The spring tide brought rain late. After the clouds and rain stopped at the beginning, Li Hao and Chen Xi hugged each other tightly and lay in bed, panting violently. Their hearts seemed to blend together, plop, plop, sonorous and powerful.

"Get up and take another bath..."

Chen Xi earned from Li Hao's arms with infinite shame. She had just been moistened. There was a touch of moving crimson on her delicate body.

"I want to wash it, too. Let's do it together."

Li Hao got up from the bed with a smile, grabbed Chen Xi's soft waist, and took her into the bathroom with her in her scream.


Every university cherishes its own image and feathers, so the front door is always bright, either expensive, unique architectural style, or full of a humanistic style.

At the back door of every university, there will be a hot snack street and a large area of barbecue stalls, which is a paradise for diners and drinkers.

Huaxia Medical College is no exception.

Li Hao and Chen Xi walked off the taxi hand in hand. Lin Wei, Huang Ning and Zhang Kun, who returned from their hometown, had already ordered good things at the barbecue stand.

"Yo! I haven't seen you this summer vacation. It seems that you two are developing rapidly!"

Seeing the two of them, Huang ningjian smiled and joked: "look at Chen Xi's lovely appearance now. Where is the high cold that was higher than the top and refused thousands of miles away when he first arrived in our class!"

"Hahaha, weasel, your mouth is still so cheap."

Li Hao laughed and responded with him, and Chen Xi bowed her head in shame.

Zhang Kun also brought his girlfriend. His girlfriend can be regarded as good-looking, but it is compared with ordinary people. Now sitting next to Chenxi, he suddenly looks a little bright and dark.

But fortunately, her character is also very good. She is not jealous and embarrassed. She still holds Chenxi's hand and talks and laughs with her about the topic between girls.

The meat kebabs were on the table, and the beer was pried off with a "poof!" and the boys on the table were filled with a cup. Chen Xi and Zhang Kun's girlfriend Molly bought a bottle of orange juice to accompany them because they couldn't drink.

"Come on, let's drink to the reunion again!"

At each party, Zhang Kun, the hostel, organized the atmosphere. As soon as the wine opened, he immediately stood up with a cup.

"Come on, let's go one by one!"

Li Hao and his friends also agreed and picked up the cup. The brothers touched each other, smiled at each other, leaned back and filled the beer in the cup with one breath.

Li Hao really likes the feeling of cold beer.

When they had dinner with Zuo Feifei and Hua Fei yesterday, although they ate food hundreds of times more expensive than barbecued meat kebabs, and drank a drop of famous wine that could buy several boxes of snowflakes and venture into the world, in that atmosphere, everything seemed to have no rules, but in fact, the hidden rules were strict.

Who has a high status and who has the most status can be seen at a glance on the wine table of the upper class society. Unlike now, it is true freedom. We roll strings, fight wine, boast, laugh and scold recklessly.

It can be said that in the circle of upper class society, you can play the set of adults, and here, youth is alive.

"Haozi, you haven't seen me in a winter vacation. How can you play with birds except with Chenxi?"

With a string of children, Zhang Kun looked at the thousand nights on Li Hao's shoulder and said curiously, "what kind of bird is this? It's actually a purple feather. It's so beautiful!"

"Qianye is a poisonous bird. It is a kind of spiritual bird in ancient times. It is very spiritual."

Li Hao introduced with a smile, then looked at the thousand nights lying on his shoulder and found that he was staring at the beer in his cup. He couldn't help whispering in the language of poisonous birds: "what's the matter? Do you want to drink?"

"What is this?"

Qianye blinked her gem like eyes. Although she was still dissatisfied with Li Hao's avoidance of mating, Qianye still couldn't help asking curiously.

This kind of yellow drink with air has never been seen in the primeval forest deep in Shennongjia before.

"Beer, an alcoholic beverage with air, has a taste of wheat."

Li Hao took a sip from his cup and whispered.

The barbecue stand is very noisy, and Li Hao's voice is very small, so no one will find him communicating with Qianye.

"I feel it's not good for my health."

Qianye's eyes still looked at the wine glass in Li Hao's hand, hesitated for a moment and said, "well, this thing is not a good thing."

Li Hao's heart is funny. This thousand nights is the kind of temperament that likes to carry, that is, the kind commonly known as saying no, but the body is very honest. It's just like a little public. You obviously want it, but you have to beg to give it to him to be happy.

"Although it's not good, it's an indispensable social beverage in human culture."

Li Hao patiently explained to Qianye, and then smiled and said, "don't you want to come out with me to experience the colorful world? What? Do you want to try?"

"Well... You are my life-saving benefactor. If you ask me so, I can't try it."

Qianye seems to hesitate to tilt his head and think for a while, and then ordered a little head.

"Fat man, bring me a bottle of wine and I'll try it for Qianye."

Li Hao smiled at fat Lin Wei, raised his chin and said.

"Haozi, I haven't heard of birds drinking. Don't waste it!"

Lin Wei looked at Li Hao's shoulder in disbelief and said.

"Hurry up and be careful that Qianye is angry."

Li Hao grinned.

"True or false?"

Lin Wei, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, looked at the thousand nights on Li Hao's shoulder and said incredulously.

Qianye is the size of a parrot on Li Hao's shoulder now. Although Li Hao said it was very spiritual and its appearance was very good, Li Hao wanted to drink some wine for it and said it would be angry. It was really amazing. Lin Wei naturally felt that Li Hao was bragging.

Zhang Kun, Huang Ning and Molly were also smiling. Although they didn't say anything, Li Hao knew that they were skeptical.

Chen Xi listened to Li Hao in the afternoon and saw the magic of thousands of nights with her own eyes. Therefore, although she smiled and didn't speak, she was full of confidence in Li Hao.


But just as Lin Wei was laughing, the thousand nights lying on Li Hao's shoulder suddenly moved!

A purple lightning flash flashed across Lin Wei's line of sight, and then he just felt that the bottle of beer he held had been caught back by Qianye with his claws!


With a peck from his small mouth, qianyeliu easily removed the lid of the beer.

After all this, he also flew to get a straw from the nearby table, inserted it into the wine bottle, and began to stir up the beer in the bottle with his beak.


Looking at the action of thousand nights, and the way it tasted beer with its old God, Lin Wei, Huang Ning, Zhang Kun and Molly were all petrified. Their mouths were so open that they could fill an egg. They felt that their three outlooks had been subverted!

Is this still a bird?


Is there such an awesome bird#### First, there are some things to deal with during the day, so the update is late, and there will be a second change, but it will be late. I'm really sorry. If you can't wait for children's shoes to see it tomorrow morning.

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