Looking at his mobile phone, Li Hao is really stupid.

He can't see how many friend applications there are in his mobile phone, but at first, it is estimated that there are at least hundreds of friend applications, and these immortals who want to apply to him as friends are still increasing, with a growing trend!

After being stunned, Li Hao immediately began to add these immortals. While clicking the Agree button, Li Hao complained in his heart. If only there could be a button to pass all the three wechat, he wouldn't have to click so much.

"Don't worry, Taoist friend Li Hao. The tree seeds of the heavenly demon have been in place. I will start refining Wansen pill today. I will certainly save the barefoot immortal!"

After Li Hao's addition was passed, Lao Jun was the first to send a message.

"Li Hao, Li Hao, you are so great that you can get all the seeds of the day's demons. I really do. By the way, my sister and I are running out of perfume, or else you can prepare us some bottles."

This is from Chang'e fairy who is already very familiar with Li Hao.

"Brother, it's awesome! The barefoot immortal doesn't have to fall. It's really a great blessing for the fairy world. You're in the limelight now!!"

His wife fan Hou Yi naturally followed the fairy Chang'e and sent a message praising Li Hao.

"Thank you, Taoist friend Li Hao. The barefoot immortal saved my life. You saved his life. In the future, you will be my great benefactor to Ruyi Xianjun. If there is anything you can do for me, just speak!"

This is a message from Ruyi Xianjun who just added Li Hao.

"Li Hao, Taoist friend, it's nice to do this well. It's great that the barefoot immortal doesn't fall. Taoist friend is really a great merit. Alas, it's a pity that the three worlds are different from each other now, otherwise I must come to the lower world to make friends with Taoist friends!"

This is the message from the Third Prince of Nezha.

"Daoyou Li, this is the red envelope of 300 incense wish points. First, I will show my heart. After the barefoot immortal really recovers, I will thank you again!"

This is the red envelope and news from Yuelao.


After that, countless immortal people praised and thanked Li Hao. The news flew like snowflakes. Li Hao was almost out of sight.

Previously, the hundred flower fairy told Li Hao that the barefoot immortal was a well-known and respected immortal in the fairy world. Especially during the Xianming war, countless immortals who had been saved and benefited by him would be grateful if they could save him.

However, Li Hao didn't expect such a strong chain reaction. No wonder Baihua fairy said that even the Immortal Emperor was shocked after the barefoot immortal became possessed. It seems that the barefoot immortal's status is indeed very detached.

In less than half an hour, Li Hao had 120 immortal wechat friends in the fairy world, and received a red envelope of more than 800 incense willing points!

Moreover, many immortals also said that after the barefoot immortal really recovered, there would be heavy thanks. In addition, the barefoot immortal himself would certainly not mistreat Li Hao's life-saving grace. Next, there are very rich rewards waiting for Li Hao!

Li Hao figured it out again. He could not only take those novel things from the human world to exchange with the immortals in the fairy world or the gods in the underworld, but also get things from the underworld that are not in the fairy world to exchange with the gods in need in the underworld. Similarly, naturally, he could also take the unique specialties of the fairy world to exchange with the gods in need in the underworld.

Anyway, now the three circles are isolated from each other. Only the small three circles wechat in his hand can connect all walks of life. He can just take advantage of this unique advantage to travel around all parties. Things are rare, and each takes what he needs, so as to quickly accumulate his heritage and strength.

Li Hao had a premonition that the seal of Hongjun Taoist ancestor could not exist forever. One day, if the seal between the three realms became weaker or disappeared, he felt that as a natural saint and owner of wechat in the three realms, there would be great cause and effect on him, and he must not slack off.

"The barefoot immortal is saved. The emperor can put down a worry."

In the yaochi pool, the queen mother looked at the silent Immortal Emperor, poured him a glass of celestial nectar and jade dew, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Li Hao really has some skills. Even the celestial demon tree seeds that can't be found in stock in the celestial world can be taken out. Is he also connected with the gods in the underworld?"

"Whether he is connected with the gods in the underworld or not is not the key point. Can you feel it? What is really not simple about him is that he can establish a very good relationship with so many immortals in our fairy world as a mere mortal in such a short period of time."

The Immortal Emperor opened his eyes, and there was a golden light flashing in his pupils, slowly saying: "You wanted to test him before. Even if I knew he was a man with a lot of destiny, I didn't have any special care for him, but he came to this day step by step by himself. Queen mother, think about it. Apart from the saints of all ages, which mortal can enjoy such a high reputation in our fairy world?"

After listening to the Immortal Emperor's words, the queen mother was also silent, and then put down the Qiongjiang jade dew in her hand and said, "indeed, I didn't expect him to have such ability at the beginning. He obviously has no magic power and is weak and pitiful, but he can do things that many great immortals and gods can't do."

"This is the wonder of the world. I have learned for hundreds of years that everyone in the fairyland is upward. This is absolute justice and represents Yang, while the underworld is a naked jungle law. The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. This is absolute power and represents Yin."

The Immortal Emperor stood up and said, "but the human world is different. There are good and evil. Everyone's thought is uncertain. It can derive good or evil, Yang or Yin. In fact, all talents have infinite possibilities and represent chaos."

"According to the emperor, is the human world the strongest?"

The queen mother was a little confused.

"Not so."

The Immortal Emperor shook his head and said, "chaos embraces everything, but it is not necessarily the strongest. The human world is more like a cradle. What is born is fresh blood. If we simply say force, it is naturally the weakest in the human world, but in terms of possibility and potential, it is the highest in the human world."

"What's the use?"

The queen mother frowned. No matter how high the potential is, it is only potential. What's the use in the face of absolute force?

"I can realize this. The guy of Mingjun must also be able to think of it."

The Immortal Emperor sighed and said, "as long as he can get the Hunyuan heavenly heart in the human world, he can completely get rid of it. Even Hongjun Daozu may not be able to limit him at that time, so once the seal in the three worlds disappears, this time, the human world will become the main battlefield!!"

"Li Hao..."

The Immortal Emperor weighed the wine cup in his hand and muttered to himself, "can you guard the human world and turn the world around in your home court in the future?" ####### first, please subscribe and love you!

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