The night is deep, but Songjiang District branch is particularly lively tonight.

At ordinary times, people on duty at night can brush the play and take a nap when the leader is away, but tonight, they all try to keep up their spirit and look diligent.

Hua Fei sat in his chair last night. Although it was late at night, he didn't feel sleepy. His expression was neither happy nor sad. He quietly waited for Li Hao.

If he didn't move, Zhou Shixun didn't dare to move.

Zhang Kun and others were stunned by the thrilling reversal tonight. Looking at the strange and dignified atmosphere, none of them dared to say a word.



"I'm wrong, I'm really wrong!!"


"Stop fighting!"


The ordinary detention room is only used for temporary closing or conversation, so its sound insulation effect is not good.

Hearing the scream of sun Haoran inside, Hua Fei was expressionless yesterday. Zhou Shixun pretended not to know, but the small police officers in the Bureau were trembling with fear, especially those who went to catch people with sun Haoran before. They were so scared that they didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that they would be the next one to be called in to eat a stick.

More than ten minutes later, the scream of killing pigs in the detention room finally stopped. The clear sound of opening the door rang. Li Hao came out with a smile, took the initiative to shake hands with Zhou Shixun and said, "today's matter is troublesome for Zhou Bureau."

"Where is Li Shao? He broke Zhou. I'm ashamed that I haven't had time for such a scum. How dare I be in trouble!"

Zhou Shixun got up flattered and shook hands with Li Hao. His face was full of shame and his posture was very low.

Although Li Hao doesn't live in Songjiang District, Zhou Shixun has heard of this famous name recently.

He is very clear that the rise of the new flower family is the result of Li Hao's downfall of the former flower family leader Hua Lingtong!!

If such a person can leave a good impression on him, it is absolutely a matter of profit without harm!

At the thought of this, the smile on Zhou Shixun's face became more and more cordial.

Sun Haoran was beaten?

What does that matter?

"Zhou Ju, let's end the matter between captain sun and me."

Loosen Zhou Shixun's big hand that he couldn't bear to let go. Li Hao said faintly, "I won't investigate or report."

With that, he waved to Zhang Kun and said to them, "sheriff, let's go."

"Uh... Oh!"

Zhang Kun and them were stunned. Before, they could see that the man in the beautiful robe didn't move, and even the police chief didn't dare to go first. But now as soon as Li Hao came out, he just greeted them to leave, which is enough to prove that he is the dominant person in this group!

At the thought of this, Zhang Kun was even more shocked in their hearts.

At first, they all thought that Huafei yesterday was Li Hao's backer. He covered Li Hao, so they came to help them settle things. However, they didn't expect that Huafei yesterday was just like Li Hao's younger brother!

Li Hao and his party left the gate of Songjiang branch unimpeded. Hua Fei got up yesterday. Looking at Zhou Shixun who was still smiling, he said coldly: "brother Hao said he didn't investigate and report, but with the intelligence of director Zhou, you should know what to do in the future?"

"Don't worry, I know, absolutely!"

Zhou Shixun nodded again and again. He began to feel sad for the days after sun Haoran.

Li Hao and Hua Fei obviously meant to continue to keep sun Haoran in the police system. Only if he continues to be in the system, director Zhou can always wear small shoes for him and make it convenient to punish him all the time.

It can be predicted that as long as sun Haoran does not resign or retire, every day of his future work will be an incomparable suffering.

This is the most terrible punishment

"Don't let a mouse shit spoil a pot of porridge."

Out of the police station, Li Hao took Chen Xi's hand and said apologetically to Zhang Kun, Huang Ning, Lin Wei and Molly: "I'm to blame for today's business. I didn't hold back my anger for the moment."

"Haozi, we know you're doing well, but we didn't expect you to be so awesome!"

Huang Ning looked at Li Hao with an exaggerated face and said, "Haozi, the man just looked very powerful. He was wearing a robe. A word made the branch director nod and bow to him, but he looked like a little brother in front of you. Is that too exaggerated?"

"He is my friend."

Li Hao smiled, shook his head and said, "today's thing is really thanks to him."

"Haozi, no matter how well you do in the future, don't forget our brothers!"

Zhang Kun patted Li Hao on the shoulder. He was born in a family where his parents are civil servants. In his bedroom, except Li Hao, his vision is the best.

He can naturally see that Hua Fei's identity is not something they can contact, but Li Hao has already flown to the branches to be a Phoenix.

If you become riches and honour one day, don't forget me.

Simple six words, but it's really valuable to want to do it.

"We will always be brothers."

Facing Zhang Kun's eyes, Li Hao nodded and said in a sincere voice.

"What are you doing? We're not brothers. What are we?"

The most drunk Lin Wei waved his hand and roared with his tongue.

Just now, he has been in a confused state. If anyone is the least surprised tonight, it is definitely the fat man who is relaxed and fat!

"Brother Hao'er, I knew I would take you brothers together. I'll open another table for you next to our dinner, so I won't encounter this unlucky thing."

Hua Fei came out of the police station yesterday and smiled.

"Thanks today."

Li Hao also nodded at him. Although he is a great benefactor of the flower family, he is more willing to get along with Hua Fei in the way of friends yesterday.

"You're welcome what?"

Hua Fei raised his chin yesterday and said, "take my car back?"

"I'll go back to the school dormitory and sleep tonight."

Li Hao shook his head and said, "is there any wine on the bus?"

"There are also several bottles of red wine from your private winery sent by your friends last time."

Hua Fei was slightly stunned yesterday and answered.

"Send me."

Li Hao was not polite to Hua Fei yesterday. He said to Zhang Kun next to him, "I've just been disturbed by two forces. Continue now?"

"Go on!!"

Drunk Lin Wei responded first: "Whoever counsels today is his grandson!"

"Ha ha, there are wine and brothers. Why not continue?"

Zhang Kun also came with pride, smiled and waved his hand, saying in a loud voice.

Hua Fei's driver took out several bottles of red wine from the trunk yesterday. Li Hao didn't mind either. They took the bottle and drank it directly.

Li Hao and Zhang Kun, clasping shoulder to shoulder, stumbled and laughed wantonly on the deserted road.

Sing when drinking, young geometry!

Hua Fei didn't leave immediately yesterday and asked the driver to drive slowly behind Li Hao and them.

Looking at Li Hao's unrestrained appearance, a knowing smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Although he was born in a rich family, he lived in the shadow of his brother from childhood. This kind of brotherhood is beyond his reach.

Although he runs around the wine club and knows countless young masters and young ladies, he has a sadness that he knows all over the world and has no confidants.

"Hua Fei, get out of the car and come together!!"

Li Hao suddenly stopped, turned and waved to Hua Fei in the car.

Hua Fei's eyes suddenly lit up yesterday. Looking at Li Hao and them, the smile at the corners of his mouth suddenly turned into a light smile and laughter!


Slamming the door, Hua Fei tore open his elegant gown yesterday and strode towards Li Hao with a bottle of wine!

In the past, there was no one in the world.

I know people all over the world today. My confidant is ##### the first one. Today's second one will be very late. Let me tell you in advance. Thank you for your support

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