After saying that overbearing words, Tu Feng didn't return the news of Li Hao.

Li Hao put down his cell phone and leaned against the leather swivel chair in the office. He knew that the TIANYAO tree seed must have been almost settled.

"But why is he so obsessed with the flower fairy?"

Li Hao leaned back on his chair and was filled with doubts.

The Baihua fairy is a fairy in the fairyland, while Tu Feng is a God in the underworld. They should not have any intersection. But why should Tu Feng accept his love after hearing that he is a great benefactor of the Baihua fairy? He doesn't even need to trade, so he goes directly to help himself get TIANYAO tree seeds?

When he turned on his mobile phone, Li Hao opened the dialog box of Baihua fairy. He couldn't help but want to ask what happened, but he couldn't say it when it came to his mouth.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, he could vaguely feel from Tu Feng's reaction that Tu Feng and Baihua should have been lovers before, and it seemed that Baihua fairy was locked up in the infernal black prison, which was not as simple as what he said on the surface that he accidentally killed several fairy flowers loved by the queen mother.

And Tu Feng also said that he had just killed a blood path from the abyss hell in the underworld. Was it because their love was exposed that they were punished respectively?

It's really cruel to ask a girl about this kind of twists and turns. Even if the hundred flower fairy is an immortal, it's a woman after all, so Li Hao held back and waited quietly, waiting for Tu Feng, the dark god, to come back and ask him again.

More than an hour later, Li Hao's mobile phone was shocked, and Tu Feng sent a red envelope.

"Keep it."

Tu Feng sent a cool message with only two faint words.

So domineering, so domineering, so like!

Li Hao found that people really have aura. In ordinary times, he is a person with strong aura and shows his sharpness. However, in front of Tu Feng, the great God, his arrogance will involuntarily affect him.

"NIMA... How do you feel like you've become a victim."

The heart secretly feigned, but Li Hao still excitedly opened the red envelope sent by Tu Feng.

The light flashed, and there were three more crystal clear light beads in Li Hao's hand. The color of one of them had become dark green, which seemed to contain endless changes.

Li Hao knew that it must be the seed of the totem tree in the TIANYAO forest.

"What is this?!"

Qianye, who had been quietly lying by the window, suddenly fluttered his wings and flew up, staring at the three TIANYAO tree seeds in Li Hao's hands. His eyes were full of hostility.

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao looked at the excited thousand nights and wondered, "this is the seed of TIANYAO tree, the seed of TIANYAO tree."

"I can sense an extremely naked sense of plunder from it, just like the jungle law in ancient times, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, and the law of the jungle."

The savage and absurd eyes of the thousand night, the opening way: "this is the essence of archaways, and it is unreasonable. If you plant it, I will guarantee that all the essence and vitality of the hundred miles will be robbed by this evil tree seed and become the nutrient of its growth!"

"So terrible?"

Li Hao was surprised. He was going to take an ordinary TIANYAO tree seed to the Supreme Lord to refine Wansen pill. Then he stayed and tried to plant the remaining two in the mortal world to see if there would be any magical effect, but he didn't expect that there would be such a terrible effect from the feeling of thousands of nights!

"TIANYAO tree seeds have been brought for you. It can be regarded as paying you back for flowers."

Tu Feng sent a voice again, then paused and said in a trembling voice, "I want to see her face again. Please, please help me?"

A generation of strong Pluto level people who crossed the underworld, the word "beg", even after he was driven into the abyss hell by the emperor of the underworld, he didn't say it, but now he says the word "beg" to Li Hao, a mortal.

What is the meaning of love? Let you not be you, and I am no longer me


Listening to Tu Feng's words, Li Hao had no way to refuse.

"Don't tell her I want to see it, please..."

Tu Feng quickly sent another message.

A great God who looks up to the world and stands upright, but he is also nervous like a child in front of his beloved.

Li Hao agreed, then opened the chat box with Baihua fairy again, and sent an ordinary TIANYAO tree seed to Baihua fairy in a red envelope.

"Eunuch, did you really get TIANYAO tree seeds?"

After receiving the TIANYAO tree seed sent by Li Hao, the Baihua fairy was overjoyed and exclaimed, "your grace! You are so powerful! I'll send this tree seed to the old gentleman in a wechat red envelope. The barefoot fairy can be saved. Great!"

"That... Baihua, I have one more thing."

Li Hao sent a voice again and said, "can you give me a picture of you? I want to see what you look like."

Because there is no term "photo" in fairyland, Li Hao can only follow them to say it is a portrait.

"My portrait?"

The flower fairy seemed a little surprised, but she didn't think much. She simply promised, "OK!"

With that, the hundred flower fairy said, "Grandpa, I'll give Lao Jun TIANYAO tree seeds first. I'll talk about it later."

Li Hao opened the picture sent by the flower fairy. Even though there were so many beautiful women of all kinds and styles around him, Li Hao was still stunned at the moment of seeing the flower fairy.

Baihua fairy is worthy of being called the three most beautiful Fairies in the fairy world together with Chang'e fairy and Luo Bing goddess. The beautiful temperament of closing the moon and ashamed of flowers is enough to capture any rebellious soul.

Li haochang pressed the picture, then clicked forward, and forwarded the picture of the hundred flower fairy to Tu Feng, the ghost God waiting there.

"Tu Feng, it's coming."

The ghost Tu Feng didn't reply to Li Hao, but even across the human world, Li Hao seemed to feel his affectionate gaze at the picture of the hundred flower fairy on the other side of his mobile phone.

"She lost weight..."

After a long time, Tu Feng sent a voice, only three words, but the hoarse and sad voice seemed to have thousands of lovesickness and heartbroken strands, which moved people.

"Tu Feng, do you mind telling me about you and Baihua?"

Li Hao took a deep breath and asked.


Tu Feng's voice was soft. At the moment, he was no longer arrogant and uninhibited, as if he was trapped in memories.

"We used to be a pair of lovers, very loving, very loving fairy couple..."

#####First, what role will TIANYAO tree seeds play in the future? Cough, you can guess as much as you like.

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