When director Zhou Shixun and Hua Fei arrived yesterday, Li Hao and they had all sat on the chairs of the police station to drink tea, while sun Haoran was as clever as a servant.

As for Du Feng, who was originally going to beat Li Hao to relieve his anger, he stood in a corner with his head down, wondering what was waiting for him next.

Looking at Li Hao without joy or sorrow, his heart is really going to regret!

Who would have thought that this seemingly harmless boy, in addition to fighting fiercely, even the backstage relationship was so hard!

From sun Haoran's attitude of smiling like his grandson just now, Du Feng can feel that Li Hao's background is definitely not small!

"Brother Hao'er, are you okay?"

Hua Fei walked over quickly yesterday. His face was still a little red because of drinking.

"No big deal."

Li Hao said faintly.

After hearing this, Hua Fei's face suddenly became ugly, and sun Haoran's smile became more and more bitter.

Director Zhou Shixun immediately realized that these big people had something to say. Li Hao said on the surface that it was nothing, but it was no big deal. That was to prove that there were many small things that made him unhappy!

"Captain sun, what's going on?!"

Zhou Shixun looked seriously at Sun Haoran, who nodded and bowed in front of him, and asked.

Sun Haoran was getting colder in his heart and bitter in his mouth. He didn't even know what to say.

He knows very well that if director Zhou Shixun still calls him Haoran or sun Haoran, it will prove that he is talking to him in a private capacity. At the same time, it is also an attitude to protect him. It is tantamount to telling Li Hao and Hua Fei that this person is my confidant. Please give me a face and spare him.

But now Zhou Shixun calls him captain sun!

This is completely a tone and attitude of the superior questioning the subordinate. At the same time, it also proves that Zhou Shixun is talking to him in his official capacity. He wants to get rid of his relationship with him, let alone save him. I'm afraid he will be involved in the water.

"When I was on duty, I received a student's alarm that someone was fighting and making trouble, the scene was in chaos, and several people were injured, so I hurried to take someone to bring the party back for investigation."

Taking a deep breath, sun Haoran bit his teeth and could only insist on describing everything as business as possible.

Zhou Shixun has given up on him, but he won't give up himself. As long as it's business for him to bite to death, Li Hao and they can't move him in the open. At most, they can secretly block his rising channel or take off his police uniform.

But if he can't bite to death, it's business. Then the police abuse their law enforcement power to detain and retaliate against citizens. This crime will go to jail!!

"You mean, you're business?"

Zhou Shixun snorted coldly and looked at Sun Haoran. His voice was full of anger.

This fool, if you admit your mistake and kneel down and slap yourself, I'm afraid these big people's anger will disappear and they won't see the same as your little role.

But Sun Haoran still wants to carry it to death. Does he think he is very smart, or does he think Li Haohua is not yesterday? They are very stupid and naive?

This is your own death!

Sure enough, after sun Haoran finished, Hua Fei's face became more gloomy yesterday. Looking at Zhou Shixun, he said, "director Zhou, Captain sun under you is interesting. It's really interesting!"

Zhou Shixun trembled in his heart and quickly shook his head and said, "I really don't know about captain sun. Don't worry. I can't tolerate my subordinates!"

He quickly expressed his attitude and joked. He was not as stupid as sun Haoran. When a superior said that a little man was very interesting, either he really appreciated the man or the little man did something really boring.

There is no doubt that sun Haoran belongs to the latter.


Li Hao, who has been drinking water, finally spoke.

"Call the police? We had a conflict on Xuefu Road. If the call to the police was 110, the nearest Xuefu branch should send someone over. Why did sun Dui of your Songjiang branch come?"

Then he looked at Sun Haoran's face, which was hard to see. He got up and said, "and captain sun's voice in public - Lao Tzu is the king's law! It's really domineering!"


After listening to this sentence, sun Haoran's trembling legs couldn't stand directly and fell to sit on the floor!

"I have gone to the barbecue stall at the back door of Huaxia Medical College to find the boss and students to complete the evidence collection. Du Feng provoked me first, and Li Hao just fought back in self-defense."

At this time, a police officer hurried in from the door and made sun Haoran look like death!

"Shame, shame!!"

Zhou Shixun patted the table bitterly, bowed to Hua Fei and Li Hao yesterday and said, "I'm really sorry, you two! I never dreamed that there was such a scum in the police force. This is my dereliction of duty. I apologize to you. Don't worry, I will deal with it seriously!!"

"Director Zhou, I want to stay alone with Captain sun for a while. Can you give him to me?"

Li Hao put down his tea cup and asked with a smile.


Zhou Shixun was slightly stunned and didn't quite understand Li Hao's intention.

But Hua Fei said, "do as he says."

"OK, everybody, then go out with me and wait a minute."

Zhou Shixun nodded. Hua feiyesterday has just been on the top. Zhou Shixun wants to have a good relationship with him. Within the allowable range, he will not violate Hua feiyesterday's meaning.

When the director spoke, the people naturally wouldn't listen. Hua Fei took the lead with Zhou Shixun yesterday. Everyone followed and walked out of the house. Even if Chen Xi was worried, he still went out under the appeasement of Li Hao.

"Li Shao, I..."

Sun Haoran fell to the ground, looked up at Li Hao standing in front of him and opened his mouth.

"Captain sun, don't worry. I'll say hello to the Zhou Bureau. Although you may not be the captain, you won't lose your job as a policeman."

Li Hao leaned down, looked at Sun Haoran seriously and said faintly, "remember I said before that if you don't turn us off, you will be very satisfied with your decision later."

Sun Haoran was delighted and nodded desperately. He squeezed out a few moving tears in his eyes and said respectfully, "thank you..."

But he only said one word of thanks, but he felt a movement in his waist. The baton had been taken away by Li Hao.

Looking up, he saw Li Hao raise his baton high with a cold face, and then draw a stick on his back mercilessly!


With a dull sound, sun Haoran wanted to vomit blood!

Li Hao looked down at him and raised his hand again. Without hesitation, he hit sun Haoran one by one again, beating him like a dead dog, curled up in the corner and wailed!

Some scum, should let the stick really hit them, let them know the pain!!

Sun Haoran curled up and screamed like a pig.

This time, his tears were not squeezed out, but he really couldn't help being beaten and cried.

He has been beating people until today.

I was beaten by a baton... What a pain#### Second, is it early today? Are you surprised? Are you enjoying it? If it's cool, subscribe and reward!!

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