
thick and heavy.



All the words you can associate with the earth are now emerging in Li Hao's mind.

Now he suddenly realized that all words were really descriptions that human beings could think of after their intuitive feelings.

The earth is the essence of the essence of the earth, which is condensed by the goddess Nu Wa's goddess. Although it has not been purified and absorbed into itself, the essence of the pure essence of the stock has naturally spilled away from it and dispersed towards it.

This area, of course, also includes Li Hao!

Li Hao is the closest to Xi soil, and naturally the most profitable.

Feeling these pure earth forces, Li Hao's body almost instantly had an instinctive response.

The five Qi Tianxin formula didn't need his own operation, but also deliberately circulated. The strong vitality of wood Qi and strong and hot fire Qi were intertwined, and finally turned into the five elements of wood fire, which urged the true yuan in Li Hao's body into the true yuan of fire attribute as much as possible!

The five elements grow together, and fire generates soil!!

Feeling the smell of soil, the vacancy of soil attribute in Li Hao's body was finally supplemented, and he automatically entered the next stage of soil Qi cultivation.

The five Qi heaven heart formula, the true yuan of cultivation, pays attention to the five Qi Dynasty yuan.

However, before the five Qi gather, the quality of the cultivator's Zhenyuan force is not high, and the cultivation may be quite slow, which is not as fast as the single pure cultivation of a certain attribute Zhenyuan.

But as long as the cultivator practices all the five Qi, the power in the body will change qualitatively in an instant. The five elements are one, which can be deduced into chaos!

Before this qualitative leap against the sky, cultivating the third Qi of the five Qi will also improve the cultivator's strength.

Because of the number of five Qi, two is insufficient, and three is more than half!

Cultivating three Qi is more than half of the five Qi, and doing half of the work is twice the work!

Now, under the influence of Xi soil, Li Hao naturally began to practice the vital third Qi in the five Qi Tianxin formula!

In fact, Li Jiaqi, who has been practicing hard since he was a child, has just reached the realm of five Qi. The most important thing is the integration of five Qi. Once he is cultivated, he is the real power to participate in nature. He is definitely the top strong among human beings. He can compete with semi saints and sub saints, not to mention saints!

But it was only a little more than a month since Li Hao came into contact with the five Qi Tianxin formula. After completing the cultivation of wood Qi and fire Qi, he was about to begin the refinement of earth Qi!

Such a speed is to open the door and turn up Li's genealogy for several generations, and we will never find such a genius again!

In fact, this is not only because of Li Hao's top talent as a natural saint, but also because his adventure is really great.

He originally studied traditional Chinese medicine. He is a doctor and can save the dead and heal the wounded.

The wood attribute represents vitality, which is naturally consistent with Li Hao's belief. In addition, the wood attribute energy accumulated in his body is deposited by taking fairy grass. Therefore, taking this as a guide, cultivating wood Qi and building a foundation is naturally very smooth.

Next, using the snake gall with the flesh and blood essence of the snake, Li Hao once again awakened the anger in his own body, and with the help of the wooden attributes of the first step, he made use of the way of the five elements of wood fire to give birth to a fierce fire.

Until now, the earth is the essence of the earth gathered by the goddess of the ancient Nu Wa. Even if the barefoot great fairy is not able to control it, the soil essence spilled from it will be precious even if it is only a few silk.

In addition, Li Hao's body can make fire, and then fire makes soil, which perfectly assists Li Hao's awakening and refining of earthiness, which has achieved the miracle that he can improve so quickly in such a short time!

The immortal grass, the snake gall of gluttonous snakes left over from ancient times, and today's Xi soil, ordinary people don't even know the same. I'm afraid they haven't even heard of it, but Li Hao got it all by chance. If it's impossible to condense the three Qi in this way, how can ordinary practitioners practice the five Qi Tianxin formula?

The cohesion of earthiness is very rapid. First, there is soil, second, fire generates soil, and third, Li Hao is a natural saint. He can learn much faster than ordinary people.

Li Hao doesn't know how long time has passed. He just feels warm on his body. His heart has become particularly steady and steady, and his will has become much stronger. It seems that nothing in the world can shake his mind.

Down to earth, so tenacious!


Li haochang breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes from the state of earth gas condensation. The dark golden light in his eyes flashed away. Looking at everything around him, it seemed that there were wonderful changes.

He turned his head and looked through the window of the dormitory balcony at the air-conditioning outer box in the opposite dormitory. As soon as he looked at it, the fan of the air-conditioning outer box in the opposite dormitory rotated, as if Li Hao knew in advance that the people in the opposite dormitory would turn on the air-conditioning.

See through the fire!

After Li Hao's cultivation, in addition to the great improvement of Zhenyuan power in his body, his spiritual realm has finally taken that step completely, improved the realm of cave and micro, and truly stood in the realm of human beings from the realm of sages!

Li Hao's savings are too huge!

When he went up the mountain with Chenxi in Fengjing ancient town, he mistakenly entered the realm of Dongwei, contacted the realm that only human beings can touch in advance, and then became familiar with this feeling for many times. Finally, he persuaded him to understand his heart when he went out of the mountain for thousands of nights in Shennongjia.

Until I met Li Jiaqi, the two stars of Kirin were combined. Driven by Li Jiaqi's genuine brand to real people, Li Hao's realm went further. One foot has really stepped into the threshold of real people, which can be regarded as half a real person's realm.

Now, with the understanding of the social commitment of the earth, Li Hao accumulate steadily and finally achieve perfection. He has completely stepped into the realm of human reality. From this point on, the micro holes are constantly in the process of increasing the strength.

"Unexpectedly, it's really unexpected!"

Li Hao muttered to himself. Qianye on one side no longer continued to eat melon seeds. Instead, he stared at him with bright eyes, and his eyes flashed!

"From now on, you are really among the strong!"

Qianye murmured at Li Hao and said in the language of poisonous birds: "the potential of human beings is really terrible, and you are a real pervert!"

"Are you so boastful?"

Li Hao's original good mood was destroyed by Qianye in an instant. He glanced and said, "I'm a genius. Do you understand genius?"

"Since you say yes, that's it."

Qianye continued to lower his head and began to eat melon seeds. He was too lazy to argue with Li Hao.

"Thousands of nights, thousands of nights, do you think you are powerful or I am?"

Li Haoxing opened his mouth and asked Qianye.


Qianye raised his head, glanced at him faintly, and then said, "you and I are half weight."


Li Hao's eyes lit up.

What is a thousand nights? Hou Yi, an ancient exotic poisonous bird, combined the imperial feathers and blood of the early peacocks, and recently swallowed the internal alchemy and blood of the ancient gluttonous snake. I'm afraid he is the only abnormal spirit beast in the world. Li Hao can be half as good as him now, isn't it?!

"You half a kilo of scrap iron."

But who knows, the next sentence of Qianye made Li Hao want to vomit blood again.

"I am eight Liang gold." ####### second, do you think the protagonist is finally strong now! Ha ha, if you feel happy, give more rewards and subscribe, brothers!

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