"Let it drink by itself. Let's go on, let's go on."

Li Hao was not surprised at Qianye's move.

Although Qianye doesn't understand human language, with its wisdom, he can roughly guess what the words mean by the speaker's look.

Just now, Lin Wei shook the beer in his hand, and with the expression of disbelief on his face, Qianye understood it into two words - provocation!

Although it can be seen that these people are Li Hao's good friends, Qianye's response to provocation is only one, that is, fuck him!

Lin Wei should be glad. If he is not a good friend of Li Hao, Lin Wei will die here in minutes as long as he rubs his skin with his claws or beak, or dusts his eyes and lips with his own feathers!

Poison bird is a very poisonous spirit. Even if Qianye now has the blood of the first generation peacock and gluttonous blood, it is still a poison bird, with poison all over!!

If you want to fight a fierce beast like a gluttonous snake for thousands of nights, it will certainly choose to use the swallowing talent and wind control ability of the first generation peacock, but if you kill ordinary people or opponents, poison is definitely the most effective and easiest way.

"Haozi, where did you buy this bird? Isn't it awesome?!"

Looking at the thousands of nights of drinking and ignoring them, Zhang Kun and they finally recovered from their surprise. They all looked unbelievable.

"I didn't buy it. It's fate. It flew by itself."

Li Hao said vaguely, half true and half false.

Although these close friends are one of the most trusted friends in his heart, he is not going to let them know about spirit beasts, fierce beasts, saints and Taoism.

They belong to an ordinary life and should not be forced to bear this pressure.

Sometimes, knowing less is also a kind of happiness.

"We're a senior at the beginning of school, and we're going out to practice. Have you all decided where to go?"

After another glass of wine, Zhang Kun put down the cup in his hand, looked up at the good brothers around him and said.

"Some schools will have arrangements. If you have an ideal place to go, you can also report to the school and apply. The quota allocated by the school is limited. What the counselor said is that I hope everyone can find it by themselves."

Zhang Kun's girlfriend Molly said.

She is the League Secretary of their class, so she knows the instructions of the school very clearly.

"I'm going to stay in Pearl for internship. My family has found an acquaintance who can let me go to Bo'ai hospital for internship."

Referring to this problem, Huang Ning also put away his playful expression and said.

"Lily and I are going back to my house."

Zhang Kun hugged his girlfriend Molly and said, "my parents feel that being a doctor is too tired and that traditional Chinese medicine is in a recession, so they want me to go home and take an examination of public office. After all, they have been public servants all their lives and are familiar with the way."

"It's also very good. If you're admitted to business, you won't die or starve. If you can climb up, you'll have a comfortable life."

Huang Ning nodded and said.

"Haozi, what about you?"

Zhang Kun looked at Li Hao and asked.

"Me? Stay in the Pearl"

Li Hao smiled and said, "maybe he will open a traditional Chinese medicine clinic by himself, try to expand slowly and help teachers carry forward traditional Chinese medicine."

"That's right. Haozi is an expert of old man Chen Yu. It's not a word to arrange an appropriate job for Haozi based on his reputation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "and Haozi also has the talent to learn traditional Chinese medicine. Now what is the level of his medical skills? Our brothers are not sure. In the future, you will join hands with Chen Xi and it will definitely be a good story in the field of traditional Chinese medicine."

Li Hao smiled but didn't speak. They all thought they were relying on Chen Yu, but they didn't know that he said that opening a clinic was based on his own money, and his medical skills had already surpassed Chen Yu, but he hasn't made a reputation yet. Only those who know him know his profound medical skills.

"Fat man, what about you?"

Li Hao took a look at Lin Wei, who was already six or seven points drunk, and asked.

Among the four people in Li Hao's dormitory, only Lin Wei has the worst drinking capacity. After a few bottles of beer, his oily face has turned red.

"Me? I don't know yet."

Lin Wei narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said, "I'm poor in traditional Chinese medicine. If you go to take a test, your study is not good, and you don't have any background at home. It's too difficult to stay in the Pearl."

"Then go home?"

Huang Ning patted Lin Wei on the shoulder and suggested.

"Go home? Why go home? Go home and farm?"

Lin Wei smiled with self mockery, then raised his neck and took another sip of the wine in the cup and said, "let go of my work first. I'm leaving school to practice soon. Before that, I want to end one of my wishes."

"Wish? What wish?"

Li Haomei picked his head and asked.

"What else can it be, woman!"

Huang Ning glanced and said, "fat man, don't think about Dong Xiaowan. She takes you as a spare tire at all. When people fall in love, you don't answer the phone or send wechat back. Then when they lose love, they come to you to cry and ask you to spend money on things to comfort her. Have you been two or three years? What else do you fantasize about?"


Lin Wei stood up from the stool and said with a big tongue, "why does she think of me when she is lovelorn? That's because she trusts me because I am very, heavy and important to her!"

"Fat man, you drink too much. Sit down and say."

Zhang Kun hurriedly got up and comforted Lin Wei. The boy was also infatuated. He fell in love with a girl named Dong Xiaowan as soon as he went to college and was in military training. Li Hao and they all know this, but Dong Xiaowan was always vague about him, and the relationship between the two people was unclear.

"I think I'm too cowardly and timid. There must be only one confession between me and Xiaowan."

Lin Wei sat back under Zhang Kun's appeasement, narrowed his drunken eyes, looked intoxicated and muttered: "a woman who has been in College for four years, in addition to her boyfriend, just went out to eat, watch movies and go shopping with me. Her boyfriend has changed a lot in more than three years, but I have never been replaced. This is not love. What is it?"

Chen Xi and Molly are a little angry and say that Lin Wei is honest. He is so stupid and sweet. He has been hung as a spare tire for more than three years and is still naive to fantasize here!

However, although they couldn't see it, no one said the three words "green tea bitch". If it was normal, after all, Lin Wei was in this state. If they heard someone say Dong Xiaowan, it might be a desperate rhythm.

"I want to confess!!"

He poured another glass of wine. Lin Wei was flushed with alcohol. His face was filled with a happy light. He shouted like an oath: "I want to confess to Dong Xiaowan! Then work hard for her and our future!!" ###### second, it was very late. Sorry again. Good night, Beibei~

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