"Chief, what's the matter?"

Being shocked by the roar of the director in the receiver, sun Haoran looked at the smile on Li Hao's face. His pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly. He turned and walked to the door and asked in a low voice, "it's just a few gangsters. How did you scare you?"

"Punk? Punk, are you paralyzed?!"

Zhou Shixun's roar sounded again, as if he wanted to eat sun Haoran through the handset!

"Director, director, calm down. What's the matter? Are there people you know here?"

Although the weather was hot, sun Haoran also had a cold sweat and asked carefully.

"I know? There are so many capable people in the world. I know others, but they don't know me!"

Zhou Shixun was so angry. Just now he was making out with his lover in the hotel. They teased him in place and took off their clothes. When he was ready to take his gun and gallop, he was disturbed by a phone call.

The phone rang several times, and he pretended to ignore it, but the hateful man was like an iron heart, beating Zhou Shixun's cell phone again and again.

When he finally went over and took a look at who was calling, Zhou Shixun was scared as if he had been poured with a bucket of cold water, and his desire was extinguished in an instant!

He didn't dare not answer the phone, because the person who called was the flower owner who had recently risen to the top in the strong rise of the Pearl!

Although he is the director of Songjiang District branch, guarding the fertile land of the Pearl rich area, he has unlimited scenery outside on weekdays, but in fact, only he himself knows. He said that he is just the public bodyguard of these rich people. If they don't do well, they have 100 ways to take advantage of their police uniforms!

The flower family has a great career in the Pearl family. Although these years are the era of rapid development in the real estate industry, the flower family's pharmaceutical makeup is sold at home and abroad. In the Pearl of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, it also has the momentum of the first family!

Did Zhou Shixun dare to provoke Hua Fei yesterday?

He doesn't dare to lend him ten courage!!

So Hua Fei made a phone call yesterday, and he immediately got up from the bed. He couldn't even care about the big Beauty dragged all over the bed. He put on his clothes and rushed to Songjiang branch!

Hua Fei's words yesterday were short and cold.

"My brother was caught by your men. Something happened to him, and so did you."

Something happened to him, and so did you!

These short seven words scared Zhou Shixun to his throat, and hurriedly called sun Haoran, who was on duty today.

"I ask you, where are all the people?"

Without waiting for sun Haoran to explain, Zhou Shixun then asked, "I'll be in the Bureau right now. Didn't you serve them?"


Sun Haoran's heart "cluttered", only he knew best. Just now he pulled a baton from Li Hao!

"Shit! You boy, please help yourself!"

Hearing the phone, sun Haoran kept silent. Zhou Shixun guessed one or two, scolded again, and then suddenly cut off the phone.

Listening to the busy tone of "Dudu" on the phone in his ear, sun Haoran leaned against the wall and felt that his strength seemed to be evacuated for a moment.

Now recalling Li Hao's calm and sarcastic expression, sun Haoran feels like a clown, a naked fool!

"Uncle sun, uncle sun, where are those guys?"

Du Feng, who had already gone to the nearby hospital to wrap his head with gauze, came in and looked at Sun Haoran leaning against the wall excitedly. He took out a pack of cigarettes and stuffed it into sun Haoran's hand. He smiled and said, "can you let me go in and teach them a lesson? They just let us suffer a great loss!"


Sun Haoran raised his head and looked at Du Feng in front of him. Suddenly his face became ferocious. He suddenly smashed the cigarette in his hand into his face and roared, "do you know who you provoked?! do you want to kill me?"

"Uncle sun, I..."

Du Feng was stunned by sun Haoran's sudden arrival. He covered his face and said in panic: "I don't know who they are! He... Aren't they ordinary schools that eat barbecue and drink beer at the barbecue stand?"

"Ordinary students? Ordinary students?!"

Sun Haoran went up and slapped Du Feng. He said angrily, "you're an ordinary student. Now you've moved my immediate boss over! If I can't keep my job, I'll kill you!"

"Now go and apologize to me, go quickly!!"

Sun Haoran grabbed Du Feng's hair and dragged him into the detention room. Then his face was like a face changing actor. In an instant, he put on a kind smile and said to Li Hao, "little brother, we have just found out what happened. It's my nephew who is wrong. He drank too much wine and caused trouble. I'm really sorry."

With that, he cleared his throat and said, "it's just that when I went, I saw them knocked over by your little brother at the first sight. Naturally, I subjectively thought it was you who were pretending to be fierce. This caused today's misunderstanding. I'm really sorry."

"Xiao Feng, apologize to this little brother!"

Sun Haoran will still be a man. First, he came to apologize to Li Hao with a low attitude, and then vaguely pointed out the reason why he had such a "misunderstanding". He also pointed out the fact that Li Hao had beaten Du Feng and them. I hope Li Hao can weigh the pros and cons and don't go deep into it.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Du Feng saw sun Haoran like this. Although he was still a little confused, he could only apologize according to his words.

Seeing the 180 degree turn of sun Haoran's attitude after he went out and entered the door again, Zhang Kun was stunned.

What happened?

Does this guy have a conscience when he goes out to answer the phone?

"Looks like I got a call from a big man, didn't I?"

Li Hao did not say anything, and his smile was colder.

Seeing Li Hao's reaction, sun Haoran's heart sank slowly and said, "yes, a leader called to clarify the misunderstanding."


Li Hao straightened up, walked in front of sun Haoran, looked at him and said, "but when Captain sun just patted his chest and said he was king's law, I didn't see it. You think it's a misunderstanding!"


Under Li Hao's gaze, sun Haoran couldn't help lowering his head and couldn't speak.

"Are you confused now?"

Ignoring him, Li Hao turned and looked at Du Feng, who was pale next to him. His eyes were full of contempt.

"You can't fight, and you can't call people!" ##### the first change

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