"Lao Tzu is the king's law!"

After sun Haoran shouted this sentence, the whole audience was quiet.

Looking at the students who were silent around, sun Haoran felt quite good about himself.

It's not the first time for him to help Du Feng deal with this kind of fight. These students are vigorous one by one. If they drink some wine, they may break out into conflict. However, in front of his police uniform, no matter how vigorous the young man is, he can only stop fighting and dare not make a mistake!

Students fight the police?

Maybe the wine is not in the stomach, but in the brain!

Looking at the effect of everyone around him with satisfaction, sun Haoran felt like a God at the moment!


When his eyes swept over Li Hao, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Because the guy who was about to be taken away by him had no fear on his face, but looked at himself calmly.

What happened?

Hasn't the boy been frightened by his bullying spirit so that the tiger body is shocked and the chrysanthemum is tight?!

"Xiao Cheng, go and take all the people at this table!"

Sun Haoran led the team to wave his hand and asked his men to hurry over and catch people. In a cold voice, "if they resist, don't be merciful!"

Then he said, "Xiao Feng, you go to the hospital quickly. There is still blood on your head and your friends are still injured. Don't delay the best time for treatment."

"Uncle sun, you must decide for us!"

Du Feng covered the blood on his head and said sadly.

"Don't worry, uncle is a policeman. He will never let the bad boy go lawless!"

Sun Haoran comforted Du Feng, then waved his hand and said, "close the team!"

"It seems that Captain sun is not from the University Branch, is he?"

Li Hao looked at Sun Haoran with his arms in his arms and did not resist.

"What? Do you still know someone in the University Branch?"

Sun Haoran sneered and said, "sorry, I'm from Songjiang branch."

"Songjiang branch? Rich area!"

Li haoruo nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's go!"

As soon as sun Haoran waved his hand, he was already happy.

Seeing that Li Hao dared to knock Du Feng to the ground, sun Haoran also guessed that Li Hao was probably covered by someone in the police system, and after listening to Li Hao asking if he was from the University Branch, he was sure that the boy must have something to do with the University Branch.

But so what?

Xuefu branch and their Songjiang branch are only public security institutions with parallel functions. Although they arrest people in Xuefu District, once people are taken away by them, even the people of Xuefu branch can't interfere. If people over there want to protect Li Hao, they have to give them a lot of benefits.

Whether it's to help Du Feng out or to get more benefits, sun Haoran has decided to take Li Hao and these people back!

"Don't panic, let's go with them."

Li Hao turned around and said to Zhang Kun, who was at a loss, "it's okay."

"Nothing is wrong, but it has the final say."

Sun Haoran pushed Li Hao angrily. He was really annoyed with the boy's appearance of mastering everything. This feeling made him feel that his majesty had been greatly provoked and ignored.

Why are you so calm?

Why are you so calm?!

It's really annoying!!

Li Hao and the six of them were pushed and shooed into the police car by sun Haoran and drove to the branch of Songjiang District.

Songjiang District is a famous rich area of Mingzhu. Because it has a good location and the rich people of Mingzhu will choose to settle there, it is also a place where rich and famous people gather. It is really a place where there are great scholars and no white people.

Therefore, people in Songjiang branch naturally feel that they are higher than those in other ordinary branches. After all, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. They work in the rich area every day. When they go outside, they have to be more straight than others!

"May I make a call?"

Because they were not suspects of criminal crimes, Li Hao did not put them in handcuffs. Li Hao looked at Sun Haoran sitting next to him and asked.


Sun Haoran sneered and said solemnly, "in front of the law, see what tricks you can play!"

In fact, sun Haoran was eager for Li Hao to make this call to move the soldiers, because he thought that Li Hao must be looking for some police officers of the University Branch. It would be good to find a captain who was at the same level as him. He was not afraid at all.

If Li Hao doesn't find someone to protect him, they will teach them a lesson at most. They can't get any oil and water. Only when Li Hao moves the rescue soldiers, can they get benefits.

Li Hao sneered in his heart. Where can sun Haoran hide his old-fashioned mind?

This kind of person is a moth and scum in the police system. It's ok if he didn't meet him. Since he hit the muzzle of the gun today, he doesn't mind giving him a lesson.

Taking out his mobile phone, Li Hao thought about it for a moment and didn't dial the phone of the little swallow. After all, now he is with Chenxi and others. If he calls the little swallow, he is afraid that the little swallow will inevitably be embarrassed to meet Chenxi.

After thinking for a moment, he dialed Hua Fei's phone.

He now officially moved back to the flower family from his private villa, and the flower family also lives in Songjiang District.

"What happened to brother Hao'er?"

After the phone was connected, Hua Fei's laughter came and said, "our side has just ended. Brother Hao, if you want to come now, you can't catch up!"

Since Hua Fei took the post at Hua's house yesterday, his relationship with Li Hao has not been alienated. On the contrary, his cooperation has deepened, so he also calls him brother Hao like those Li Hao's good friends.

"Did you go home?"

Li Hao did not joke with him and asked directly.

"I haven't gone back yet. Some friends have made an appointment later. What's the matter?"

Hua Fei seemed to hear something wrong with Li Hao's tone yesterday. He also put away his smile and asked, "what's the matter with brother hao?"

"If you can, I hope you can come and help me. I had dinner with my friends. As a result, I clashed with others. Now I'm taken away by people from Songjiang District branch."

Li Hao said faintly. At the same time, he glanced at Qianye, who was locked in the cage, and comforted him with his eyes to let him not get angry.

After thousands of nights hesitated for a moment, the sharp light in his eyes finally converged again, recovered his lazy appearance, and buried his head in his wings to sleep.


After listening to Li Hao's words, Hua Fei's tone was sharp yesterday, and there was a lot of anger in his voice.

"Brother Hao'er, don't worry. I'll call right now and go there in person. Don't worry, you'll be fine!"

Hua Fei's tone is very serious. Songjiang District is also the sphere of influence of his Hua family base camp. If Li Hao is wronged there, he will lose Hua Fei's face to the Pacific#### First, ask for subscription and reward!

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