As expected

Li Hao quietly waited for Tu Feng's following, and did not reply rashly. He was worried that his words would interrupt Tu Feng's thoughts.

This is a great God who has just been killed from the countless abominations of fierce ghosts. The heart full of killing is now being melted by the warm friendship. At this time, no one should disturb and listen. It is the best choice.

"The first time I saw Baihua, or after I just defeated the Buddha and the monkey king in the battle with the Buddha Lingshan, I inadvertently saw the fairy. Until now, I can't forget the feeling of that moment. I can't help but hold my breath and concentrate on my heartbeat. For a moment, I feel like a blank in the lightning."

Tu Feng murmured. His thoughts overflowed in his numb heart again. He also needed someone to tell.

"At that time, the three realms had not been sealed. The fairyland and the underworld competed for the guidance of the human world. The two realms were the same, but it did not hinder my love with Baihua. We fell in love."

Tu Feng continued: "before love came, I once disdained to think that the so-called love and love were just an excuse for the weakness of those cowards, but when it happened, it was so traceless, like spring breeze and rain, so unreasonable, such as the alternation of yin and Yang."

Li Hao listened quietly. Unexpectedly, Tu Feng, the God of the underworld, although he had not read a book, still knew a lot of cultural knowledge. Look at the words and expressions of people's true feelings. They are no different from those writers!

"It's just that the general trend of the two worlds at that time, our love can only be transferred to the underground private meeting. She can't face the anger of the Immortal Emperor, and I don't want to bear the punishment of the Emperor Ming, but who wants to think, who wants to think!!"

Every tortuous love story has a turning point. After watching too many fragmented soap operas, you may feel that these are very common, but when it really happens to a person, even if this person is Tu Feng's powerful ghost, he will have the same resentment, anger and helplessness.

It seems that Li Hao had a premonition of the next anger of the dark god Tu Feng. Li Hao learned well this time and directly transported enough Zhenyuan internal breathing in advance, which was not hurt by the towering anger in the words of the dark god Tu Feng.

"After all, I was negligent. The Emperor Ming noticed that I often went in and out of the fairyland, but he didn't expose me immediately. Instead, he quietly attached countless elite soldiers of the underworld to my armor with the wonderful method of naxumi into mustard!"

Referring to this matter, Tu Feng's voice was full of hate and said, "then when I went to the fairy world again to find Baihua's secret date, he also deliberately leaked a wisp of dark Qi, which attracted the attention of immortal emperors and other immortals!"

Li Hao's heart suddenly set off a storm. Mingjun hid the elite soldiers on Tu Feng and brought them into the fairyland, and then deliberately attracted the Immortal Emperor and the immortals. Isn't this the standard plan to kill the enemy's high-level beheading plan by designing traps?!

Could it be that this was the cause of the Xianming war thousands of years ago?!

"The Xianming war began without preparation in the fairy world."

After the excitement, Tu Feng's voice gradually returned to calm, but Li Hao could hear the terrible calm.

"Blood flows into a river. These four words are really no exaggeration. Both sides kill red eyes. Under the cover of the battle field between the immortal and the dark gods, the fairy world is still broken and broken!"

Tu Feng said, "whether you like it or not, everyone was forced to get involved in this war. Until the sun and the moon disappeared in the end, Hongjun Daozu suddenly appeared. Hongjun pointed to a new sky and directly sealed the three realms, which stopped the war."

"It turned out that it was like this. It turned out that it was like this in the Xianming war thousands of years ago..."

Li Hao was completely shocked. He never thought that Tu Feng and Baihua fairy were the fuse of the war, and they were forced to be the protagonists and heroines without knowing it.

Ming Jun's skill of pushing the boat with the water is really fatal!

"For thousands of years, I have fought in the abyss hell for thousands of years before I finally found a way of blood."

Tu Feng sighed and said, "I thought Baihua would be imprisoned in the infernal black prison all my life. After coming out of the abyss hell, I only have the murderous intention and hatred in my heart. I want to hide and wait for the opportunity to get rid of the Emperor Ming and avenge Baihua!"

"This hatred lasts forever. It's really a bitter quarrel."

Li Hao has the same feeling in his heart. No one can stand it if he puts it on anyone. The hatred of the separation of two feelings and the hatred of framing will never die if he puts it on anyone!

"But now that I know that Baihua has been rescued, my heart is really much better."

Tu Feng took a deep breath and said to Li Hao, "although you are just a mortal, I can kill hundreds of thousands with one look, but you have great kindness to Baihua, that is my brother Tu Feng. If you need any help from my brother in the future, just speak. I can't refuse!"

A mere mortal

One look kills hundreds and thousands

Li Hao is really sweating when he listens here

Although it's true, brother, do you really want to be so straightforward? It hurts. Do you know?!

"Since brother Tu Feng recognizes me as a brother, I would be disrespectful."

Li Hao repressed the excitement in his heart.

A terrible God of Pluto level!!

With this big patron, he wants to do something in the underworld in the future. Is there anything he can't do?

I'm afraid it's impossible to steal Ming Jun's underwear.

"But you may not be able to contact me recently."

Tu Feng opened his mouth again and said, "since I have been killed from the abyss hell, I am not an opponent, but some old accounts thousands of years ago should be calculated by his confidants."

Hearing Tu Feng's murderous words, Li Hao couldn't help shivering. A great God of revenge was born. It must have been in the fiery underworld. I'm afraid there will be a good play next!

"Brother, revenge is OK, but we must pay attention to safety and keep a useful body in order to plot big events."

Li Hao also took care of Tu Feng. He knew that Tu Feng could not persuade him to take revenge. He could only hope that he would be more careful. In fact, he still hoped that Baihua could continue to reunite with Tu Feng after the seal of Hongjun Daozu disappeared one day in the future.


Tu Feng regained his cold character and returned with a faint reply.

When Li Hao felt that the matter had finally come to an end, the mobile phone he put on the table suddenly shook wildly!!


"Taishang Laojun requests to add you as a friend!"


"Antarctic fairy requests to add you as a friend!"


"Erlang God requests to add you as a friend!"


"Zixia fairy requests to add you as a friend!"


"Ruyi Xianjun requests to add you as a friend!"


For a moment, the application of dense immortals to add Li Hao as a friend through wechat in the three realms flashed out like a flood#### Second, please subscribe more

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