Zuo Feifei left. Li Hao felt a little empty in his heart.

Although with the joining and taking over of Huarong group, even after Zuo Feifei left halfway, the sales and development of condensate and condensate will not be greatly affected, but Li Hao still feels like something is missing.

Because he knows very well that this girl, for him, is not only a business partner who makes money, but also a good friend, and even has an unspeakable and unidentified feeling.

Some returned to the dormitory blankly. Li Hao sat in a chair and didn't go out with him in the morning. Instead, he was lying on the desk in his bedroom, sipping beer and eating melon seeds.

Eating and drinking are the two things that the bird finds most interesting after he followed Li Hao to the world of mortals.

Li Hao poured a glass of water and sat in a daze on the chair.

To tell the truth, since the rise of wechat in the three circles, his brain has been in a state of high-speed operation almost all day, and there are few such moments of trance.


When Li Hao was absent-minded, the wechat of the third world of his mobile phone suddenly prompted a message.

When his mind moved, Li Hao secretly said, "is there news from the barefoot immortal?"

Click on the news of wechat in the third world, and the Baihua fairy sent a message.

"Eunuch, after taking the Wansen pill refined by the supreme old gentleman, the barefoot immortal has completely recovered from the state of being possessed by evil. Now he only needs to rest and retreat for a period of time to recover."

After saying this, the flower fairy even added three expressions with her hands together. It can be seen that she was really very excited.

"Is everything all right? That's great!"

After hearing this, Li Hao felt happy for the barefoot immortal.

Although he has no intersection with the barefoot immortal, judging from his reputation in the fairy world, it is a great benefit that he can save his life.

"Barefoot immortal requests to add you as a friend."

Sure enough, Li Hao soon received another application for adding friends.

Without thinking about it, Li Hao directly clicked the OK key.

"Li Hao, little friend, I've heard a lot."

The barefoot immortal sent a message and a smiling expression at the same time.

"The immortal broke me."

Li Hao quickly and humbly returned a message.

I'm kidding. The barefoot immortal saved the lives of most immortals in the immortal Ming war of thousands of years. Even the group of immortal benefactors are not too much. If Li Hao really heard about it for a long time, how can Li Hao's status be?

"Little friend, you and I never knew each other, but you saved my life. This is great kindness and great cause and effect. I can't do too much for little friend."

The barefoot immortal insisted, "but did you know why I was possessed?"

"I've heard of some."

Li Hao nodded and said, "the immortal was accidentally possessed when practicing the earth attribute immortal method?"


The barefoot immortal affirmed Li Hao's statement, then laughed and said, "it's just that I accidentally went crazy, but in fact, it comes from my greed."


Li Hao was slightly stunned and didn't understand what the barefoot immortal meant.

How can a great immortal in his realm commit such a low-level mistake as greed?

"Have you ever heard of Xi soil?"

The barefoot immortal didn't immediately answer Li Hao's questions, but asked instead.


Li Hao pondered for a moment, and then what he thought of the memory essence of the sage and the emperor Shen Nong, who had a flash of light in his mind. "Is it that the people are destitute." when the marshal of Tianpeng accidentally missed the Tianhe dyke and led to the water pouring down from the sky, when the people were not able to live, the goddess of the Great Buddha, who was the goddess of the Heavenly Kingdom, distilled the essence of the human world to plug up the Tianhe gap, and gathered another earthwork to treasure besides the heaven God stone.


The barefoot immortal said, "the God mending stone melts into the heavenly way because there is a lack of the heavenly way. There is no trace of it. However, there is still a surplus after Xi soil is used to block the leak of the heavenly pool."

"Is the reason why the immortal is possessed by evil spirits related to Xi soil?"

In other words, if Li Hao can't think of it again, he doesn't deserve to be a natural saint.


The barefoot immortal said, "because I am specialized in earth attribute immortal Dharma, I feel that my practice has entered a bottleneck recently. Just in the early years, I got a piece of soil by chance, so I moved the idea of refining this earth series treasure into my body."

Then, before Li Hao spoke, the barefoot great fairy smiled bitterly, and said, "but this kind of natural essence is the most precious thing, and where is a fairy in my district that can be subdued?"

"The immortal was backfired in the process of refining and mixing soil?"

Li Hao continued to ask.

"That's right."

The barefoot immortal replied: "only among the Wansen pills condensed from the tree seeds of the heavenly demon can I peel off the soil on my body in time with the attribute of Muke soil and the law of the heavenly demon that plunders everything naked. Otherwise, sooner or later, I will become a clay figurine and fall completely!"

When it comes to this, the barefoot immortal seems to be extremely afraid and dignified. After that, he couldn't help laughing and said, "but it's good. For the rest of my life, I feel I can make further progress."

"Congratulations to the immortal."

Li Hao listened to the hearty laughter of the barefoot immortal, and his mood was much happier.

"Little friend, I can't repay you for your help. There are only more than 2000 incense wish points left on me."

The barefoot immortal pondered for a moment and said, "why don't I give the piece of Xi soil I have to my little friend together with the incense wish points!"


Li Hao was shocked after listening to it!

This is the essence of the essence of the goddess of Nu Wa. It is impossible for the barefoot great fairy to surrender. What can he do if he wants to come?

"If you can still get the seeds of the demon tree in the underworld, or the seeds of any fairy tree in the fairy world, they can survive and grow in the earth that is mixed with the earth."

The barefoot immortal gave advice for Li Hao and said, "if you can plant fairy fruit or medicine in the underworld on earth, it should also be a great innovation?"

"In the world, planting fairy fruit?"

After hearing this, Li Hao's eyes lit up and thought about it.


While Li Hao was still thinking, the barefoot immortal had sent the red envelope.

The light flashed. There were 2000 more incense willing points in Li Hao's wechat wallet, as well as a small piece of mud flashing earthy yellow fluorescence. As soon as Li haogang touched it with his hand, a sense of tolerance came from the soil in his hand#### Ask for leave in advance. I'm going out for the exam on Saturday and Sunday this week, so I can only watch one watch at that time. Please forgive me.

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