became very excited and immediately asked Li Hao in the voice: "are you serious? You didn't lie to me

"Of course it's true!"

Li Hao was confused by the startled ghost Tu Feng.

I can contact the immortal in the fairy world. Why are you so excited? Is there your old lover in the fairyland?

Li Hao was gossiping in his heart, but he asked solemnly: "Tu Feng God, do you have anything to contact the people in the fairy world?"

This time, Tu Feng no longer had the calm and calm he used to be, and he also had the domineering spirit of overlooking the world.

After a long pause, he seemed to have made a great determination and sent a voice again.

"You... Can you help me find out about the flower fairy?"

"Flower fairy?"

Li Hao was stunned when he saw the familiar name and replied, "of course, the flower fairy is my very good friend in the fairy world. Why? Do you know her, too?"

"Are you friends with her?"

Tu Feng murmured suspiciously to himself, and then angrily said, "it's impossible! Baihua must still be in prison now, and the fairy world can't easily spare her. You are just a mortal, and you talk nonsense to me here. Do you really think that the three worlds are sealed, and I can't kill you?"

After listening to this voice, the killing intention contained in Tu Feng's words was like the essence, which directly stabbed Li Hao's eardrum, and blood flowed out of both ears!!

Tu Feng's words with killing intention hurt Li Hao, who had also practiced the five Qi Tianxin formula to protect his body, across the seal between the underworld and the human world!!

Li Hao no longer doubted Tu Feng's position and ability.

When the Pluto was angry, it was so terrible!!

"Don't get me wrong, Tu Feng. We are really friends."

Neglecting to deal with the slight injury to his ear, Li Hao quickly explained how he first contacted the Chang'e fairy, then knew that the Baihua fairy was in an infernal black prison through the Chang'e fairy, and finally how to deal with the queen mother and let her order to release the Baihua fairy.

"What? You mean, the flower fairy is now free and no longer imprisoned?!"

After hearing Li Hao's words, the dark god Tu Feng was greatly surprised.

"Well, she's doing well now."

Li Hao said something. He seemed to feel that the dark god Tu Feng was particularly interested in the flower fairy. Maybe this is the opportunity he has been looking for to open the breakthrough of the dark god Tu Feng!

"Since you are the benefactor of flowers, I naturally want to accept your love."

After a moment of silence, Tu Feng, the dark god, sent a message again and said, "you want TIANYAO tree seeds, don't you? I'll go to the TIANYAO forest of TIANYAO family and get you the tree seeds of their totem tree!!"

"No, no, no, don't be so troublesome. Just ordinary TIANYAO tree seeds."

Li Hao quickly opened his mouth.

He had specially asked the hundred flower fairy before to refine Wansen pill. He only needed the tree seed of TIANYAO, not the tree seed of the totem tree that sounded very tall.

"No trouble."

The dark god Tu Feng said faintly, "if the heavenly demon doesn't give me face, their heavenly demon family may want to be killed!"

Listening to Tu Feng's overbearing words, Li Hao was stunned again.

You're going to kill people?!

Too bloody and violent?

But it's domineering enough. I like ##### about the origin of Tu Feng and Baihua fairy. You can go to fanwai and see it first, or I'll briefly mention it again tomorrow. Well, please subscribe and reward!!

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