"Don't be crazy about drinking. Sit down quickly. Will you be ashamed?"

Huang Ning took Lin Wei's arm and pushed the impassioned Lin Wei back to his chair.

Li Hao and Zhang Kun both laughed, but looking at the fat man's infatuation, their smiles were reluctant.

Li Hao sighed and prepared to have a good talk with Lin Wei when he woke up.

There was a lot of noise at their table, especially Lin Wei, who had big arms and round waist. He was more eye-catching than others. Just now he stood up again and shouted again, which made several people at the next table stare one after another.

"Wow! Look, this bird is so beautiful!"

Suddenly, a surprise scream came from the side. A girl in a dress looked at Li Hao with little stars. She opened another bottle of beer and drank it with her own straw for thousands of nights, and said in surprise.

"It's very fresh. Unexpectedly, there are birds who can drink beer."

The tall boy next to him also looked at Qianye with a surprised face.

"Husband, I want it!"

The girl in the dress swayed with the boy's arm and looked longingly at Qianye road.

The four words "I want it" are said in such a delicate tone from the girl's mouth. Whether in bed or under the bed, they have infinite lethality to men.

For example, being spoiled by his girlfriend at the moment, the tall boy immediately felt his blood gushing, patted her hand and said, "don't worry, if you like it, I'll buy it for you!"

With that, the boy got up from the table and walked towards Li Hao and them.

"Whose bird is it?"

When he came to Li Hao's table, Du Feng asked condescending.

He is a student of the Pearl Aerospace College next to Huaxia Medical College. He is tall, handsome and has good family conditions. He speaks naturally with a kind of pride.

"I respect you, Sheriff!"

Li Hao didn't even look at him. He poured another glass of wine and smiled at Zhang Kun.


Zhang Kun also raised his glass and touched Li Hao. Then they drank it all at once.

Huang Ning and Lin Wei giggled happily. Molly and Chen Xi also whispered to each other. Du Feng was completely regarded as a transparent person.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you all drinking and deaf?!"

Du Feng stood next to Li Hao for a while and found that Li Hao and his companions were drinking and rolling. No one paid any attention to him at all. When did Du Feng receive such disregard, he immediately slapped Li Hao on their table and shouted angrily, "Lao Tze is asking, whose bird is special!!"

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Hao finally put down his wine glass, looked at Du Feng coldly and asked faintly.

"It seems that this bird is yours."

Du Feng's eyes turned to Li Hao and said.

"Well, you're not stupid."

Li Hao's mouth was slightly raised.


Du Feng's face flushed with ridicule by Li Hao and scolded angrily, "I like your bird. Make an offer!"

"Not for sale."

Li Hao shook his head.

"Come on, you just want to make a higher price."

Du Feng sneered and said, "boy, I don't take advantage of you. I'll take 500!"

"Five hundred?"

Li Hao smiled, shook his head and said, "I said, don't sell."

"You are greedy."

Du Feng clenched his teeth. He had just vowed to buy the bird back for his girlfriend. If he returned empty handed, not only his girlfriend would be angry, but he would lose face in front of the friends at their table. This was the result he didn't want to see anyway.

"You're bored."

Li Hao said faintly.

"Toast without penalty!!"

Du Feng snorted coldly, picked up an empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it hard on Li Hao's head!

Du Feng had practiced Sanda, and he had a violent temper from childhood to childhood. He didn't fight less in school. He didn't hesitate to start. He was not afraid of anything at all!

In his expectation, Li Hao should be opened by him, and then obediently give the bird to himself without a penny. At the same time, he also humbly apologized to himself, admitted his mistake and asked for his forgiveness, and then he successfully completed the task and went back to meet the applause of the people.

But the imagination is full, but the reality is skinny.

Only half of his hand was waved, Du Feng's arm was suddenly pinched by one hand, and then no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't press down any more!!

"You're looking for death!"

Li Hao is really angry.

Originally, in his eyes, Du Feng was just a clown who didn't know the superiority of heaven and earth. There were too many self righteous fools and too many people who loved to pretend to be forced in the world. Li Hao didn't bother to be angry with him and just wanted to send him away.

But I didn't expect this guy to take himself so seriously. After he couldn't be intimidated by words, he came up and had to do it!

Today is the party he and his brothers haven't seen for two months. He was in a bad mood by such a mouse shit. How can he not be angry?

Li Hao pinched Du Feng's hand. Du Feng immediately felt that his wrist was sour. His whole arm lost strength in an instant. The wine bottle in his hand could no longer be held and fell down.

Li Hao immediately extended his other hand from below, caught the falling wine bottle, then raised it high, and hit Du Feng's head with melon seeds in the same posture and method as Du Feng was just about to hit him!!


With a crisp sound, Du Feng immediately gave a scream like killing a pig, which in turn was opened by Li Hao!

"How dare you hit me!! you're dead!!"

With blood in his head, Du Feng roared wildly.

"I've smashed people thousands of times more powerful than you."

But Li Hao didn't care at all and said coldly, "he also said he wanted me to die, but now I'm still alive and can continue to hit people."

Indeed, Li Hao opened a ladle for Hua Lingtong himself.

What was Hua Lingtong's identity at that time?

Huarong group is a small owner and a 10 billion business giant!

But what happened? Isn't it the same that Li Hao killed him?

Du Feng can't even compare with Hua Lingtong!

He said he wanted Li Hao to die. Li Hao would only sigh that there are really too many idiots in the world.

"What are you doing?!"

Seeing Du Feng's eating flat, five or six brothers at his table immediately gathered around, relying on the large number of people, stared at Li Hao fiercely and said, "boy, I advise you to kneel down and apologize immediately, otherwise you may have to lie down and leave here today!"

"In this way, my time is very precious. I don't have time to waste with you. Why don't you go together."

Li Haosong opened Du Feng, clapped his hands, got up and said, "as long as you can touch the corner of my clothes, I will unconditionally agree to whatever you ask!" ###### today, the first thing is, I don't know if there will be children's shoes who miss their happy experience of barbecue and beer with their friends in college? Ha ha, in short, I miss it very much!

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