
Naked arrogance!!

Li Hao alone faced five boys taller and stronger than him, but asked them to go together, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

Not only do Du Feng and others think Li Hao is crazy, but even those who don't speak at the next tables also think that Li Hao must have drunk too much and regarded himself as a great Xia in the kung fu film, so they dare to say such words.

"Dare not go?"

Looking at the few quasi empty people who haven't moved for a long time, Li Hao glanced and seemed to regret that he had delayed waiting for them for so long. Then he pointed to Du Feng and said, "please come again and apologize to me and my friends."

"What?! do you want me to apologize?!"

Du Feng covered his head with one hand, then pointed to his nose and said, "you broke my head, you even want me to apologize?"

Du Feng felt that he was wronged and was about to cry.

Is there such a bully?

No such unreasonable!!

Even when he was domineering in the Pearl Aerospace Institute, he didn't bully others like this!!

"Well, you have delayed my time and disturbed the good mood of our brothers' drinking party. Who will apologize if you don't apologize?"

Li Hao nodded solemnly and said, "my brothers and I are generous people. As long as you apologize, we will forgive you."

"Fuck you!"

Du Feng completely went crazy and didn't cover his head. He threw away the paper towel in his hand, roared and manipulated a beer bottle next to the table, and rushed towards Li Hao again.

"Brothers, go!"

Seeing that Du Feng rushed, the gang of friends behind Du Feng also rushed after him. After all, Du Feng suffered a big loss when the first fight was just over. They were afraid that Du Feng would suffer a loss again, so they hurried to catch up and wanted to help.


Li Hao's face was completely cold. He raised his feet and kicked the stool next to his feet out!

Looking at the plastic stool flying towards him, Du Feng didn't dodge. He still ran rampant, but took his arm to symbolically block it.

Because the plastic stool in the stall is light in weight and not hard in texture, it only hurts when it hits people at most. It won't hurt at all. Like Du Feng, who put up his arms to defend at the first time, it won't even hurt much.

It was not the first time that Du Feng and his family had fought in a stall, so he didn't take the plastic stool kicked by Li Hao seriously.

But the next moment, Du Feng tasted the pain!

I don't know why, the plastic stool that hit his arm this time made him feel so heavy and hard, and the strength on the stool was surprisingly great!!


Du Feng screamed, his body rushed forward suddenly stopped, and staggered backward!!

At the same time, Li Hao slapped the table on their own side with his backhand, and the huge solid wood round table was turned up by Li Hao's palm. Then Li Hao was really like a great Xia in a martial arts film. He raised his palm against the yuan wooden table. With his Zhenyuan's attention to his strength, he held the round wood table in front of him like a shield, They took the initiative to meet Du Feng!


Du Feng and his people saw that Li Hao dared to take the initiative. They were also shocked by his fierce momentum. They stopped and smashed the wine bottles in their hands at Li Hao.

But their wine bottles hit the log table pushed by Li Hao one after another, splashing pieces of glass slag and wine, but they can't stop Li Hao's progress!

Li Hao pushed forward holding the log table like an invincible chariot. Those thrown beer bottles hit the log table like tickling, and they couldn't shake him at all.


Although there was no outcrop, but after a few steps, Li Hao seemed to have perspective eyes. He felt that he had reached the attack distance, and suddenly threw the log table in his hand at their gang!


This group of people didn't think that Li Hao should be so fierce. The six of them treated Li Hao one, but Li Hao dared to take the initiative to meet him!

By this time, it was too late for them to escape. The log tabletop thrown by Li Hao was like the sky collapsed, directly smashing all five of them down!


Li Hao jumped up and stepped heavily on the log table thrown out by him. Suddenly, several people who were pressed below gave a painful howl!


"My bones, my bones are breaking!!"

"Pain! Help!"

All the onlookers were silly

Even people with big brain holes have begun to explore around to see if anyone is shooting with a machine.

This is just as like as two peas in a movie!

Just when Li Hao's hero god of war was standing on the log table and one person suppressed five people, a harsh siren suddenly cut through the night sky!

"Woo woo!"

"You're dead, you're dead!!"

Du Feng screamed and got up from the ground. Listening to the sound of the police whistle, he roared, "my people are coming. You wait to die!"

"I really beat your brain. The police are public servants. Dare you say they are your people?"

Li Hao sneered and looked at Du Feng. He thought this man was too rubbish.

If Wang Yun, LV Siyuan and Hua Lingtong can be regarded as Li Hao's opponents in the past, Du Feng is just a ridiculous clown who doesn't even have the qualification to be seen by Li Hao!

"What's going on?!"

Several uniformed police officers rushed over, looked at the mess and asked in a harsh voice.

Du Feng covered his head and trotted over: "Uncle sun, I asked people to call the police. You see, these people are lawless. We ate well at dinner. When we saw his beautiful bird, we went to see it more. Who knows that they drank some wine and hit people when they came up. Uncle sun, look at my brain bag and my friends. They beat them!"

"Lawless, lawless!!"

After listening to Du Feng's words, the policeman roared, stared at Li Hao and said, "is he the one who beat him?"

"Not only him, but also his friends on that table!"

Du Feng's eyes were gloomy and wanted to pull all the people at Li Hao's table into the water.

"Take it all!!"

The chief officer waved his hand and said angrily.

"Officer, how can you catch people just by listening to his words?"

Li Hao narrowed his eyes and asked, "isn't this too Wang fa?"

"Now it's him who gets hurt. Don't listen to him. Do you listen to you?"

The police officer surnamed sun glared at Li Hao angrily and then said in a horizontal voice, "Wang fa? You tell me Wang fa? I tell you, I am Wang FA!!" ###### second, it's late. Let's go to bed early after reading. Good night

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